[UPDATED] Devs' Corner: February 2025

Our developers have something to tell you! Every three (3) weeks, our devs will provide you with information about their work in the “Dev’s Corner.”

This publication is a way of keeping everyone updated on what’s happening with the game. We invite you to discuss and leave your feedback for each of the publications.

Note: All posts must adhere to the forum guidelines and be constructively made.

Take a look at our very first Devs' Corner publication!

Warm wishes,

The Howrse Team
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Logged in today to post another message, because I found out some reasons why exactly I don’t like this.

1. Numbers. Numbers are everywhere in this time and age and now you added them here and honestly? It feels like I can’t escape from the constant push of numbers, numbers, numbers. The beutiful trophies we had were switched with simple rosettes with a BUNCH OF NUMBERS. Trophy page is full of percentages. It’s too much and ruins my motivation.

2. The huge amount of text. Before, when I wanted to check which trophies I had, I only had to look at pictures which were easy to understand. Now there’s so much text which I don’t feel like reading. Pictures are much more easier to remember than sentences. The amount of text overwhelms my brain (might be my adhd) and ruins my will to even attempt reading through it.

3. The “aesthetic”. As many said before, the good feeling we had from our trophy display is gone. GONE. Because those 4 rosettes with numbers have nothing to tell to others. It doesn’t show anything.

I used GA trophies on my friend’s profiles to see if they had a coat I wanted to give them as a gift. A surprise. Now I can’t check this, because it’s impossible to go through 2000+ of their horses to see if they have the coat or not. And if I ask them, it’s not a surprise anymore.

In the end, I just wanted to say you completely ruined the game for me and many more people. The gifts we get from completing goals are not even a fraction enough of a compensation for the years and passes we lost because of your stupid, ugly update.
  • Posted messages: 5
  • Karma: 10 points
I like the new trophy system and love all the prizes that come with it. They're a lovely reward for just playing the game and, because of how long it takes with some things, for our seniority.

It's made quite a difference to our scores in the general ranking, but thankfully did not drop me down in position. It's taken a massive amount of work to get to no.2 and I would love to make it to no.1 someday.

For the trophies that have been added, like extra layers on top of ones we had before, that's fun. They're not requirements of course, but with over 274,000 droppings in my inventory I am determined to someday make it all the way to 500,000 and so get my golden Level 12 Poomaster award default smiley :p
Dr Zig
  • Posted messages: 88,966
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Nalu93 wrote:

Lost Thirty positions on Trophy ranking in a single day.
OOOf. default smiley xd

Try going down 4027 positions in the ranking cause that’s what I woke up to. Most of my trophies were collecting retired coats that apparently don’t count as trophies anymore default smiley :@
  • Posted messages: 1,042
  • Karma: 10 points
Ugh I spent like a month and half breeding, skilling, blupping horses and went from 16k general ranking to 3k and now I wake up and see myself lose 44 positions... not a lot but still very disappointing. I just hope I won't lose more every day. default smiley (li)
The collections page is kinda nice looking but I dunno pretty underwhelming at the same time to be honest. I already hated the trophies when I saw them in the spoiler zone forum and then while testing... I wish we were able to get rewards that aren't common bmis... The only uncommon? (maybe to me since I started playing again only like 3 months ago) item is the athena's medal which I don't really use since I enjoy blupping horses the regular way.
Oh man!!! Why do developers in general decide oh yeah here's an absolutely unnecessary update that most people won't like instead of fixing things they've been asking for for a long time!! facepalm... It's not as annoying when this happens on social media but man! People spend real money on this game literally so much money and then they see developers just being like nah... we going through with it! Y'alls opinions? We don't care about that default smiley (b).
  • Posted messages: 62
  • Karma: 10 points
Now that Tianma is a prize we can all win via the trophies, here's a tip.

Make him one of the first horses you feed and put to bed every day. If he triggers his bonus then every horse you wake (except those with a parchment) will produce double droppings all day. Then watch how quickly your droppings stash increases and, now, all those associated trophy points default smiley :p

You won't get the bonus every day, but it's reasonably frequent. Thanks to the one from the trophies I now have six of the 'Laxative Ninjas' running around Fairgreen Stud, trying to sneak into boxes and hide from 'Phantom' Sleipnir as they double the daily droppings count on the farm default smiley :p
Dr Zig
  • Posted messages: 88,966
  • Karma: 10 points
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Also, I tried to enjoy the game but a lot of my gameplay was focused around collecting trophies, so I noticed I lost almost all incentive to even take Care of my horses :c

even collecting passes seems less inviting, because what for?
No one will know I have all reindeers for example. I Wanted to have all minerals but what for now default smiley :'(
| am not sure what my future on here will look like but I used to log in multiple times a day and now even once seems not exactly worth it.

I have the bad feeling that the devs are going to cling to the very few positive comments and ignore all backlash / constructive criticism default smiley :(
  • Posted messages: 49
  • Karma: 10 points
I need 1 more gemstone horse to get the gemstone divine trophy (Agate, and then Diamond would've appeared).

Now there's no incentive to complete the collection without the trophies default smiley :(
  • Posted messages: 609
  • Karma: 10 points
MsAnirine wrote:

I do not see myself having a Future in horse where i spend any kind of money. If you w want to treatc us like children that need everything simplified, don't expect money because your target audience doesn't have it yet...

This, Games should value adult players a little more, If they want to focus on kids only then maybe dont expect many paying customers? especially not with the absurd prices they expect "little Timmy" and "little Jane" to spend trying to win a divine horse. with gambling, wich iirc is illigal in some countries to be directed at minors anyhow. default smiley :-x
  • Posted messages: 327
  • Karma: 10 points
segeorge wrote:

Many of those are only in 1 or a few copies, like from many years ago, and get this, some of them are only owned my Ow himself (take a look at Ow's breeding farms if you don't believe me)! It is literally IMPOSSIBLE to fill all or even a significant chunk of that meter.

This certainly adds insult to the RC collecting scene, we already struggle with some coats having a handfull of copies or some just being stuck on older inactive accounts.. making it extreemely hard, But they litterly slap us in the face saying our collections useless.
the old system was achievable, this is not
  • Posted messages: 327
  • Karma: 10 points
I've spent the last year with my General Ranking and Trophies as my main goals.

I dropped 281 spots from yesterday's 166th (312 trophies to 98) rank in the trophy ranking. My General Ranking only lost about 7 spots, but my Score decreased by 400,000 points...

I'm really hoping the Collections calculation haven't been factored into the update yet, because if that's with Collections, I'm massively disappointed
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,108
  • Karma: 10 points
First of all, why did Howrse decide to solve a problem that wasn't there in the first place? No. Just no.

I've been playing the game since 2012, that's almost 11 years. During these years my main focus has been collecting trophies and arranging them in a cute order on my profile. Now, all of that is gone and replaced by some ugly (sorry) ribbons. I worked really hard on collecting my trophies, I loved the nostalgic look and getting to the diamond levels. Now it just looks plain and "modern", but it doesn't really match with Howrse's typical style.

I do like the idea of getting prizes from achievements, but as people already has stated, the execution is horrible. Trophies and achievements should be seperated. I don't like the new trophies page either, it's very time consuming scrolling through the lists and reading numbers. I miss the overall look we had on the old trophies page.
  • Posted messages: 891
  • Karma: 10 points
I am extremely disappointed with this update. I really liked the old trophy set up and seeing them displayed on the page. Thank you Howrse for never listening to your players. As always. default smiley (n)
  • Posted messages: 321
  • Karma: 10 points
MsAnirine wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

Reminds me of the poop-lottery that also wasnt received very well.
ALmost feels like they only see us as manure default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 327
  • Karma: 10 points
For those of us with a collection of the Plant Divine horses the extra droppings from Tianma is a fantastic bonus. They go through loads at 200 per day for fertiliser but the give great gifts.
  • Posted messages: 25,762
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Just a reminder that swearing, or even implied swearing is not allowed.

Negative critique is fine, but we need to use appropriate language
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,108
  • Karma: 10 points
Howrse says that they brought trophies over from old version to new version, but- Then explain why yesterday I had 102 trophies and today only 68?? default smiley (d)

Why do I have to collect 100 rosettes again, if I already have before and I have horses with over 100 rosettes? Its all just so confusing. default smiley (d)

Horse breed coat trophies being gone is imo the most disappointing. I have used many passes to get different coats for different breeds and now they all are pretty much useless since I don't really care about rankings and only collected them to be seen on my page. I loved the graphics of the old coat trophies. These ''medals'' are a joke frdefault smiley xd

Also what the flip is up with Tarpan being one of the prizes? Is it an introduction for color inheritance? If so then the percentages beside coat colors is now useless and also the value of low percentage coats will definitely be lower. default smiley (lol)
I would rant about Tarpan all day and night. The FACT that I now have to look at STUD's COLOR TOO to not get like all bays/chestnuts (I usually only look BLUP and GP). Man.. default smiley (li)
  • Posted messages: 101
  • Karma: 10 points
pallaadium wrote:

I would rant about Tarpan all day and night. The FACT that I now have to look at STUD's COLOR TOO to not get like all bays/chestnuts (I usually only look BLUP and GP).

Tarpan does not guarantee a foal's colour by any means. I've had Tarpan since it was first available, years ago, and I breed a huge amount of foals every year, yet his bonus rarely seems to apply. Colour of the foal is always random and Tarpan really makes very little difference to that.
Dr Zig
  • Posted messages: 88,966
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pallaadium wrote:

Also what the flip is up with Tarpan being one of the prizes? Is it an introduction for color inheritance? If so then the percentages beside coat colors is now useless and also the value of low percentage coats will definitely be lower. default smiley (lol)
I would rant about Tarpan all day and night. The FACT that I now have to look at STUD's COLOR TOO to not get like all bays/chestnuts (I usually only look BLUP and GP). Man.
Tarpan has actually been around for a few years. He just increases the odds of the foal getting one of the parents' coats.

I thought the odds increase was stated somewhere, but I can't find anything now. In my experience, it's not a huge increase. I can still produce rarer coat colors when using higher percentage parents
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,108
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deimos wrote:

For those of us with a collection of the Plant Divine horses the extra droppings from Tianma is a fantastic bonus. They go through loads at 200 per day for fertiliser but the give great gifts.

Please give me all the Tianmas.
And all the droppings from events. All of them.

That's about the one good thing I got from the new Trophies, a Tianma.
  • Posted messages: 17,254
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Dr Zig wrote:

arpan does not guarantee a foal's colour by any means. I've had Tarpan since it was first available, years ago, and I breed a huge amount of foals every year, yet his bonus rarely seems to apply. Colour of the foal is always random and Tarpan really makes very little difference to that.

Yes, he's not very efficient is he default smiley ;)
  • Posted messages: 37,448
  • Karma: 10 points
This update is hideous. It also disregards RC collectors as being part of the game. Adds a bunch of pointless trophies. Why not just update the old system? Why completely redo it but worse?

The prizes are there to placate people and its working. It's an awful change with very few redeeming qualities. Howrse just keep screwing the players over default smiley :@
Crystal Clear
  • Posted messages: 694
  • Karma: 10 points
i dropped 10,683 spots. thats disappointing. i hate this update so much default smiley (7)
  • Posted messages: 3,679
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By Retired breeder, 4th January 2023 14:26:27
Is there a list of the gods?
I have so far:
Falabella (Tiny)
Can anyone add these?
Does anyone know how we can view our recent winnings from completing winning a trophy? I opened my mobile app this morning and clicked 'get' to claim my prize for earning a trophy and the app glitched and it showed a blank page so now I have no idea what I won.
  • Posted messages: 65
  • Karma: 10 points
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