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By Retired breeder, 1st August 2016 12:59:01
Has anyone visited F11 on maze 2? The lists say it's horseshoe studs but I know these have changed.
By Retired breeder, 1st August 2016 13:55:25
What's the gift on I14?
By Retired breeder, 1st August 2016 14:02:58
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Does anyone know how many passes/how much in general you will have to spend in order to win the potions promo?
Retired breeder wrote:

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Does anyone know how many passes/how much in general you will have to spend in order to win the potions promo?

This was answered by Starry on the previous page.
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Because many players will brew many different potions, we aren't able to calculate a set number of passes needed for the promo. However, it should fall between the typical range of around 20-50 passes, depending how you play it.
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disco's masterpost for the
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Potions Promo

Retired breeder wrote:

As for the promotion after this one:

All P_ Promotion information that I have gathered:

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Virgo is one of the horses of the Zodiac.

Virgo gives you one gift every Wednesday (after the daily update), provided you logged in at least once over the previous 3 days and have an equestrian center: a 3-day contract for one of the employees from your equestrian center.

If you were born under this sign, Virgo will give you 1 x The 5th Element every year, on your birthday, if you log in on that day.

What's more, the 22nd September, when the daily update takes place, a Virgo horse is offered to a player native of this sign.

By collecting all 12 horses of the Zodiac, you will get the horse, Serpentarius
This mare cannot be sold.

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(I don't have them all, yet.)

EC helpers:

Foreman: (12 hours)
4 Dragon Scale
3 Moonstone

Farm-hand: (12 hours)
3 Mandrake Sap
1 Hippogriff Claw

Instructor: (12 hours)
4 Griffin Egg
2 Unicorn Horn
3 Blue Potion

Repairman (12 hours):
2 Snake Venom
3 Unicorn Horn

Stable-hand (12 hours):
4 Stardust
3 Moonstone

2 Stardust
2 Mandrake Sap


Magic Hat: (1 day)
5 Dragon Scale
4 Snail Spit
5 Mosquito Larvae

Hypnos' Blanket: (1 day)
3 Moonstone
2 Stardust

Hestia's Gift: (1 day)
4 Snake Venom
5 Stardust
5 Unicorn Horn

Water of Youth: (1 day)
3 Blue Potion
4 Phoenix Tear

Fertility Wand: (1 day)
3 Snail Spit
5 Four Leaf Clover
4 Mandrake Sap

Philotes' Stroke:
3 Snake Venom
4 Blue Potion


Purple Potion: (4 hours)
1 Unicorn Horn
1 Hippogriff Claw

Red Potion: (4 hours)
1 Stardust
1 Blue Potion

Blue Potion: (4 hours)
1 Mushroom Spores
1 Moonstone

Equus x 1,000: (2 hours)
1 Snake Venom
2 Mushroom Spores


Virgo: (2 days)
25 Stardust
25 Unicorn Horn
25 Snake Venom

Main page:

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Earn golden horseshoes for the Event trophy by brewing:
1 potion
10 potions
20 potions
30 potions

How do I play?
1. Unlock potion recipes. (up to 6 per day)
You'll receive 1 x Alchemist's Pack if you manage to unlock them all!

2. Collect the ingredients:
upon first daily login (5 per day)
via the daily objectives
in flash sales
by buying them with your passes
with Alchemist's Pack

3. Brew potions in your cauldrons.

4. Wait as your potions brew.

5. Get boosters:
upon first daily login (1 per day)
by buying them with your passes
with Alchemist's Pack

6. Use boosters to speed up the time it takes to brew a potion.

7. Retrieve the prize when the potion is ready.

Earn the divine mare Virgo by preparing the divine potion!

Virgo is one of the horses of the Zodiac.
Virgo gives you one gift every Wednesday (after the daily update), provided you logged in at least once over the previous 3 days and have an equestrian center: a 3-day contract for one of the employees from your equestrian center.

If you were born under this sign, Virgo will give you 1 x The 5th Element every year, on your birthday, if you log in on that day.

What's more, the 22nd September, when the daily update takes place, a Virgo horse is offered to a player native of this sign.

By collecting all 12 horses of the Zodiac, you will get the horse, Serpentarius
This mare cannot be sold.


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(How do I play?
1. Unlock potion recipes. (up to 6 per day)
You'll receive 1 x Alchemist's Pack if you manage to unlock them all!)

Alchemist's Pack

The alchemist's pack is a pack of 6 ingredients and 1 booster for the magic potion event!
Each pack contains:

2 ingredients from:

2 ingredients from:

1 ingredient from:

1 ingredient from:

1 x Booster

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Name: Snake venom

Name: Mosquito larvae

Name: Mushroom spores

Name: Mandrake sap

Name: Four leaf clover

Name: Snail spit

Name: Hippogriff claw

Name: Stardust

Name: Griffin egg

Name: Moonstone

Name: Dragon scale

Name: Phoenix tear

Name: Purple potion

Name: Red potion

Name: Blue Potion

Name: Unicorn horn



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Current prices in the direct sales are shown as:

Mushroom spores: 2,000 equus
Snail spit: 2,000 equus
Mandrake sap: 2,000 equus
Four leaf clover: 2,000 equus
Snake venom: 2,000 equus
Mosquito larvae: 2,000 equus
Moonstone: 10,000 equus
Phoenix tear: 10,000 equus
Dragon scale: 10,000 equus
Stardust: 10,000 equus
Griffin egg: 10,000 equus
Hippogriff claw: 10,000 equus
Purple potion: 25,000 equus
Blue potion: 25,000 equus
Red potion: 25,000 equus
Unicorn horn: 40,000 equus

Small changes:
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We have made an update to the My private mail > My notebook.

When you want to remove one or more notes, you now have a message asking for confirmation.


We made an improvement to the description of Xanthos.

From now on the description will stipulate that he gives 200 Equus for the first daily login of his breeder (owner).


We added ten new landscapes to the Ow's Helios Ray!

Seven Landscapes from the Mini-Ride

Arid canyon
Sugar river
Valley of light
Yarrow path
Silk cavern
Slimy swamp
Peaceful meadow

Landscape "Inca" from the Piñatas contest.

Landscape "Abyss" from the Underwater Excavations

Landscape "Pyramid" from the Maze


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The amount of items needed doubles each time you make a duplicate potion.
  • Posted messages: 5,329
  • Karma: 10 points
Also another look at
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The Potions Promo by Speedy when preprod opened

SpeedySonic2 wrote:

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By Retired breeder, 1st August 2016 16:27:23
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For the potions promo, can you get Virgo right away if you have the ingredients or do you have to unlock a certain amount of other potions first?
I'm also going to bump up Starry's post for the P______ promo, to keep all of the information on the same page.

Starry-Eyed wrote:

Also some more info for the P___ Promo-

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This concerns the objectives. There are four per day instead of the 2-3 from the Plants promo. Me and Speedy had 2 out of the 4 objectives the same, but that could have just been a coincidence so everyone might have different ones every day. They're the same types of objectives as the GC though.

And good news! If you don't want to/can't do an objective, you can donate a BMI to Ow instead. Any BMI works, even Pandora's Boxes and Heels and Strokes. So if you don't want to dehorn a unicorn but have, say 20 P. Boxes that you won't use, you'll be able to get rid of one of those and still receive the horn. I'll put up pictures to show that tomorrow.


And prizes from the spell book! Lots of pictures ahead~ I don't know all of the ingredients for all of them because you can only unlock a certain amount of spells per day. It was 6 today.

But here is what you CAN possibly get.

You'll have to scroll over to see the full image.
  • Posted messages: 1,057
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Retired breeder wrote:

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For the potions promo, can you get Virgo right away if you have the ingredients or do you have to unlock a certain amount of other potions first?

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I started brewing Virgo's potion right away on preprod, so you don't have to unlock anything to be able to brew Virgo's potion.

You only need to find out what ingredients are needed, then gain enough of these ingredients to start brewing the potion.
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What do purple and blue potions do in the potion promo? I scanned the event posts but can't seem to find a use for them... Thanks for any help!
The Fifth Queen
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The Fifth Queen wrote:

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What do purple and blue potions do in the potion promo? I scanned the event posts but can't seem to find a use for them... Thanks for any help!

They are

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ingredients for other potions, and some of the most rare ingredients, too.
  • Posted messages: 6,219
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Does anyone know what prize N6 has on the 2nd maze?
  • Posted messages: 9,353
  • Karma: 6 points
Does anyone know of additional Drum Horses are available as prizes in the mazes? Thank you
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By Retired breeder, 1st August 2016 18:08:13
AdmYrrek wrote:

Does anyone know of additional Drum Horses are available as prizes in the mazes? Thank you

Nope, only the one from the first maze.
By Retired breeder, 1st August 2016 18:24:01
Does anyone know what prize is on A10? Just wanting to know if its worth getting it or notdefault smiley (y)
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At N11 I found a Zeus' Lightning Bolt
Shimmer star
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By Retired breeder, 1st August 2016 19:43:59
Does anyone have the map of maze 2?
By Retired breeder, 1st August 2016 19:46:59
I have 27 moves left on maze 2. does anyone know the difference between an OW ray and an Unlimited Ray?

thank you
Retired breeder wrote:

I have 27 moves left on maze 2. does anyone know the difference between an OW ray and an Unlimited Ray?

thank you

Speedy's Masterpost was bumped up on the previous page. Maps are there.
  • Posted messages: 6,219
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By Retired breeder, 1st August 2016 19:48:48
12daughter34 wrote:

Does anyone know what prize N6 has on the 2nd maze?

I'm wondering that as well. Curious if I should do an extra step to get to it. default smiley (8)
By Retired breeder, 1st August 2016 20:10:08
N6 was 5 aps
Retired breeder wrote:

I have 27 moves left on maze 2. does anyone know the difference between an OW ray and an Unlimited Ray?

thank you

Whilst a normal helios ray allows you to put a background on a horse created by the players, Ow's helios ray allows you to put a previous promo's background on a horse.

Here is the quote from Ow's helios ray in the black market:
"With Ow's Helios' Ray, you can place your horses against the backdrop of one of the beautiful landscapes you've been admiring during the event. When you use this item, your horse's morale will always stay at 100%.

New landscapes will subsequently be added regularly.

Please note, the Ow's Helios' Ray isn't compatible with coats added to the game before the arrival of the Creation Space."
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By Retired breeder, 1st August 2016 20:13:52
I found 500 oats at H10
By Retired breeder, 1st August 2016 20:19:43
I14 2nd maze is
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apollo lyre
By Retired breeder, 1st August 2016 20:26:04
In Maze 2, is the gift at G3 worth getting? What is it?
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