[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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Any one know what is on K8 second maze... thanks
kriss ward
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By Retired breeder, 3rd August 2016 22:23:11
A14 is a

Philotes' Stroke
By Retired breeder, 3rd August 2016 22:36:51
@Moonlight02: Thank you for composing a master list of the prizes, you're the best. default smiley (l)

Has anyone been to A1 yet though?
By Retired breeder, 3rd August 2016 23:07:54
J5 on second maze, what is the prize? default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 3rd August 2016 23:31:43
does anyone know what the prize is at G 14 in second maze? thanks
where can i find maze 2 uncovered?
Hiram Farmer
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By Retired breeder, 4th August 2016 00:57:49
Hiram Farmer wrote:

where can i find maze 2 uncovered?

On the previous page.
By Retired breeder, 4th August 2016 00:58:41
^^ when your computer crashes...

It's on the previous page, in Speedy's masterpost
Retired breeder wrote:

J5 on second maze, what is the prize? default smiley :)

it is a helios ray, it wasn't worth the extra moves in my opinion.
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By Retired breeder, 4th August 2016 02:50:30
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Retired breeder wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

No, not yet.
  • Posted messages: 6,219
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You know guys...

Ow wrote:

This topic is made to receive any of the spoilers concerning new features

Emphasis on 'new features' not 'questions about current promotions'... They made an official Mazes topic for a reason lol-
  • Posted messages: 6,219
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By Retired breeder, 4th August 2016 03:08:03
@Stary-Eyed: (I'm on mobile, can't quote, sorry). A mod directed questions about the prizes for the maze to the spoiler zone. Which explains the abundance of questions in this topic rather than the official maze one.
By Retired breeder, 4th August 2016 03:10:51
Oops, I messed up your user. default smiley xd Sorry.
Retired breeder wrote:

@Stary-Eyed: (I'm on mobile, can't quote, sorry). A mod directed questions about the prizes for the maze to the spoiler zone. Which explains the abundance of questions in this topic rather than the official maze one.

Still don't think that's right though. It should be separate. Repeat questions already bury the important information quickly enough, this is just a pointless/repeat question nightmare...

Oh well. Guess I'm not peeking back in here too much until the current promo ends.
  • Posted messages: 6,219
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Does anyone know what's on E8 in the second maze? Thanks!
  • Posted messages: 9,353
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Retired breeder wrote:

J5 on second maze, what is the prize? default smiley :)
Retired breeder wrote:

does anyone know what the prize is at G 14 in second maze? thanks

Previous page has a prize list for the second maze. There are a couple of unknowns...
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Starry-Eyed wrote:

Still don't think that's right though. It should be separate. Repeat questions already bury the important information quickly enough, this is just a pointless/repeat question nightmare...

Oh well. Guess I'm not peeking back in here too much until the current promo ends.

On the French server it seems they have questions and answers about what is found where in the Labyrinth (maze) topic... but the answers are hidden in spoilers. Meanwhile, over in the spoiler topic, it is easy to find information about the upcoming promo event.
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By Retired breeder, 4th August 2016 04:53:02
Got a Hera Pack at A1 on maze 2. default smiley :) default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 4th August 2016 08:16:00
On maze 3
R1 was a Poseidon's Pack.
P5 5,000e.
I'm sorry if posting the maze prizes here is a problem - I was following the mod's instructions to not put them on the maze topic! However if a mod wants to come along and tell me otherwise I'm more than happy to put what I've found in the maze topic, hidden in a spoiler.

Anyway, I'm expecting that in the next day or so some form of promotion with extra sweets in the Titan's Challenge will come up and that will mean that people start to move through the mazes more quickly. If people post what prizes they find here (or in the maze topic) I'll try to keep track...
  • Posted messages: 174
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^^ To avoid confusion - revealing what gift is on what square should go in here, as although it is a Maze topic, it is information that not everyone is going to want to know, or have revealed for them, if they are working their own way through the Maze rather than wanting to use walk-throughs default smiley (y)

Anything else about the Maze, should go in the specific Maze topic default smiley :)
Raf's Mum
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By Retired breeder, 4th August 2016 11:42:36
Anyone know the prize at C12 on the second maze? c:
By Retired breeder, 4th August 2016 12:19:14
Retired breeder wrote:

Anyone know the prize at C12 on the second maze? c:

I got 500 wheat bran.
I wonder if someone from the test server can answer my question about the upcoming P______ Promo default smiley (a)
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Can you donate a _timed_ BMI to Ow to complete an objective?

Thanks in advance!
  • Posted messages: 87
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