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By Retired breeder, 23rd February 2015 10:09:43
tiggrrrsf wrote:

How will we know when it happens? Are we there yet?

You will know once you will not be able to log on, and two games appear for you to play as well as a notice.
By Retired breeder, 23rd February 2015 10:14:30
Not to mention a lot of confused players.
oh howrse... make up your mind... employees again!
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Two meadows with cows currently being raised!!!
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It looks like meadows (if they're bigger) are actually a lot cheaper than before. I'm guessing it's the same with boxes. It looks like Longhorn cows are the way to go to make equus, I'll do the maths shortly so we all know which to get default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 23rd February 2015 11:48:17
hydraulic wrote:

It looks like meadows (if they're bigger) are actually a lot cheaper than before. I'm guessing it's the same with boxes. It looks like Longhorn cows are the way to go to make equus, I'll do the maths shortly so we all know which to get default smiley :)

Sounds good!
Just to be clear, I can change my center's location as many times as I want between now and 29 days from now, right? Just after 29 days, wherever it is, is final?
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By Retired breeder, 23rd February 2015 12:01:15
I'm not to sure I like most of the ec changes but I can't delete it and it looks like if I ignore it I can't get or will have a tough time getting certain items. Maybe I missed something but so far I really don't care for it. I know it is still a good while before the update that brings the draft horses but I am really looking forward to that update it will be a nice change to all the more recent updates that have really confused me and made things more complicated for me to figure out. If you could bot tell the main thing is that these new updates confuse me and I have to figure it all out all over again. Sorry I made this so long I will stop now.
So< it looks like the "EC" update screwed up my horses' pages.....Everything's in the wrong place and I cannot navigate, let alone blup, skill, or compete my team horses. I don't know what this will do to affect other teams, but if this is how everyone's page is, i'm assuming my team may fall in the rankings, as it'll take about double the time to navigate the pages.

Also, I'd to know, Howrse, how come you tell everyone about the upcoming changes on the change log and time line, but you don't mention the things that with ACTUALLY affect our gameplay?
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  • Posted messages: 3,683
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By Retired breeder, 23rd February 2015 12:14:42
Omg! There are going to be 2 draft horses! Hopefully they aren't expensive! I want them! Hopefully, again, one is a Clydesdale. They're my favorite.
By Retired breeder, 23rd February 2015 12:38:37
Just saying, the employees aren't a new feature. They're a returning feature.
Retired breeder wrote:

Just saying, the employees aren't a new feature. They're a returning feature.

No, the old employees you had (!) to have to have an even halfway acceptable ec. The new ones are just extras. default smiley :d

PhantomHooves wrote:

Just to be clear, I can change my center's location as many times as I want between now and 29 days from now, right? Just after 29 days, wherever it is, is final?

Yes, you can change back and forth at will now. I did change to iron and then back a few seconds later because I changed my mind. default smiley xd
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By Retired breeder, 23rd February 2015 12:54:33
is there a glitch with the crops? stuff tgat should've been almost ready nw has 10+ days...
By Retired breeder, 23rd February 2015 12:59:51
really not liking these changes!!! with every "new" action i attempt. the Divines no longer earn equus for the player or materials for the EC ???
By Retired breeder, 23rd February 2015 13:19:12
These are confusing, but I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually.
By Retired breeder, 23rd February 2015 13:40:54
I've got Asperger, and I am very attached to fixed locations of buttons and such. This is terrible for me now. I really hate this changes. Howrse must not become another version of a farming game.
By Retired breeder, 23rd February 2015 13:58:38
Yay!! I can't wait!!default smiley :)default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 23rd February 2015 14:02:11
So are the new lessons excuse me misssions random? Because one horse gad skidding another sand transport and another a lesson.
where does it say we will be getting 2 new drafts and ones the clydsdale?
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By Retired breeder, 23rd February 2015 14:07:34
Dr Zig wrote:

Despite Ow's best efforts to secure him, sometimes default smiley (ow) does get loose for a few minutes, and then we see strange glitches happening. He's a clever little chap default smiley :p So if we see any glitches happen when the new features launch today then that's just default smiley (ow) playing pranks, and Ow will get him...uh the glitches, sorted default smiley :p

Apparently default smiley (ow) did get loose!! I have a glitch with my crop growing length!! Bad littledefault smiley (ow), never mess with someone's oats!!!default smiley <:o)default smiley (lol)
By Retired breeder, 23rd February 2015 14:21:39
Retired breeder wrote:

So are the new lessons excuse me misssions random? Because one horse gad skidding another sand transport and another a lesson.

It depends on the settings the EC has. They can set how likely it will be for the missions giving resources or money to the owner of the EC. Skidding is in a forest EC and Sand transport is in a beach EC, but it all depends on the percentage of it. If you go to equestrian center/office/missions you can change the percentage.
By Retired breeder, 23rd February 2015 14:45:39
These missions also annoy me. I want to go to lessons or at least have a choice. The changes are started to look a little worse...
Retired breeder wrote:

These missions also annoy me. I want to go to lessons or at least have a choice. The changes are started to look a little worse...

Why would it matter to you? Whether you do lessons or missions the owner of the horse still get skills and equus. The only thing that changes is for the EC owner. Missions bring in resources for them and lessons bring in equus for them. Whether or not you do lessons or missions has no effect on the owner of the horse.
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