[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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Retired breeder wrote:

The changes may come on the time the promotions always start.
GMT 1pm I think...

What is coming today is not a promotion. It is a launch of major new features. Those tend to happen earlier in the day default smiley :)
Dr Zig
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I am excited about the changes but they wont be till much later sl ill have to go to bed haha, but i really only want the GC to start i need AP bad
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By Retired breeder, 23rd February 2015 07:44:46
Yeah, it's not a promotion.
If it comes earlier I'll be more happy.

Are you sure about it? (It'll come earlier)
Retired breeder wrote:

Are you sure about it? (It'll come earlier)

The mail that Ow sent us all a few days ago said it would be morning Paris time default smiley :) RIght now it is 08:47am in Paris, France. Ow may not be at her desk for another few minutes, and there's all that other stuff she has to do before she can press the big red button default smiley :p
Dr Zig
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By Retired breeder, 23rd February 2015 07:48:29
@ Dr Zig

That would be disastrous if default smiley (ow) gets loose! We might not be able to get the EC changes until later if that happens!default smiley :o
Despite Ow's best efforts to secure him, sometimes default smiley (ow) does get loose for a few minutes, and then we see strange glitches happening. He's a clever little chap default smiley :p So if we see any glitches happen when the new features launch today then that's just default smiley (ow) playing pranks, and Ow will get him...uh the glitches, sorted default smiley :p
Dr Zig
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By Retired breeder, 23rd February 2015 07:50:49
I'm gonna put my country on 'France' now and live Paris time until the update!..
By Retired breeder, 23rd February 2015 07:51:58
Oh...so we'll get it soon....but I couldn't imagine what dhall i going to do in the time the Howrse will be down for updates, default smiley :o
By Retired breeder, 23rd February 2015 07:54:21
Dr Zig wrote:

Despite Ow's best efforts to secure him, sometimes default smiley (ow) does get loose for a few minutes, and then we see strange glitches happening. He's a clever little chap default smiley :p So if we see any glitches happen when the new features launch today then that's just default smiley (ow) playing pranks, and Ow will get him...uh the glitches, sorted default smiley :p

Oh dear, that would be horrible! Hope Ow catches him in time.

Retired breeder wrote:

Oh...so we'll get it soon....but I couldn't imagine what dhall i going to do in the time the Howrse will be down for updates, default smiley :o

Does anyone have an idea as to how long the updates will take? Will it be more than three hours or so?
Retired breeder wrote:

Oh...so we'll get it soon....but I couldn't imagine what dhall i going to do in the time the Howrse will be down for updates, default smiley :o

Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone have an idea as to how long the updates will take? Will it be more than three hours or so?

Usually it only takes a few minutes, and while we're waiting we can play with default smiley (ow), firing him into trees (AcrOwbat) or helping him sort veggies and tokens (TomatOw) default smiley :p Those two games are available all of the time at www.howrse.com/maintenance
Dr Zig
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By Retired breeder, 23rd February 2015 07:56:19
I'm not sure, but as it's a big update it'll take time so long as you said.
By Retired breeder, 23rd February 2015 07:57:57
Is it true ? The games ?default smiley (8)
By Retired breeder, 23rd February 2015 07:59:31
OMG, !!! that's true..
I just knew it for first...
So don't have to worry
By Retired breeder, 23rd February 2015 07:59:36
Retired breeder wrote:

Is it true ? The games ?default smiley (8)

Yes, and it's fun! default smiley (ow)
Retired breeder wrote:

Is it true ? The games ?default smiley (8)

Yes, and default smiley (ow) looks sooooo cute as he falls out of the tree default smiley xd
Dr Zig
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update my not happen for another 30 min to an hr im guessing its only 9am in paris and if shr ow has other stuff to do it may take some time, im so impatient tho haha, Also if default smiley (ow) gets lose me may have to wait longer then that haha and default smiley (ow) seems to be in a mischievous mood today!
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By Retired breeder, 23rd February 2015 08:01:58
I knew it for first time. I mean I don't know about these maintenance time games before default smiley :d
Happy now default smiley <:o)
It could be at least that long. The new features will launch but only when Ow has logged in, checked her email, had some coffee, chased and secured default smiley (ow), had some more coffee, organised the oxygen tanks, set out a large plate of cookies, made some more coffee, and then one final check that default smiley (ow) is secure before pressing the big red button default smiley :p
Dr Zig
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By Retired breeder, 23rd February 2015 08:03:47
Dr Zig wrote:

It could be at least that long. The new features will launch but only when Ow has logged in, checked her email, had some coffee, chased and secured default smiley (ow), had some more coffee, organised the oxygen tanks, set out a large plate of cookies, made some more coffee, and then one final check that default smiley (ow) is secure before pressing the big red button default smiley :p

Another great waiting will be in May.....default smiley :p
Retired breeder wrote:

Another great waiting will be in May.....default smiley :p

Yep! I'm really looking forward to that one default smiley :d
Dr Zig
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By Retired breeder, 23rd February 2015 08:05:25
Oh My GOSH , the update is happening like right now !!! default smiley *-)
By Retired breeder, 23rd February 2015 08:06:46
Me too.....
But need some luck for myself to get them in a promotion .

default smiley *-)
By Retired breeder, 23rd February 2015 08:07:22
Retired breeder wrote:

Oh My GOSH , the update is happening like right now !!! default smiley *-)

What do you mean?
Im looking forward to may i can not wait for the drafts! im looking forward to the midwest horse in april but after that the game will move sooooooo slow until may gets here default smiley :(
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By Retired breeder, 23rd February 2015 08:09:52
oh my GOSH , the update is happening like right now !!! default smiley *-)
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