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Love737 wrote:

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will dew be in the reserved sales?

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Probably not. On Preprod - Dew was found in a separate promotions (if you reached level 6 of the Titan's Challenge, you won her if you claimed your gifts)
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when will the dew be available for us to try to get?
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jabfromNC wrote:

when will the dew be available for us to try to get?

No one knows - though my guess is:

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She will either come out after the Water Divine sale ends OR when the Snowball fight ends
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By Retired breeder, 7th January 2015 17:35:56
A question about the water divine sales:

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Will Geyser be in the reserved sales?

Thanks for any help!
Retired breeder wrote:

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Will Geyser be in the reserved sales?

Probably not as you can breed him with the others.
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By Retired breeder, 7th January 2015 17:44:03
Not sure if anyones posted a full list of all the Divines, their prices and what days they're going to be in the Sales, but here's one anyway.

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7th January 2015 00:00 - 9th January 2015 23:59 - Snow (15 passes)
7th January 2015 00:00 - 9th January 2015 23:59 - Mist (15 passes)

10th January 2015 00:00 - 12th January 2015 23:59 - Frost (15 passes)
10th January 2015 00:00 - 12th January 2015 23:59 - Cascade (20 passes)

13th January 2015 00:00 - 15th January 2015 23:59 - Rain (20 passes)

That's all of them default smiley ;)default smiley (y)
By Retired breeder, 7th January 2015 18:01:36
nope geyser wont be in sales the offspring of all the female water divines wont be in resarve sale cause you get geyer snowflake cloud and ocean from breeding the female water divines
By Retired breeder, 7th January 2015 18:04:03
jabfromNC wrote:

when will the dew be available for us to try to get?

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No I don't think so, as he's one of the prizes for the Snowball Fight, so I presume he will be released on the 20th January after the Snowball Fight ends.
I was going to get a mist.. to get Ocean.. but I noticed she'd already been bred?
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By Retired breeder, 7th January 2015 18:29:01
you get unbread mist when buy mist the one that shows in resarve to you is just holder image one on it not the one you get
Since it has been the last chance to get all the other Divines that were in the reserved sales, does anyone know if it will be the same for the Water Divines? Or is it a common thing for them to go in the sales?
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By Retired breeder, 7th January 2015 18:47:17
from what says on home page on descrption this be last chance to get all the water divines on howrse accept for the new one dew that come in seprate promo
Does anyone know for definite who Dew needs to be covered by to obtain Wave? So far I've read Geyser, Ocean and Cloud can cover Dew to produce Wave.
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TheDarkHorse wrote:

Does anyone know for definite who Dew needs to be covered by to obtain Wave? So far I've read Geyser, Ocean and Cloud can cover Dew to produce Wave.

It's cloud default smiley ;)
Says so In dews tab default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 7th January 2015 19:36:28
So to new Great Chalench ?
By Retired breeder, 7th January 2015 21:25:11
applefarm wrote:

"Having all the divine Water Source provides the ultimate water horse"

Just noticed this,
Looks like we get a "completion" water divine when we have the full set,
wonder what he looks like...default smiley :d

Does anyone know what this horse looks like?
Thank you Svengali default smiley :d
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little baby Wave
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oops let me try that again
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Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone know what this horse looks like?

I believe this might be him

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AS the file name ends in Source - but at the same time, this is the image for the second foal of Dew, which has also been called Brook.
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And bringing forth the information on Wave and Brook(?) as well:

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Wave is the son of Dew and Cloud.

He has extraordinary skills that change every day, which makes him potentially good in all areas.

This horse cannot be sold.

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This one might be incorrect - as the filename ends in Source...but Dew's tab says his name is Brook, which is why the description I copied over from preprod says Brook


Brook is the son of Dew and Cloud.

He can only be born if the player already own all his family members.

He has extraordinary skills that change every day, which makes him potentially good in all areas.

This horse cannot be sold.
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By Retired breeder, 7th January 2015 22:30:50
ShorahNagi wrote:

And bringing forth the information on Wave and Brook(?) as well:

Click to display

Wave is the son of Dew and Cloud.

He has extraordinary skills that change every day, which makes him potentially good in all areas.

This horse cannot be sold.

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This one might be incorrect - as the filename ends in Source...but Dew's tab says his name is Brook, which is why the description I copied over from preprod says Brook


Brook is the son of Dew and Cloud.

He can only be born if the player already own all his family members.

He has extraordinary skills that change every day, which makes him potentially good in all areas.

This horse cannot be sold.

Click to display
Okay, baby Wave looks so adorable! I wish he would stay like that when he grows up to be a comper! I don't know about the looks of Brook...he looks a bit like a broken pot that has lots of water leaking from him...

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I feel the look is quite fitting - Brooks are often small steams that travel over rocks - so it would make sense that he is wet rocks with water cascading on him.
He could also be seen as Water bubbling up through rocks from a hidden wellspring
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I feel like all the divines are beginning to be the same. ones that dont really do anything (chitu) or just have skills and cant do anything else (ocean, geyser, wave, brook, mist) etc.

what happened to giving out perks or e or bmi? now they get maybe 4 skills each day on average and cant be sold. at least let us sell them if we want. i invested a lot of passes into getting logmas thinking the foal would be able to do something, nope, i have a dozen logmas and chitus that dont even make enough to cover their feed and board. i would love to sell off half my divines if i could.
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By Retired breeder, 7th January 2015 23:02:25
JadedHunter wrote:

I feel like all the divines are beginning to be the same. ones that dont really do anything (chitu) or just have skills and cant do anything else (ocean, geyser, wave, brook, mist) etc.

what happened to giving out perks or e or bmi? now they get maybe 4 skills each day on average and cant be sold. at least let us sell them if we want. i invested a lot of passes into getting logmas thinking the foal would be able to do something, nope, i have a dozen logmas and chitus that dont even make enough to cover their feed and board. i would love to sell off half my divines if i could.

Selling divines would make them less valuable. And you took the risk to get so many Longmas, without knowing what Chitu will do.
But I do agree with you on the Water divines. The old water divines (Ocean, Mist and Snow) had something interesting about them. Snow had a special set of varied skills.
Even Geyser has the bonus to help meadows. But the latest ones only have skills. Brook, the final divine, in my opinion should have something else added to the skills.

However, I don't have high expectations because look at Diamond, the final gemstone divine. He can literally do nothing, however he can be sold.

The recent divines can't do much in my opinion. They're quite awful.
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