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Anyone else noticing that their Cloud can now give coverings? ... Does that mean the GC is starting up soon?? 0.0 I know he can breed with Dew...but is Dew coming from the other promo or the GC?
T i g r e s s
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MaRk My WoRds wrote:

When is the

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snowball fight?

T i g r e s s wrote:

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Anyone else noticing that their Cloud can now give coverings? ... Does that mean the GC is starting up soon?? 0.0 I know he can breed with Dew...but is Dew coming from the other promo or the GC?

My guess based on a few factors is that:

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As promotions usually start on a Monday - my guess is that both of these would start next week on the 12th. Of course, there is no guarantee and they could potentially start tomorrow (But my guess is they might delay to let this current sale run, and to continue cleaning up the few glitches that are popping up here and there
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My My, the Admin team have been really really busy the last 48 hours or so default smiley (lol)

Lets hope they are well stocked on sleep and coffee.
  • Posted messages: 2,839
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ShorahNagi wrote:

My guess based on a few factors is that:

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As promotions usually start on a Monday - my guess is that both of these would start next week on the 12th. Of course, there is no guarantee and they could potentially start tomorrow (But my guess is they might delay to let this current sale run, and to continue cleaning up the few glitches that are popping up here and there

Okey, thank you for that! Considering the sales and username thing popped up out of no where...who knows what the Admin have in store for us! default smiley (lol)
T i g r e s s
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Aronathea wrote:

My My, the Admin team have been really really busy the last 48 hours or so default smiley (lol)

Lets hope they are well stocked on sleep and coffee.

In preparation for these new changes, myself and a few other Mods have had the coffee pots on since yesterday, and I'm sure the Admins had theirs on early as well default smiley ;)

T i g r e s s wrote:

Okey, thank you for that! Considering the sales and username thing popped up out of no where...who knows what the Admin have in store for us! default smiley (lol)

Well, preprod did only just end a few days back - and sometimes new things do move quickly (though I kind of wish some of the issues that have popped up now showed up on Preprod so there would be less questions/issues for us Mods to deal with)

Excuse me, I need more coffee...and some chocolate and an asprin
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Sounds like you all need more of an IV line instead of the pots default smiley (ow)
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Brownies, they need brownies, they cure everything.
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Does anyone know what Midas does?
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Yeah, I think 813 or 814 has it.
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Aronathea wrote:

Sounds like you all need more of an IV line instead of the pots default smiley (ow)

Doesn't work for me - I have a massive fear of needles...I've just been drinking from the pot default smiley ;)

trsaas wrote:

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Does anyone know what Midas does?

Took me a moment:

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This is a screen cap from preprod
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New Divines:
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I really like Midas...he's the cutest donkey, divine..., that Ive seen so far! And his perk his very useful truly! Both VIP and game! Im glad I got a scale from the Rides to use!
T i g r e s s
  • Posted messages: 16,715
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And since I posted one note about a Divine, I figure I'll bring some other pieces of info forward a few pages;

*as I was not around for the last few days of Preprod, I apologize now if some of this information is out of date*

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Dew is a divine mare that can switch her skills around.

Her skills change each day. One day she is great at galloping, the next day she has great stamina...

She can breed once with Cloud to give birth to this foal: Wave.

If you have obtained all the divine horses of water, Dew can breed a second time with Cloud and give birth to an ultimate foal: Spring*.

This mare cannot be sold.

*this is a new Water Divine who will be getting a new name in time - not the Season Divine

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Wave is the son of Dew and Cloud.

He has extraordinary skills that change every day, which makes him potentially good in all areas.

This horse cannot be sold.
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Is Frost going to be 15 passes?
  • Posted messages: 8,109
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And one more Divine brought forward with updated information

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Both of these images end with the name of Source - so I believe this might be the name of the final Water Divine (he's had a few name changes Spring, Brook, and Source were the main three. This is his description from Preprod when his name was going through various changes:

Brook is the son of Dew and Cloud.

He can only be born if the player already own all his family members.

He has extraordinary skills that change every day, which makes him potentially good in all areas.

This horse cannot be sold.

Again, this is an old description and may have been changed since I was not around for the last days of Preprod along with his final name
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jlmiller wrote:

Is Frost going to be 15 passes?

Price list

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Snow, Mist, Frost: 15 passes
Cascade, Rain: 20 passes
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@ ShorahNagi,
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thank you, that is the first I've seen of the foal image! Quite adorable, so don't know how I'll let myself age him to the adult version default smiley (lol)
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tropicanaoj1 wrote:

@ ShorahNagi,
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thank you, that is the first I've seen of the foal image! Quite adorable, so don't know how I'll let myself age him to the adult version default smiley (lol)

I just found it a few minutes ago when looking up old preprod URLs and updating them to this servers URL codes...

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As for the whole adult thing...why not get 2 Dews? Breed them both and keep one Wave as a foal, one as an adult
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Well, if you look/think, the 15 passes divines are on sale right now. But Frost isn't with them
  • Posted messages: 8,109
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ShorahNagi wrote:

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As for the whole adult thing...why not get 2 Dews? Breed them both and keep one Wave as a foal, one as an adult

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yes I was considering this, but first I'll need to get enough passes for one Dew default smiley xd There are just so many tempting things to use passes on recently.
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By Retired breeder, 7th January 2015 02:20:03
jlmiller wrote:

Well, if you look/think, the 15 passes divines are on sale right now. But Frost isn't with them

I believe divines come out in the reserves in packs of two.default smiley ;) Just be patient.
Retired breeder wrote:

I believe divines come out in the reserves in packs of two.default smiley ;) Just be patient.

The Gems came 3 at a time.default smiley :s
  • Posted messages: 8,109
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jlmiller wrote:

Well, if you look/think, the 15 passes divines are on sale right now. But Frost isn't with them

My guess is they will come out in twos and/or threes:

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Snow and Mist for the next few days
Then Frost, Cascade, and Rain together
Likewise - they may do Frost on her own, and Rain and Cascade together due to the price
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By Retired breeder, 7th January 2015 02:24:37
jlmiller wrote:

The Gems came 3 at a time.default smiley :s

That's because there are several different Gemstone horses, not just 5. default smiley :)
@ ShorahNagi

(would quote, but it won't let me currently..)
I wonder where Ive been! This is the first time Ive seen either of them for the 'ultimate' water divine...now Im wishing I had the passes to get all the ones I don't have just so I can keep his little foal...default smiley *-)default smiley xd
T i g r e s s
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T i g r e s s wrote:

I wonder where Ive been! This is the first time Ive seen either of them

To be fair - I did only just find those images about 30 minutes ago when looking through old URLs that I had saved from preprod...so don't feel bad, it's probably the first time a lot of people have seen them
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