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I could be wrong with reference to RC coats , could Howrse be releasing RC coats which have been returned to them from retired players and if that is the case they wont exceed the limit which the coats were sold at, and RC coats will still hold their value . I also collect RC coats , well those I like. This is just a thought as so much info can be stored on computer
  • Posted messages: 206
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yay, I managed to read all the posts between now and yesterday (!).

Took me over an hour. default smiley xd

And I still like the new horsey that will help with the collector trophy. Now I want to know how to get it. default smiley :d
  • Posted messages: 53,660
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By Retired breeder, 14th November 2014 12:36:23
Anyone know what cloud does?
Starkitty wrote:

yay, I managed to read all the posts between now and yesterday (!).

Took me over an hour. default smiley xd

And I still like the new horsey that will help with the collector trophy. Now I want to know how to get it. default smiley :d

An awesome player called CeNedra posted this on the Australian server default smiley (l)

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Hipparion is part of the prehistorical horses.

He receives one skill point every day, limited to the maximum of half the skills the best horse has on that day.

Every time he has collected 200 skill points, he offers you a foal of a race and color, which you don't owe yet. If you already owe every color of every race you don't receive a foal.

This horse cannot be sold.


Hyracotherium is part of the prehistorical horses.

He receives one skill point every day, limited to the maximum of half the skills the best horse has on that day.

Thanks to Hyracotherium, every donkey mare you cover, will give birth to foals with additional 50% skills. This advantage cannot be accumulated with several Hyracotherium in your possesion, however it is compatible with Aphrodite's Tears.

This horse cannot be sold.


Hippidion is part of the prehistorical horses.

Hippidion is a mare and can mate once with Tarpan and give birth to a foal "Horse of the Woods/Forests".

She receives one skill point every day, limited to the maximum of half the skills the best horse has on that day.

Every time she has collected 200 skill points, she offers you 1x Aphrodite's Tears.

This mare cannot be sold.


Tarpan is part of the prehistorical horses.

He receives one skill point every day, limited to the maximum of half the skills the best horse has on that day.

Thanks to Tarpan, all the purebred foals to whom you give birth to, will have a bigger chance to receive the same coat like one of their parents, compared with the usual chance of getting a coat which is registered for that particular race.

This advantage cannot be accumulated with several Tarpan.

He can mate with Hippidion, if she has never been covered.

This horse cannot be sold.
  • Posted messages: 879
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They sound really cool! default smiley :d
Dr Zig
  • Posted messages: 88,950
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By Retired breeder, 14th November 2014 12:50:21

I really want them now default smiley xd
So do I default smiley xd Some of the benefits probably won't work for me, but I want, I want! default smiley xd
Dr Zig
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I wonder what they will look like...probably kinda ugly....ah well....
There are currently 95 divines and 12 wilds...this is just out of hand lol...I don't even know all their names.
  • Posted messages: 19,798
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By Retired breeder, 14th November 2014 12:55:36

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Does anyone know the divine's perk?
To the possible lull in the great challenges: on the Norwegian server, we yesterday started the lottery for Longma ...
  • Posted messages: 53,660
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By Retired breeder, 14th November 2014 13:40:01
Ow wrote:

I have no idea what you are talking about default smiley (m)

Aww, don't be like that. Spoil something, just a little..default smiley :p
By Retired breeder, 14th November 2014 14:50:52
AnonymousPeon wrote:

so Zombie do love debating EVERYTHING with everyone, or is it just me?

It's just you ^_^;
You and some other people who feel the same way. But I'm not here to please everyone.

I quite love debating when done in a respectful way. But if the fact that most people always have something negative to say against Owlient and I have a better, more positive light to shine on situations means "everything" then sure if you like to see it that way. Because 20 people want to believe in the worst of things and I want to believe in better possibilities and better outcomes [whether they happen or not] is not something you'll find me ashamed of.

Howrse is open still because they're doing something right, not wrong. And not every decision they make needs the negativity people give. A lot of you seriously only ever look at the bad of these updates. There are good things.

And I don't want to agree and join everyone else against Owlient when I know better than that. You complain about them money-hoarding but they don't have enough money to run any site but this. They have tried other ventures and failed. They have closed a site they had open for 5 years because there was not enough money. On top of needing money to support the site itself, they need money to pay their employees.

I work at a fast food place for about $400 a month for under 18 hours a week. If Owlient paid me and my employees [lets say, 6 admins, no other job is guaranteed but I'm guessing at least 2 programmers, 2 artists, some other people I'm sure we won't count them so that's 10] they would have to offer up $4,000 a month just for those ten people to get paid a -barely- livable wage. Not to mention Owlient has headquartered somewhere and must pay whatever building fees are associated with that. On top of the site.

Now I did some research and found at least 32 people employed at Owlient. So $400 a month for them $12,800
So even if Owlient is a part-time job with minimal pay these are high expenses and all the money comes from this site and its servers.

So if people want to fail to realize that these changes and updates are what keep you being able to play this game then that's them. But I much rather be the 1 positive post a new person can read than join the many in their negativity of things they just refuse to understand.
By Retired breeder, 14th November 2014 16:45:46
Yes Howrse needs to be able to make a profit and needs to be able to stay in business but you don't do it by trampling over your loyal players by hurting their game- you introduce new things to the game to bring that profit. Otherwise the ones who were loyal pass buyers may turn away.
Not happy or impressed with the proposals

- I can see why some are but the reality will hit home once they pay a premium (as i assume this pack that is spoken of will cost more than one pass a coat) and can't resell the coat on for profit. I'm sure there will be a few tantrums then...

Meanwhile If it becomes a reality most 'collectors', who collect for the coats not trophies/to flip and so forth, will simply quit collecting...and more importantly spending money on the game.

Remember 'they' are the players who pay huge amounts (passes and equus) for coats, the trophy collectors and flippers and so forth generally pay peanuts.

Without the 'collectors' there will be no market for retired coats...just as their isn't on many of the country specific servers, where 100 use coats are still avialable months/years after release.

Just my initial thoughts on the proposal of course.
  • Posted messages: 17,080
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Zombie , with the wages I see where you are coming from . $12,400 dollars ( wich would be Euros as they are in France working out at €9983.50) but let's remeber when we log in it says 10.4 million people play this game ( I think that's all servers) so they are definatally earning over the odds anyway. Can't be too hard to earn €9983 every month .... I'm sure far more than 9000/10.4 mil buy passes...

Retired breeder wrote:

Yes Howrse needs to be able to make a profit and needs to be able to stay in business but you don't do it by trampling over your loyal players by hurting their game- you introduce new things to the game to bring that profit. Otherwise the ones who were loyal pass buyers may turn away.

I can't agree more. Why get rid of old reliable ( I'm not saying you're old - please don't take me the wrong way default smiley (lol)) for someone you don't know will do it? It's not logical. You have someone who does what you want them to do why drive them away for new people that you don't know will do what the old players did?

Gah ... This forum ... This is why I keep trying to not comment .. I feel like them deep sea fish when I'm in here default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 4,289
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By Retired breeder, 14th November 2014 17:04:53
Ow wrote:

I generally don't put my nose in here because it's a speculation topic, but I'm afraid that seeing the behaviour and lack of restraint i am going to give you a single warning.

<b>If you are not able to show some self control and remain polite this topic will be closed. </b>

Please be mindful of other players, express yourself with respect (yes that also includes towards Owlient) and refrain from using curses because they don't add value to your arguments, however pertinent those arguments may be.

Thank you

Thanks for the reminder, Ow. Though, I really don't agree with the new changes, it is important to respect everyone here.
I still don't understand the point of the RC's if they are going to make them available again. default smiley (o)
Diamond 49
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Retired breeder wrote:

Yes Howrse needs to be able to make a profit and needs to be able to stay in business but you don't do it by trampling over your loyal players by hurting their game- you introduce new things to the game to bring that profit. Otherwise the ones who were loyal pass buyers may turn away.
default smiley (y)
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So...Howrse is going to sell retired coats...that a non-Howrse-Employee made and put in the game for a reason? What if that limited coat was made with someone elses lineart from Deviantart (yes it happens just check creation space voting) and that artist may not be too pleased to see his/hers now retired lineart coat that was submitted being sold for real money by the site. Wont this thing give Howrse issues? I dont think the artist who orginally made the lineart would ever agree of the linearts being used on Howrse if they knew this change maybe would be added.

Not to mention the pride of owning a few cophys left GAs will be smashed to pieces.

Am I the onl thing this idea is extremly fishy?default smiley (o)
Shishi no Seirei
  • Posted messages: 5,297
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Retired breeder wrote:

So if people want to fail to realize that these changes and updates are what keep you being able to play this game then that's them. But I much rather be the 1 positive post a new person can read than join the many in their negativity of things they just refuse to understand.

Well written.

I am so glad I am not a collector. default smiley :)

But I wrote a long post on Economics 101 in another area and this is just as valid. Companies will bring out new items, discontinue others to keep that company at the forefront of competing companies and if they don't they become stale. They also become ripe for takeovers.

Takeover companies RARELY consider customers ( players) loyal or not and what is left is often shoveled into the garbage.
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Phoenix_07, that's a good point...

Artists make their coats retired for a reason. And get half as many passes for those coats.

Now Howrse wants to re-release them again, to gain money? Surely the artists should be asked if they agree. Or get a little extra compensation since their artwork is being used MORE times than they initially agreed to...

And yeah, some other artists have used my linearts for their RCs. Some of those linearts I have now declared Not For Howrse any more; those coats are done, retired, finished. But none of us are going to be asked about this, or given any extra credit. Just Howrse who gets the money. :s
  • Posted messages: 529
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MerlynAuraid wrote:

Phoenix_07, that's a good point...

Artists make their coats retired for a reason. And get half as many passes for those coats.

Now Howrse wants to re-release them again, to gain money? Surely the artists should be asked if they agree. Or get a little extra compensation since their artwork is being used MORE times than they initially agreed to...

And yeah, some other artists have used my linearts for their RCs. Some of those linearts I have now declared Not For Howrse any more; those coats are done, retired, finished. But none of us are going to be asked about this, or given any extra credit. Just Howrse who gets the money. :s

When an artist does something and gets paid for it they lose the ability to decide what can be done with that piece unless a specific agreement was signed stating that it is for one purpose only and cannot be used or sold without their permission.

Do we expect any of the top classical artists like Michelangelo to rise up from the grave and say no one can resell any of his pieces, even if he may have done a piece for a friend ( no pay) if that friend resells it ?
  • Posted messages: 5,890
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If the players were all paid a pass for each time a rc they had went up with usages...now that'd be slightly different...not really though.
  • Posted messages: 19,798
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Don't forget, if you are posting about stuff that is not actually on the game, you must use spoiler tags default smiley ;) And this is not a chat room.
Dr Zig
  • Posted messages: 88,950
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I am not chatting...I am suggesting another solution.
  • Posted messages: 19,798
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