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Getting seriously annoyed with this game now, I am edging closer & closer to leaving, same old same old... Lottery twice in a row is not exciting, I preferred the normal promos all along.
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ꜱʜᴀʜᴇᴇʙɪ wrote:

We all know what Spring and Summer give us, and some players who are testing the divines say this is what Fall will hold for us:

We know about Fall - sadly, we don't have any information on the other three yet.
Fall's "?" tab:
Fall is part of your divine horses of seasons.
Each day of Fall, win:
30 skill points you can apply to Fall as you wish
5 000 Equus upon first daily login
+150 horseshoes for the next Great Challenge
Equus every Fall day in game
+1 trade per week (cannot be combined with another offer)
This horse cannot be sold.

But dose anyone know what Winter will hold? For those who are testing it?

(That Fall info should be in a spoiler default smiley ;) )

Click to display
Pretty much the same for Winter, but the VIP is that they may sort comps that have Horseshoes.

Also, if you want more info try looking through the post. It's been listed several times. default smiley ;)
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By Retired breeder, 2nd June 2014 20:43:23
WinnieThePoo4 wrote:

Does anyone know where the next seasonal divine (I'm guessing fall but I don't know) can be won? Will it be in HOP's?

Oh I would love it if Fall/Autumn were in the HOPS. I already have 4 free ones.
By Retired breeder, 2nd June 2014 21:24:30

"They said they will bring back the DA if and when they manage to get rid of the problems it had. Since we did not get it back yet, I guess they didn't manage to solve that problem yet. So, they can't bring the DA back. And what do you mean with "they could use the old DA coats they had before"? The whole point of the DA was that we players could customise the coats."

Oh. I didn't come around until after they were discontinued, so I didn't know that we got to customise the coats. I thought i worked more like the GA where you just picked a coat out of a list. My bad...

"i think howrse would be very foolish to bring DA back now. they are a massive money earner to the game when people pay 100+ passes for specific breed uni DA etc. if they bought them back in that would be no more. and just think of the amount of players who would quit after spending 1000 of real money on the game to collect DA... they have been giving people a shot at the older divines. having them in reserve is a fraction of the price they cost people to get when they were out in events so if you cant afford them from the reserve. my bet is youd have little chance getting them from the previous events. remember this is a buissness howrse will do whatever makes them the most passes/real money spent on the game."

First of all, apparently they are going to try bringing the DA back eventually, if they can fix it, as Starkitty stated, so why not re-introduce it as a promo reward? Just because people have spent an ungodly amount of money to collect certain ones, does not mean that newer players like me should never have the chance of enjoying it for ourselves. I am a pass buyer, and I understand this game is also a business, but I also feel that non-pass buyers should have an equil shot to get the old divines, not just private sales, for one time only. Think about it... all of us pass buyers started out as non-pass buyers right? This game should not just favor people who spend money, because it will discourage all the people who havn't spent any money YET... at the very least they could have them up in the privet sales a few times per year to give everyone a chance to complete thier collections, especially with the divines that cannot be sold. And what about future players who may be more than willing to buy these older divines with real money but they missed the "last chance reserved sales." Also, there are too many new divines coming out. One of the reasons for this Great challenge thing was to free up the time of the people who run and code howrse so they can focus on other things. Using old divines that are already created would make more sense than spending the time they are trying to use toward other parts of the game coming up with new divines. People are always going to spend money on this game, no matter what, and there will always be new players. If a few get their panties in a bunch over the fact they bring back the DA so what? hundreds more of us (like me) will willingly and happily spend our money to collect the older divines and get a few DAs for ourselves. They would actually make more money in the long run if they did thing this way.
Retired breeder wrote:

"i think howrse would be very foolish to bring DA back now. they are a massive money earner to the game when people pay 100+ passes for specific breed uni DA etc. if they bought them back in that would be no more. and just think of the amount of players who would quit after spending 1000 of real money on the game to collect DA... they have been giving people a shot at the older divines. having them in reserve is a fraction of the price they cost people to get when they were out in events so if you cant afford them from the reserve. my bet is youd have little chance getting them from the previous events. remember this is a buissness howrse will do whatever makes them the most passes/real money spent on the game."

First of all, apparently they are going to try bringing the DA back eventually, if they can fix it, as Starkitty stated, so why not re-introduce it as a promo reward? Just because people have spent an ungodly amount of money to collect certain ones, does not mean that newer players like me should never have the chance of enjoying it for ourselves. I am a pass buyer, and I understand this game is also a business, but I also feel that non-pass buyers should have an equil shot to get the old divines, not just private sales, for one time only. Think about it... all of us pass buyers started out as non-pass buyers right? This game should not just favor people who spend money, because it will discourage all the people who havn't spent any money YET... at the very least they could have them up in the privet sales a few times per year to give everyone a chance to complete thier collections, especially with the divines that cannot be sold. And what about future players who may be more than willing to buy these older divines with real money but they missed the "last chance reserved sales." Also, there are too many new divines coming out. One of the reasons for this Great challenge thing was to free up the time of the people who run and code howrse so they can focus on other things. Using old divines that are already created would make more sense than spending the time they are trying to use toward other parts of the game coming up with new divines. People are always going to spend money on this game, no matter what, and there will always be new players. If a few get their panties in a bunch over the fact they bring back the DA so what? hundreds more of us (like me) will willingly and happily spend our money to collect the older divines and get a few DAs for ourselves. They would actually make more money in the long run if they did thing this way.

I could not have said this any better mdoty3!default smiley (h)
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By Retired breeder, 2nd June 2014 21:46:09
@mdoty3 there has to be somethings left that are still a plus side for the players who have been on here for years. i believe they said they would try bring it in shortly after pulling it, i wouldnt imagine theyd go years to re-release it theyl more likely come up with something new.. like the shutterfly horses thats something that was also retired. you can buy them out of the sales its not like its an unselable item. just like companions/HOG. the longer you stay on a game the more chances you have to collect things. it happens on every game i can think of things get retired/discontinued the people who were lucky enough to be playing at the time got it. id imagine theyd have many divines already waiting to come onto the game, they were very nice doing the reserve second chance at all imo. it upset many people who spent 1000s of real money to get them earlier on but it was something nice for newer players. the same as im sure something else will get repeated in the end. theyl get more passes of new divines as most of the pass buyers on the game at the time went for the divines in reserved sales if they missed the first chance. so by just re-releasing divine again and again it appeals to a smaller and smaller party of people. a new divine everyone can go after. its all just opinion and very off topic with this thread i guess but i just dont see it happening.
By Retired breeder, 2nd June 2014 21:46:52
By Retired breeder, 2nd June 2014 22:11:11
Retired breeder wrote:

@mdoty3 there has to be somethings left that are still a plus side for the players who have been on here for years. i believe they said they would try bring it in shortly after pulling it, i wouldnt imagine theyd go years to re-release it theyl more likely come up with something new.. like the shutterfly horses thats something that was also retired. you can buy them out of the sales its not like its an unselable item. just like companions/HOG. the longer you stay on a game the more chances you have to collect things. it happens on every game i can think of things get retired/discontinued the people who were lucky enough to be playing at the time got it. id imagine theyd have many divines already waiting to come onto the game, they were very nice doing the reserve second chance at all imo. it upset many people who spent 1000s of real money to get them earlier on but it was something nice for newer players. the same as im sure something else will get repeated in the end. theyl get more passes of new divines as most of the pass buyers on the game at the time went for the divines in reserved sales if they missed the first chance. so by just re-releasing divine again and again it appeals to a smaller and smaller party of people. a new divine everyone can go after. its all just opinion and very off topic with this thread i guess but i just dont see it happening.

Well, we all have our own opinoins and your right, this is very off topic. default smiley :-))
By Retired breeder, 2nd June 2014 22:34:10
Does anyone know when the new EC changes are going to take effect?
By Retired breeder, 2nd June 2014 22:34:38
Does anyone know what Fall looks like?
By Retired breeder, 2nd June 2014 22:49:25
I have a feeling howrse is going to have to rethink the new promo strategy eventually. As people lose interest in the Big challenge, less and less horseshoes will be gathered. I started out trying for 100% every day, but even with the new rewards (GA, aging points) after a while I just kept getting lots of the same challenge (and annoying/difficult ones, like stroking 30 horses every other day, or rosette wins) and I just stopped bothering because I simply don't have the time to spend

I really liked this whole thing at first, but I was never a huge fan of the lottery anyway, and I sorta really miss our old promo system. I liked that there was a schedule to keep to, that we'd get something new basically every monday after the last promo. i never felt forced to participate, I could get some nice things if I tried, but I didn't HAVE to, and generally it was very relaxing and creative. default smiley (8)

This is good too, in its own way, but it's definitely going to take some getting used to, in my case.

Also, i think we should get the DA back as an item. XD Old DA horses can still be valuable, because they have the old breed images. Seriously, it was my favorite item back in the day.
By Retired breeder, 3rd June 2014 00:15:59
[quote=1402216259]I have a feeling howrse is going to have to rethink the new promo strategy eventually. As people lose interest in the Big challenge, less and less horseshoes will be gathered. I started out trying for 100% every day, but even with the new rewards (GA, aging points) after a while I just kept getting lots of the same challenge (and annoying/difficult ones, like stroking 30 horses every other day, or rosette wins) and I just stopped bothering because I simply don't have the time to spend quote]
Agreed. I noticed that about after the first week or two, the gathering of horseshoes got slower and slower, and this time it was almost 2 weeks until enough were gathered when the first time it was about 5 days.
By Retired breeder, 3rd June 2014 00:34:10
Also, Thanks Chesterpony! default smiley :-))
By Retired breeder, 3rd June 2014 00:40:37
It would be a lot better if they at least had a different challange each time instead of lottos, but who knows? mabey they are working on new promos right now, and they just have the lottery going until they have the other ones done, you know to hold us over. I hope that this is the case. I have seen other people say that they wont due to the festivities only being 5 days, and the lotto is the only promo that could be done in 5 days, but when i read that I think to myself, why does the festivites have to last 5 days? the people who run howrse can make them last as long as they want to, so they could in theory make the festivites last long enough to do one of the other promos.
Fingers are crossed for new promos! default smiley ;)
By Retired breeder, 3rd June 2014 01:04:31
Retired breeder wrote:

]I have a feeling howrse is going to have to rethink the new promo strategy eventually. As people lose interest in the Big challenge, less and less horseshoes will be gathered. I started out trying for 100% every day, but even with the new rewards (GA, aging points) after a while I just kept getting lots of the same challenge (and annoying/difficult ones, like stroking 30 horses every other day, or rosette wins) and I just stopped bothering because I simply don't have the time to spend quote]
Agreed. I noticed that about after the first week or two, the gathering of horseshoes got slower and slower, and this time it was almost 2 weeks until enough were gathered when the first time it was about 5 days.

Actually, the new one took 13 days, and the last one took 10 days default smiley ;)
@mdotty3 I agree, they should either a. change the promos after the challenge or b. do a big challange than a regular promo.

One more thing I have to add to this, is that you say Fall gives 150 horseshoes. That strongly suggests to me that it will be even harder to get. (e.g. T Chest)
Spring=50 shoes
Summer=100 shoes
Fall=150 shoes

That also makes me think winter will be 200 shoes
By Retired breeder, 3rd June 2014 01:10:55
Spring was supposed to give me 50 HS but i actually got 100 at the beining of this last challenge, i wonder why? do you think they put down the wrong amounts or something?
By Retired breeder, 3rd June 2014 02:32:12
waterangel wrote:

The lottery was my second to least favourite promo! I hate it!

I only liked it because it was a cheap and easy way to get stuff. It only happened every so often so it was a nice chance to catch up on stuff I used.
By Retired breeder, 3rd June 2014 03:18:20
According to the rumours on Equidow the gemstones will be in the reserved sales starting June 26th.
Retired breeder wrote:

I have a feeling howrse is going to have to rethink the new promo strategy eventually. As people lose interest in the Big challenge, less and less horseshoes will be gathered. I started out trying for 100% every day, but even with the new rewards (GA, aging points) after a while I just kept getting lots of the same challenge (and annoying/difficult ones, like stroking 30 horses every other day, or rosette wins) and I just stopped bothering because I simply don't have the time to spend

I really liked this whole thing at first, but I was never a huge fan of the lottery anyway, and I sorta really miss our old promo system. I liked that there was a schedule to keep to, that we'd get something new basically every monday after the last promo. i never felt forced to participate, I could get some nice things if I tried, but I didn't HAVE to, and generally it was very relaxing and creative. default smiley (8)

This is good too, in its own way, but it's definitely going to take some getting used to, in my case.

Also, i think we should get the DA back as an item. XD Old DA horses can still be valuable, because they have the old breed images. Seriously, it was my favorite item back in the day.
Retired breeder wrote:

It would be a lot better if they at least had a different challange each time instead of lottos, but who knows? mabey they are working on new promos right now, and they just have the lottery going until they have the other ones done, you know to hold us over. I hope that this is the case. I have seen other people say that they wont due to the festivities only being 5 days, and the lotto is the only promo that could be done in 5 days, but when i read that I think to myself, why does the festivites have to last 5 days? the people who run howrse can make them last as long as they want to, so they could in theory make the festivites last long enough to do one of the other promos.
Fingers are crossed for new promos! default smiley ;)

Yeah, this new idea is just plain bad...preferred the old promos. You got to do much more stuff and everything was doable even for the non pass buyers. Objectives like 'give a horse a golden apple coat that is red' isn't do-able for non pass buyers or people who only occasionally buy passes.
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Fingers crossed for a GOOD promo...
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Has anyone heard anything about a new server coming up?
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Spyder wrote:

Has anyone heard anything about a new server coming up?

what? no this is the first time i have heard anything about thisdefault smiley :)

my option on the DAs...

i think howrse should fix the glitch and maby make them a REALY rare BM that aby once a year 1 or 2 players win it in a lottery or somthing like that so then howrse wont loos money but they will still be really velibule what dose everyone thingdefault smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 3rd June 2014 09:04:15
I only got my Horseshoes for Summer but not my Spring...
By Retired breeder, 3rd June 2014 09:07:12
i would love it if they changed it to every other event being the grand event then did the puzzles, cards, wandering horses etc every other event. it would stop this spiral getting so boring i think default smiley xd
Now that the coats have changed, the Diamond Apple horses are (in my opinion) even more valuable, and in case the DA came back, different. We would then have DAs on old vs. new coats. I secretly hope the DAs will come back someday, because though I don´t breed or like Friesians much, I love the idea of a white Friesian.
(Unfortunately, my pass reserve was sufficient to buy a Divine when they were in Sales, but not a DA Friesian...)
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