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By Retired breeder, 1st June 2014 12:30:55
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Does anyone actually know what Howrse is going to give us AFTER the season divines run out? I also predict that every four grand prizes there are there will be a new festivity, so no one reallly gets bored. Input anybody?
By Retired breeder, 1st June 2014 12:37:02
I really hope that we do get different festivities, but I'm not sure.
By Retired breeder, 1st June 2014 17:43:15
i hope they have different ones to. im getting pretty bored with the lotteries
By Retired breeder, 1st June 2014 17:46:42
Retired breeder wrote:

Hate to be a kill joy but I don't think we need anymore divines. There are going to be more divine types than horse breeds on this game soon enough.

your right. we don't need new ones, we need someof the older ones re-released and used as promo rewards so some of us newer players can get a chance at them.
and not released as in the reserved sales and then permenatly retired, like an actual promo where veryone has a fair shot to win
By Retired breeder, 1st June 2014 17:51:55
Mdotu3 that what i thought bring back the older ones ..Maybe they will i think everyone would love a chance to get an old divine like balios of xanthos or something
By Retired breeder, 1st June 2014 17:52:18
Mdoty3* sorry about that
By Retired breeder, 1st June 2014 17:55:27
I agree with both of you default smiley :)
I am quite new, and I like a Balios more than a spring, so you are right
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By Retired breeder, 1st June 2014 19:21:38
Anyone know what the next promo may be? ;D
By Retired breeder, 1st June 2014 20:17:53
Does anyone have an idea when the jobs are going away and the new EC changes will happen?
Next promo...lotto.

Remember when we got excited about the lottery, like when it was once a year.default smiley :)
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I'm just guessing lotto, because it can be done in 5 days, others can't.
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By Retired breeder, 2nd June 2014 01:09:29
I agree we don´t need anymore divines for now we need the olds ones back
Does anyone know where the next seasonal divine (I'm guessing fall but I don't know) can be won? Will it be in HOP's?
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By Retired breeder, 2nd June 2014 02:37:56
@Wheat Thins - I am guessing that we are going to go threw the Great Challenge and Lottery 1-3 more times before we get one of the "old" promos.
By Retired breeder, 2nd June 2014 05:45:36
How will Winter get?
By Retired breeder, 2nd June 2014 06:08:38
I really hope the promo they do after the seasons are released is the card one. I really enjoyed that one, or the one where we had to grow plants this past winter.
By Retired breeder, 2nd June 2014 06:15:24
OMG! I just had THE BEST Idea! What if, now stay with me folks, this is going to sound crazy, but what if instead of a divine they gave us a chance to get a Diamond Apple for the next few promos? That would be so awesome! i used to play this game along time ago, and back then I was known as Splinter, and even then, the Diamond apples had been discontinued due to bugs or something. If they fixed it, they could use the diamond apples for a while to give us a break from the constant influx of new divines, and it would be a little easier in the long run because the Howrse staff wouldnt have to make new divines all of the time. they could use the old DA coats they had before, and just fix the problems they had back then instead.
I hope one of the admins reads this and considers it as a possibility.
Here, Admin, Admin, Admin... Oh look here comes one now!...

default smiley (ow)

Oh, never mind. It is just that silly monkey playing tricks on me. default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 2nd June 2014 07:09:32
I like the idea of bringing back the DA for a promo.
Retired breeder wrote:

what if instead of a divine they gave us a chance to get a Diamond Apple for the next few promos?

They said they will bring back the DA if and when they manage to get rid of the problems it had. Since we did not get it back yet, I guess they didn't manage to solve that problem yet. So, they can't bring the DA back. And what do you mean with "they could use the old DA coats they had before"? The whole point of the DA was that we players could customise the coats.
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By Retired breeder, 2nd June 2014 12:33:37
i think howrse would be very foolish to bring DA back now. they are a massive money earner to the game when people pay 100+ passes for specific breed uni DA etc. if they bought them back in that would be no more. and just think of the amount of players who would quit after spending 1000 of real money on the game to collect DA... they have been giving people a shot at the older divines. having them in reserve is a fraction of the price they cost people to get when they were out in events so if you cant afford them from the reserve. my bet is youd have little chance getting them from the previous events. remember this is a buissness howrse will do whatever makes them the most passes/real money spent on the game.
By Retired breeder, 2nd June 2014 12:41:41
Retired breeder wrote:

OMG! I just had THE BEST Idea! What if, now stay with me folks, this is going to sound crazy, but what if instead of a divine they gave us a chance to get a Diamond Apple for the next few promos? That would be so awesome! i used to play this game along time ago, and back then I was known as Splinter, and even then, the Diamond apples had been discontinued due to bugs or something. If they fixed it, they could use the diamond apples for a while to give us a break from the constant influx of new divines, and it would be a little easier in the long run because the Howrse staff wouldnt have to make new divines all of the time. they could use the old DA coats they had before, and just fix the problems they had back then instead.
I hope one of the admins reads this and considers it as a possibility.
Here, Admin, Admin, Admin... Oh look here comes one now!...

default smiley (ow)

Oh, never mind. It is just that silly monkey playing tricks on me. default smiley xd

I so want this to come true!This is the best idea I have ever seen!default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 2nd June 2014 12:58:13
Are we seriously going to have the lottery after the next GC? I used to like the lottery and spend more equus on it, but twice in a row? I am barely spending any e on it because i am not participating. It used to be my favorite promo, but i find it boring now. Why was it even used twice in the first place? Surely we have more promos that are available...
Anyways, I like the new donkey coats except for the tail on the adult, it looks like a horse tail. default smiley (lol)
Retired breeder wrote:

Are we seriously going to have the lottery after the next GC? I used to like the lottery and spend more equus on it, but twice in a row? I am barely spending any e on it because i am not participating. It used to be my favorite promo, but i find it boring now. Why was it even used twice in the first place? Surely we have more promos that are available...
Anyways, I like the new donkey coats except for the tail on the adult, it looks like a horse tail. default smiley (lol)

The lottery was my second to least favourite promo! I hate it!
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We all know what Spring and Summer give us, and some players who are testing the divines say this is what Fall will hold for us:

We know about Fall - sadly, we don't have any information on the other three yet.
Fall's "?" tab:
Fall is part of your divine horses of seasons.
Each day of Fall, win:
30 skill points you can apply to Fall as you wish
5 000 Equus upon first daily login
+150 horseshoes for the next Great Challenge
Equus every Fall day in game
+1 trade per week (cannot be combined with another offer)
This horse cannot be sold.

But dose anyone know what Winter will hold? For those who are testing it?
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