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By Retired breeder, 15th May 2014 20:30:47
i cant find it
Retired breeder wrote:

how do i get a titans challenge default smiley :'(

weight until the lottery starts agen unless you are a VIP then you can get is now
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By Retired breeder, 15th May 2014 21:07:19
Allira wrote:

So i got bored and foung graphics for all the Season Divines. Not sure if they have been posted here yet but just in case have a look below. Autumn is my favourite default smiley :)

Click to display

This is Autumn
This is Winter

And of course you have met


I like them! But, I never get one anyways so haha.
Winter isn't my favorite though...I don't know why. Maybe because of the tail?
Kinda ticked - won a HoP in the last draw but didn't have time to use it to get the chance to get the Spring Divine default smiley :s
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By Retired breeder, 16th May 2014 03:07:45
OK how do you get lots of money fast I really need money
By Retired breeder, 16th May 2014 06:40:33
Autumn looks pretty nice, I hope they'll be available in HOPs default smiley :) Winter I don't like, it doesn't look good. Actually I don't really like Spring either, but got it anyway lol.
By Retired breeder, 16th May 2014 09:40:20
Retired breeder wrote:

Autumn looks pretty nice, I hope they'll be available in HOPs default smiley :) Winter I don't like, it doesn't look good. Actually I don't really like Spring either, but got it anyway lol.

Yes, I think Autumn/ Fall looks the most "seasony". Winter doesn't look snowy enough.
Retired breeder wrote:

i cant find it

Lena the Titans Challenge won't be available to non VIP's until the event is unlocked. Aka we have collected the 2 million + horseshoes.
It will then be available to the players in the Black Market, but you will have to pay 2 passes to get one.

I like the season divines, I just wish they gave us some items
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It seems like you get a TC for free for every 5th you open once you reach 120 (or 100, not sure) horseshoes. It changes to 1 free for every 4 TC you buy at 150 horseshoes..
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By Retired breeder, 16th May 2014 15:14:50
phönix wrote:

It seems like you get a TC for free for every 5th you open once you reach 120 (or 100, not sure) horseshoes. It changes to 1 free for every 4 TC you buy at 150 horseshoes..

For me it says I need 170 horseshoes to get 1 free for every 4 TCs bought :P
Hooray ~ Old GA and DA coats now look much better

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By Retired breeder, 16th May 2014 16:47:09
Allira wrote:

So i got bored and foung graphics for all the Season Divines. Not sure if they have been posted here yet but just in case have a look below. Autumn is my favourite default smiley :)

Click to display

This is Autumn
This is Winter

And of course you have met


Yeah^^!Autum is beutifull!
By Retired breeder, 16th May 2014 16:47:38
*Autumn :/
By Retired breeder, 16th May 2014 17:07:05
Shorah: default smiley :o it looks like a palomino friesian.
Retired breeder wrote:

Shorah: default smiley :o it looks like a palomino friesian.

That's the effect of the Diamond Apple. DAs gave markings, but it's no longer available due to technical issues.
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By Retired breeder, 16th May 2014 19:26:37
Hello everyone! I love the new updates so much
does anyone know when the new donkey coats are coming in?
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Trumpeter5 wrote:

does anyone know when the new donkey coats are coming in?

Soon I'd assume. Their currently on prepod. Looking so darn cute.
I think we're in for a donkey revival once they get here default smiley (lol)
The test ends May 27th.

The DA are looking really good with that background. very nice job.
I do not have any but the DA collector should be pleased once we get them here default smiley (y)
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By Retired breeder, 16th May 2014 22:01:23
So after this Big Challenge is done will the promo be another lotto? Or something else? Hoping its the latter since all I got was junk this past lotto.
Since they are giving out lottery tickets I would think it is another lottery.
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By Retired breeder, 16th May 2014 22:55:22
I saw many diamond apples, but always with an unusual pattern, never like a whole different colour. 8)
The season divines are okay. I love Winter and Spring. Summer and Autumn look.....strange.
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All my old GA and RA coats still have that square unattractive white outlined tan box around them. Why'd this change for the DAs but not the other old ones?
Any idea if they will chance too?
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By Retired breeder, 17th May 2014 00:29:38
Actual they will have the background, I believe all of the ones with the box around them will get that new background
By Retired breeder, 17th May 2014 01:17:38
demondevon wrote:

All my old GA and RA coats still have that square unattractive white outlined tan box around them. Why'd this change for the DAs but not the other old ones?Any idea if they will chance too?

The actually haven't changed yet, it is being tested on the test server and the only examples that made in here looks like DA but like Love Chincoteague said, all the old GA & RC coats will have the background just like the examples of the DAs.

I've went ahead and made my own example of an Old GA coat back ground and the new one coming to howrse.

Click to display

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