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Yep, swedish server started the next challenge already and titans challenge is available for 2 passes each (only if you're a VIP so far but it will be available for everybody later). You win Summer on Level 6. I got Summer on my 5th or 6th try, the first 4/5 I opened didn't go further than level 3.
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By Retired breeder, 14th May 2014 10:14:57
I made an account on BG out of curiosity and confirm it is true. :-)
By Retired breeder, 14th May 2014 10:52:08
Retired breeder wrote:

I made an account on BG out of curiosity and confirm it is true. :-)

I did too and it is true default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 14th May 2014 11:42:29
So, what will we be gathering this time instead of horseshoes and what will be the bonuses? Something like with the Hops this time -> open 3 4th for free? So use 3 titans challenges, get 4th for free or similar?
Will there be the same perks as we had with the past Great Challenge? Like discounts with the TCs instead of HOPs?
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Rogin wrote:

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Also the names of the donkey coat colors are changing they are Black, White and Brown rather than White, Light Bay and Gray

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Retired breeder wrote:

I made an account on BG out of curiosity and confirm it is true. :-)

What is a BG account?
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By Retired breeder, 14th May 2014 14:34:06
On Bulgarian Howrse.
We will still collect horseshoes.
phönix wrote:

Yep, swedish server started the next challenge already and titans challenge is available for 2 passes each (only if you're a VIP so far but it will be available for everybody later). You win Summer on Level 6. I got Summer on my 5th or 6th try, the first 4/5 I opened didn't go further than level 3.

huh how come they started early? I thought we were all starting on the same date?
Guess it depends on how fast we unlock what ever we're supposed to unlock then.

TC's this time around ? Ugh sounds very very expensive default smiley :-x
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Anyone knows if we'll be getting free TCs with the more horseshoes we collect? Like we did with the HOps this time (Ex: 150horseshoes= 4+1 HOPs and so on)
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Let's hope we do Kalibrah.

Wonder what kind of event is waiting for us tomorrow or when ever we get it here on International
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By Retired breeder, 14th May 2014 16:50:02
Hi, I was wondering if you are allowed to post spoilers of books/movies? If so, could anyone give me a spoiler of private peaceful?default smiley 8-)
Retired breeder wrote:

Hi, I was wondering if you are allowed to post spoilers of books/movies? If so, could anyone give me a spoiler of private peaceful?default smiley 8-)

Erm, this is about spoilers for Howrse!

Look for a book-site to find out about that default smiley :d
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Retired breeder wrote:

Hi, I was wondering if you are allowed to post spoilers of books/movies? If so, could anyone give me a spoiler of private peaceful?default smiley 8-)

This is just for Howrse default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 14th May 2014 17:22:36
What is BG?? Someone pm me and tell me
Retired breeder wrote:

What is BG?? Someone pm me and tell me

Bulgarian server I think default smiley :)
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Yay! I got selected to test the new stuff. I gotta say I really like the new donkeys.
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By Retired breeder, 14th May 2014 18:00:35
~temperance~ wrote:

Yay! I got selected to test the new stuff. I gotta say I really like the new donkeys.

They have new donkeys?
Asfridur wrote:

huh how come they started early? I thought we were all starting on the same date?Guess it depends on how fast we unlock what ever we're supposed to unlock then.

No, the new challenge starts as soon as the 5 day lottery ends default smiley :p We had a little bit of issues though since the lottery stayed for longer than it was supposed to.. We had 2 extra drafts (with the new prize, Summer) while we were collecting horseshoes.. They fixed that now though ^^ I won a HOP, Hestia's gift, a GA, a Hera pack and some other stuff in those 2 extras so I'm not complaining lol.

Kalibrah wrote:

Anyone knows if we'll be getting free TCs with the more horseshoes we collect? Like we did with the HOps this time (Ex: 150horseshoes= 4+1 HOPs and so on)

I personally haven't seen if there's anything like that :/ but you do however win gifts from the horseshoes. First you win a Zeus' flash, if you collect enough horseshoes you instead get a Golden Apple, if you collect 150 you get a HOP.. Further than that I'm not sure default smiley xd
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Thanx phönix ^^ I really hope so tho... 2passes each... Well, it halfs the chance to get the divine, and it's a bit hard to go on a HOP/TC frenzy when you're a non pass buyer default smiley (lol)
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Does anyone know when the donkey coats will be changing?
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Kalibrah wrote:

Thanx phönix ^^ I really hope so tho... 2passes each... Well, it halfs the chance to get the divine, and it's a bit hard to go on a HOP/TC frenzy when you're a non pass buyer default smiley (lol)

Yeah, I know default smiley :p I'm slightly short on passes and got lucky on both Spring (13th HOP including the ones I got for free and that I had saved from earlier) and Summer on 5th try. Had 8 passes and lost on level 3 on all of them, used an H-staff I had in my inventory, won not only Summer but a new h-staff, 2 TCs (which I lost on level 3 lol) and some other stuff default smiley xd

Oh, and the only 5 passes I actually used for HOPs (others were saved HOPs/free HOPs) I won back cause I won a pack of 5 passes in the lottery. I'm on a roll or something default smiley :d

I need luck though cause I have my finals in physics tomorrow haha and It feels like I'm going to fail it quite badly ^^
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By Retired breeder, 14th May 2014 18:57:24
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Yay for the donkeys! default smiley (l)
Now all we are missing on the game is mules and hinnies....
phönix wrote:

I personally haven't seen if there's anything like that :/ but you do however win gifts from the horseshoes. First you win a Zeus' flash, if you collect enough horseshoes you instead get a Golden Apple, if you collect 150 you get a HOP.. Further than that I'm not sure

On the Test server I know it says that I earned a Morpheus Arms and the next would have been a Titan's Challenge (I'm not sure if the horse shoe amounts are the same required here as on there though, sorry!)
  • Posted messages: 623
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So how much should that be? Like 1k horseshoes?
  • Posted messages: 681
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