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So you could possible enter 50 horses in the grand prix now? With payouts of 500 and a horse shoe each?
  • Posted messages: 1,793
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Whitekoi wrote:

So you could possible enter 50 horses in the grand prix now? With payouts of 500 and a horse shoe each?

No, it's still either 2 or, if you have the specific Prix bonus, 4 per Specialty.
  • Posted messages: 13,426
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By Retired breeder, 1st May 2014 01:10:49
Whitekoi wrote:

The grand prix just finished and it paid out 500 and horseshoe. Why is that? Is that new for today?? Check your Grand Prix horses!

Yep, there goes half of my daily income. It really sucks, because I wasn't planning on doing the Big Challenge for very long, but now I kinda have to if I want to enter the Grand Prix.
Breezecatcher-What do you mean? Just ignore your home page, and youll not really participate!
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Breeze. just do your normal actions.. whether you want to participate is not a issue. unfortunately it just means you may get horseshoes instead of equus if your horse finished well.
  • Posted messages: 9,684
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By Retired breeder, 1st May 2014 09:11:21
lelan wrote:

Breezecatcher-What do you mean? Just ignore your home page, and youll not really participate!

What I ment it is that I am *very* unhappy that the Prix now offers horseshoes. I could make 25,000 a week, easy with the Prix. But now most of that money is gone and it is horseshoes. I don't see each horseshoe as being worth 500 equus.
By Retired breeder, 1st May 2014 10:10:37
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 1st May 2014 10:18:05
.Oh,Sorry.Do not mind the last of my inquiry. Sent it to my sister.
I have a bad English, as you can see.
By Retired breeder, 1st May 2014 14:05:58
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Retired breeder wrote:

.Oh,Sorry.Do not mind the last of my inquiry. Sent it to my sister.
I have a bad English, as you can see.

Me too
I think we need to have an opt out button. Losing 4000e a day is really hurting me. I am no longer getting a head. default smiley :@ Even if I wanted horse shoes I could not get none today cause it would cost me a pass and over 25000e.default smiley :@
  • Posted messages: 4,786
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katiedingo wrote:

I think we need to have an opt out button. Losing 4000e a day is really hurting me. I am no longer getting a head. default smiley :@ Even if I wanted horse shoes I could not get none today cause it would cost me a pass and over 25000e.default smiley :@
Retired breeder wrote:

What I ment it is that I am *very* unhappy that the Prix now offers horseshoes. I could make 25,000 a week, easy with the Prix. But now most of that money is gone and it is horseshoes. I don't see each horseshoe as being worth 500 equus.

I agree! I just started registering horses inthe grand prix, excited that I could get tons of Equus. Now *poof*! Half the Equus is gone!
  • Posted messages: 1,518
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Agreed. It gets very tiring hearing all the moaning and groaning of 'another promo' that is quite constant. Perhaps having it set up like they do for EC messages and visible tack? That way if you hear about a promo that sounds interesting, you can opt in. Similarly with a promo you do not particularly like, opt out. However, if you have opted to be a part of a promo but later decide that you don't like it, you cannot change it until that promotion is over.
  • Posted messages: 13,426
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I would not call this a promo. For the average player what are you getting? The horse shoes do nothing. No bonuses, no nothing. Oh I forgot a lottery ticket. Well my lottery ticket has cost over 16000. Not worth it.

I really feel for the people who haven't been on long. They will have a really hard time getting any where in the game. And don't say you don't have to play, it has made it difficult in all parts of the game. Has killed anyway to make income.
  • Posted messages: 4,786
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Several players seem to be displeased with the Big Challenge. Maybe Howrse will listen, and come the next challenge there will be some rewards when we hit several milestones collecting what ever items we're supposed to collect.

The Grand Prix reduction fee combined with the tack fees is hurtful indeed. katiedingo your not the only one that is currently bleeding E.

If we all pull together doing the objectives we can, we can speed up the hole collection process. Just implement it in you daily Howrse chores.
I am not entering the high level horseshoe comps if I see them. I have no chance of getting them anywho. So in stead I enter some blups in rookie comps or lower level comps if I see them.

If I win one of them I'm happy even if I only win 1 horseshoe.

If an objective is impossible or too expensive for me to complete, I just ignore it.

An opt out button would be nice. I just wonder how much ranting we would get if some players clicked such a button, then changed their minds later on.
  • Posted messages: 9,752
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shute not >> The Grand Prix reduction fee

I meant The Grand Prix rewards
  • Posted messages: 9,752
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By Retired breeder, 1st May 2014 17:22:30
does anyone know the next time we will be dewinging??
By Retired breeder, 1st May 2014 17:30:26
Retired breeder wrote:

does anyone know the next time we will be dewinging??

I dewinged one of my pegasi on the first day. Objectives are different for everyone.
Would be nice if they at least gave us a turnip or something for every 10 HSs, my turnip expense is now more than my daily earnings, and not getting any sellable UFOs.default smiley :@ I have started dragging my blupped horses out for comps, don't have to feed them turnips. But at least it will give me equus to keep my horses I am blupping going.

I am sorry about that guys, I usually pull them when I am finished, I know what it is like having someone dump a finished horse in a comp.default smiley :(
  • Posted messages: 4,786
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katiedingo wrote:

Would be nice if they at least gave us a turnip or something for every 10 HSs, my turnip expense is now more than my daily earnings, and not getting any sellable UFOs.default smiley :@ I have started dragging my blupped horses out for comps, don't have to feed them turnips. But at least it will give me equus to keep my horses I am blupping going.

I am sorry about that guys, I usually pull them when I am finished, I know what it is like having someone dump a finished horse in a comp.default smiley :(

Good Idea! They could give us maybe 1000E every time we get 10 Horseshoes.
  • Posted messages: 1,518
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Yes that would be better than turnips, but I didn't want to seem greedy.default smiley :d
  • Posted messages: 4,786
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[quote=1402149747]Yes that would be better than turnips, but I didn't want to seem greedy.default smiley :d[/quote
i don't think it's greedy to ask for a reward for hard work. after all, we used to get rewards for the objectives.

i really don't like to moan, and i can't enter the grand prix yet anyway so it has little effect on me, but i can see how it can be a downer for other players. i do think howrse are acting with our best interests at heart, but an opt out buttion would probably make a lot of players happier.
  • Posted messages: 1,216
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woops that first bit was meant to be
katiedingo wrote:

Yes that would be better than turnips, but I didn't want to seem greedy.default smiley :d
  • Posted messages: 1,216
  • Karma: 10 points
katiedingo wrote:

Yes that would be better than turnips, but I didn't want to seem greedy.default smiley :d

You didn't seem greedy!
  • Posted messages: 1,518
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does anyone think there is a possibility the gemstone divines might soon come in the reserved sales? I don't know if I should start saving my passes default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 7,883
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tropicanaoj1 wrote:

does anyone think there is a possibility the gemstone divines might soon come in the reserved sales? I don't know if I should start saving my passes default smiley (lol)

It's a huge possibility, judging from the recent reversed sales on divines/wilds we've been having, but when is anyone's guess default smiley ;)
  • Posted messages: 623
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