[FT] Spoiler Zone!
Nalu93 oh absolutely , he's the cutiest boy only good shall be spoken
Emperor Frosty is the best thing. I just can't. He's perfect
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Is there a benefit towards the divine for unlocking the extra slots. I can't remember if we can get fragments again after completing the event.
Is there a benefit towards the divine for unlocking the extra slots. I can't remember if we can get fragments again after completing the event. Last time for Sinbad we could, but if somebody can confirm this edition is the same that'd be nice. I bought both slots, but that's because I want multiple pets.
szynszyla, if nothing have changed should be possible. While testing I was able to complete it several times and get fragments again and again
^ Then we should be good.
Definitely going for more Frosties instead of opening crowns
Weekend offers:
Click to display Nutcracker, Blizzard and ....Tormenta?!
Howrse starting the new year off right, I see.
Click to display Any thoughts to how Tormenta will be released? I've only noticed them (the Legendaries) being released through their tack pieces in the past, but that's the whole divine in the spoiler.
ooo what luck item is each one likely to be in??
My guess would be:
Click to display - Whole tack in hop. "Pick your own piece!" kind of promo we had a few years back - Set of tack in hop. The whole tack set to put on the horse you wish
Just found my horse from waaay back when who has 2 pieces of the tack already
Finally a weekend promo I'm excited for
Click to display I look forward to the release of the other legendaries. I’d love to get Bukefalos, Zaldia and Altair, they are both useful and pretty I can’t remember the last time we got all pieces at once!
Click to display FINALLY. FINALLY. FINALLY. I have been waiting YEARS to get the rest of the Tormenta tack set to finish the Legendary Divine set. I even have Buce! Bless you Howrse for finally listening
Click to display Personally, not a fan of Quicksilver. The red is not only off brand but looks tacky. Click to display The red is integral part of the element, though. Click to display It honestly looks pinkish to me. But I'm not familiar with red being "integral" when it comes to mercury, unless we are talking about Cinnabar (mercury sulfide), with a formula of HgS. There are other reddish mercury compounds as well, but not any real pure red mercury. Of course, I'm not an expert on metal elements and I admit I haven't done much study into mercury being red so I'm not claiming to be a bastion of knowledge and I might be wrong. Either way, I can't imagine there being tons of people who think mercury must have some red in it - they could just have the liquid silver look everyone expects. I do hope they adjust his horn at least. Especially with the pink against the silver it just looks slapped on top of his design, like they were working with a pegasus and someone went "hey, he's the capstone so let's make him an alicorn." The horn is a sharp edge on top of the flow of his forelock and it doesn't right at all.
Click to display It honestly looks pinkish to me. But I'm not familiar with red being "integral" when it comes to mercury, unless we are talking about Cinnabar (mercury sulfide), with a formula of HgS. There are other reddish mercury compounds as well, but not any real pure red mercury. Of course, I'm not an expert on metal elements and I admit I haven't done much study into mercury being red so I'm not claiming to be a bastion of knowledge and I might be wrong. Either way, I can't imagine there being tons of people who think mercury must have some red in it - they could just have the liquid silver look everyone expects. I do hope they adjust his horn at least. Especially with the pink against the silver it just looks slapped on top of his design, like they were working with a pegasus and someone went "hey, he's the capstone so let's make him an alicorn." The horn is a sharp edge on top of the flow of his forelock and it doesn't right at all. Click to display I think the pinkish red is a reference to cinnabar, which could make sense since many of the other metal divines have some ore/native form of the metal on them also. Plus them leaving mineral ores behind also helps justify it a bit lol
Click to display have you guys seen one of the old thermometers that have the red bar to indicate temperature? you may even have one in your house. That red stuff is mercury (or it used to be anyway, these days they use a less toxic substance), it’s probably the most iconic use of mercury, even if everyone thinks about the silver version first, so of course they gave him red bits having said that his horn does look a bit like it was glued on lol
Click to display have you guys seen one of the old thermometers that have the red bar to indicate temperature? you may even have one in your house. That red stuff is mercury (or it used to be anyway, these days they use a less toxic substance), it’s probably the most iconic use of mercury, even if everyone thinks about the silver version first, so of course they gave him red bits having said that his horn does look a bit like it was glued on lol Click to display The red stuff is alcohol (which is the most common now, for safety, although less accurate). The thermometers containing mercury are silver or yellowish due to tinting of the thermometer to help see where the mercury is. The red thermometer is a good example of how quickly a safer substance has overtaken mercury yet has led to the new color being associated with it though.
Hey guys, those of you going for fully tormenta tack how many hops is is taking y’all on average?
Keeley_B I saw many share that on What was in your Luck items or Custom Pack? Forum
What is the next divine for trophies after
Click to display Tianma?
Click to display Tianma? Click to display Tarpan, Tiny Falabella, Tianma, Etrian, Skinfaxi, Dark Chocolate, Piccolo Falacorn, Rongo , Ran, Kaktos, White Chocolate
By Retired breeder, 6th January 2024 17:21:32
In case anyone was wondering Embers' drop rate...
Click to display Embers' meter needs to be filled to 200 points. You get 2 points every time you give him wood (x1/day). If you accidentally give him water, this drops the points -1. So you could potentially get a P. Stone every 100 days, approximately 3/year. |
I consistently got 3 and 5 on preprod, so I'm assuming 60-70 days is more accurate
Click to display So I am guessing Rhenium will most likely drop 80p- any ideas as to what Quicksilver may do? |
Click to display So I am guessing Rhenium will most likely drop 80p- any ideas as to what Quicksilver may do? I guess you're correct. My personal guesses: Click to display - Best case Scenario - Augmented drops for all metals. "Your metals always drop max minerals!". That would be an absolute game changer, but also unlikely to happen - Mid-case Scenario - Pass drop every time a Metal drops. "Every time a metal drops, you get 10 passes" (Sun scenario) - Most likely case scenario - 100 passes every 42 days. - Worst case scenario - Pretty boy. (Diamond)