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Shame the Nordics probably won't be in it as they seem to be every second year. I was sick last year and mixed 7 Bragi's in direct sales due to how slow my tired self's response time was default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 12,544
  • Karma: 10 points
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On the subject of Black Friday, I have been keeping a log, which I update daily and base it on the last change before update. I use the information I gather to set weekly goals, as well as a slightly more detailed one that tells me where it all comes from and how I could potentially make more during the day.

I've kept this log for almost 2 months now and have gathered over 61 million equus since, with the main ways being selling horses, comping my divines, selling stuff I don't need, and selling items through the exchanges.

I think the biggest tip I can give is to always try and have more at the end of the day than at the beginning, over time this really will build up. Of course, the majority of you likely do not have the amount of divines I have or the stock, but what I do can still work on a smaller scale.

For example, say you dedicate one exchange a week to selling something for equus, that would be a decent chunk of equus to add to your reserve every week. Another is to comp the 3 divines that we get from Ascend, dressage competitions would allow you to bring in around 1000 equus a day per divine if you only entered divine competitions. There's also prix that runs every weekday, entering the max every day (2 in each without the bonus) would bring in at least 2000 equus every weekday.

There are also the cattle meadows, which bring in over a million a month, even without crafting, once you have set up 6 large meadows with feed troughs. These are expensive to set up and take a while, but after the first month you will profit.

It takes a lot of work, but eventually it will start to build up.and really start to show.
  • Posted messages: 11,395
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Just to inform you guys, for those who did not notice there are cat-sith companions in the back market today. default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 1,678
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Aℓina wrote:

Just to inform you guys, for those who did not notice there are cat-sith companions in the back market today. default smiley :)

Thanks! Grabbed the final 2 for my collection default smiley :-))
  • Posted messages: 9,713
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Does the new event start today or tomorrow?
  • Posted messages: 87
  • Karma: 10 points
Keeley_B wrote:

Does the new event start today or tomorrow?

New events always start on Thursdays and end on Mondays unless some unusual circumstances are in place.
  • Posted messages: 1,547
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Thank you prime helix �
  • Posted messages: 87
  • Karma: 10 points
Oathkeeper wrote:

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On the subject of Black Friday, I have been keeping a log, which I update daily and base it on the last change before update. I use the information I gather to set weekly goals, as well as a slightly more detailed one that tells me where it all comes from and how I could potentially make more during the day.

I've kept this log for almost 2 months now and have gathered over 61 million equus since, with the main ways being selling horses, comping my divines, selling stuff I don't need, and selling items through the exchanges.

I think the biggest tip I can give is to always try and have more at the end of the day than at the beginning, over time this really will build up. Of course, the majority of you likely do not have the amount of divines I have or the stock, but what I do can still work on a smaller scale.

For example, say you dedicate one exchange a week to selling something for equus, that would be a decent chunk of equus to add to your reserve every week. Another is to comp the 3 divines that we get from Ascend, dressage competitions would allow you to bring in around 1000 equus a day per divine if you only entered divine competitions. There's also prix that runs every weekday, entering the max every day (2 in each without the bonus) would bring in at least 2000 equus every weekday.

There are also the cattle meadows, which bring in over a million a month, even without crafting, once you have set up 6 large meadows with feed troughs. These are expensive to set up and take a while, but after the first month you will profit.

It takes a lot of work, but eventually it will start to build up.and really start to show.

Good advice!!! default smiley :) I myself always start collecting Equus from Exchanges, leather etc as soon as it's over as I find it less stressful than just starting a few months before it happens! default smiley :)
Cory Schneider
  • Posted messages: 4,422
  • Karma: 10 points
Hello everyone, Friendly Family Nalu here with a last-minute tip in case you missed this!

I know you're all excited tomorrow for the event, but I just wanted to remind you that you will have to WAIT if you want to use your Divines to get
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The New Breed right away.

Be mindful that the powers of Ràn and Hipparion can activate on new breeds ONLY when a Breeding couple is released in the game.
So until there's a Female and a Male of the same breed, you CANNOT get an unreleased breed from Ràn or Hipparion.

You will have to wait until a Breeding couple has been released from the game (or until somebody ZLBs their boy to match a couple) before activating their powers.

So take care and be Patient, before you waste a full Hipparion (34 days) and Ràn (20 days with Fountain and Sugar Spam) cycle.

Just wait a few days, make absolutely sure.

Take care and love you all default smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 17,282
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I completely forgot what the next event is… does anyone know?
  • Posted messages: 360
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  • Seniority: 492 days
Gemstone12345 wrote:

I completely forgot what the next event is… does anyone know?

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The great challenge.
  • Posted messages: 5,916
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Ok great thanks Spyder!
  • Posted messages: 360
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  • Seniority: 492 days
Em Hi guys just wondering when does the event start at what time?
Animal Jam
  • Posted messages: 28
  • Karma: 10 points
Animal Jam wrote:

Em Hi guys just wondering when does the event start at what time?

In one hour and a half default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 17,282
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Animal Jam
  • Posted messages: 28
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Question! For the horseshoe event, if I buy the pass key later (once I've earned a few more passes to get to 600), will I get the prizes from the levels I've already completed as well as the new ones?
  • Posted messages: 39
  • Karma: 10 points
Lilywolf wrote:

Question! For the horseshoe event, if I buy the pass key later (once I've earned a few more passes to get to 600), will I get the prizes from the levels I've already completed as well as the new ones?
Yes, you will.
Now that the event is live, any Great Challenge related questions can be posted in the Great Challenge topicdefault smiley :)
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,191
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Does anyone know the fragment drop rate for Jenny in the TC?
  • Posted messages: 13,533
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So Croesus and Employees. I'm not sure what the other divine is
Cory Schneider
  • Posted messages: 4,422
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Cory Schneider wrote:

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So Croesus and Employees. I'm not sure what the other divine is

The other one looks to me like

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  • Posted messages: 45
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^ You would be correct
  • Posted messages: 17,282
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Visual confirmation for those who want it:

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  • Posted messages: 17,282
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Breeding couples for the Misaki are *out* you may now enjoy your Hipparion and Ràn bonuses (I'll still wait tomorrow, but you should be golden now) default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 17,282
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Would everyone suggest trying for Croesus or is he worth?
  • Posted messages: 95
  • Karma: 10 points
Mizuzuki wrote:

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Would everyone suggest trying for Croesus or is he worth?
It's up to you, if you have the resources
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The fragemnt rate will likely be at the minimum of 9-20ish, so he'll be expensive if you have to max the meter

Pros: Easy 100 passes (200 this month, since the 13th is a Friday) every month, as all you have to do is login the day before
Cons: there are divines that offer more than 100 pases each month, but you have to do more work to get those passes

Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,191
  • Karma: 10 points
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