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Qυєєи σf Sαιgσи wrote:

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Normally, blue divines go in the TC
  • Posted messages: 212
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yeah i'd predict wind in hops and Quartz in TCs
  • Posted messages: 31,523
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Sargas wrote:


Back when fragments were first released, you could win blue fragments in TC, red fragments in GF, and green fragments in HoP. That method has changed, but howrse still sometimes follows it.
Most green divines (Brown too) go in HoP's. Blue divines tend to be in TC's, and red divines tend to be GF. There are exceptions like Jade and stuff. But howrse follows this method quite a lot.
Qυєєи σf Sαιgσи
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Event divines don't count because events divines go back and forth between fleeces and challenges and it will never change.
Qυєєи σf Sαιgσи
  • Posted messages: 6,034
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Qυєєи σf Sαιgσи wrote:

Back when fragments were first released, you could win blue fragments in TC, red fragments in GF, and green fragments in HoP. That method has changed, but howrse still sometimes follows it.
Most green divines (Brown too) go in HoP's. Blue divines tend to be in TC's, and red divines tend to be GF. There are exceptions like Jade and stuff. But howrse follows this method quite a lot.

Huh? I don't remember this being a thing ever.
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Nalu93 wrote:

Checked the last 90 days and it's a bit less, more on the 50-60 side

Thanks Nalu!
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Rogin wrote:

Huh? I don't remember this being a thing ever.

Here is a link to a video that Legacy Ann made. In here it's not super clear, but if a divine doesn't have any specific value, howrse will choose what item it goes in by this method. Of course, as said, not all divines are this way.
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Qυєєи σf Sαιgσи
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It doesn't really happen often now sicne the fragments are now all rainbow so that any divine can be in any item. But indirectly and can still coem in play. It's kind of irrelevant in this event becomes Quartz is red(ish), but since the fleeces are taken from events, they will move it to level 6 of TC, like with Pearl
Qυєєи σf Sαιgσи
  • Posted messages: 6,034
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I don't remember this being a thing ever either.
The colors were not indicative of the horses, it was just a way to distinguish the items.
Else Jade would always have been in Hops.

They could have been yellow pink and grey for what matters default smiley :)
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Nalu93 wrote:

I don't remember this being a thing ever either.
The colors were not indicative of the horses, it was just a way to distinguish the items.
Else Jade would always have been in Hops.

They could have been yellow pink and grey for what matters default smiley :)

Yes that's true. But this is just a method I use to tell what item divines will be in. Obviously divines like Jade and Carnivorus have specific items to be in. But when a divine comes that could be in either this method usually works for me.
Qυєєи σf Sαιgσи
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Is there any word on how black friday will run this year? Will it still be for equus and in the direct sales or will they do it private like folks were asking last year?
Isle Esroh
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Isle Esroh wrote:

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Is there any word on how black friday will run this year? Will it still be for equus and in the direct sales or will they do it private like folks were asking last year?

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It will likely run like it did in 2020, but that's not a promise.
Qυєєи σf Sαιgσи
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HoP divine!!! Finally!!!

That's all I came here to say.default smiley xd
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Isle Esroh wrote:

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Is there any word on how black friday will run this year? Will it still be for equus and in the direct sales or will they do it private like folks were asking last year?

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I'm hoping for reserved sales too! But we haven't seen any more information yet other than the spoiler posted already.
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By Retired breeder, 19th November 2021 00:02:58
Qυєєи σf Sαιgσи wrote:

But howrse follows this method quite a lot.

Could just be a coincidence though and not entirely true, we don't know exactly how the game operates behind the scenes so no one should treat this as an end all "for sure" method.
Retired breeder wrote:

Could just be a coincidence though and not entirely true, we don't know exactly how the game operates behind the scenes so no one should treat this as an end all "for sure" method.

I am only referring to divines we aren't sure about. Some divines are obvious. Eurus-HoP. Jade-TC. But sometimes divines could be in either and that's when this can become useful.
Qυєєи σf Sαιgσи
  • Posted messages: 6,034
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By Retired breeder, 19th November 2021 04:41:40
Qυєєи σf Sαιgσи wrote:

I am only referring to divines we aren't sure about. Some divines are obvious. Eurus-HoP. Jade-TC. But sometimes divines could be in either and that's when this can become useful.

Yeah I get that, I just thought it might be best to clarify since some inexperienced players, especially those who don't speak English as their native language, could misinterpret it. Sorry if it came off the wrong way.
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Black Friday!
  • Posted messages: 6
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PumpkinPie wrote:

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Black Friday!

One of the silhouettes
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Seemed to look like the wolf chimera? But then what about the new eagle? Unless they are releasing chimeras this year, if they are Im not too thrilled default smiley :s
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RE Preprod:
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The Divines are:
- Slongvir
- Lancelot
- Yuki
- Drakorn
- Jormungardr

The card prices are also EXPENSIVE, but extremely so. 6 Diamond cards for Jormy? That's absurd.

I am bitterly disappointed. default smiley :(
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At least last year the divines were EASY! I wanted to go for Jormy but who knows now default smiley :s
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I just wish it wasn't Lancelot, I try and go for all the divines, but having multiple of the grails is pointless.
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jsniper wrote:


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At least last year the divines were EASY! I wanted to go for Jormy but who knows now default smiley :s

The 'easiest' is
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Slongvir, and even HE costs 2 Diamond cards and a plethora of other cards.
I... I'm just...

They didn't even bother giving the Divine cards an artwork? default smiley (lol)
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Nalu93 wrote:

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Slongvir, and even HE costs 2 Diamond cards and a plethora of other cards.
I... I'm just...

They didn't even bother giving the Divine cards an artwork? default smiley (lol)

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This was my worry with this event, I knew it would be super hard. Im way disappointed. WAY disappointed. And that sucks cause Jormy probably wont be in Black Friday then :/
  • Posted messages: 12,544
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Well that's just sad, really.
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Pretty sure most of the diamond cards I got last Cards event I bought. So... uhhh... I think I'm gonna sit out on this one...default smiley :s
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