[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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I am ridiculously excited for the Musical Wandering horses. Need to get ready to buy more passes because I'm going to need all of those coats when they come out - in multiple copies.
Imagine Forever
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By Retired breeder, 9th May 2018 20:05:42
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Hey so does anyone know when the Ambassadors Program's application is going to be coming? I know it says to stay tuned, but if anyone has an idea? default smiley ;)
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I was just thinking yesterday that I wish the WH's would come back!
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Retired breeder wrote:

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Hey so does anyone know when the Ambassadors Program's application is going to be coming? I know it says to stay tuned, but if anyone has an idea? default smiley ;)

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I would assume you'd get a better response in the actual topic designated for this.
❀ ƁʀiⱮѳɗɛ ❀
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By Retired breeder, 10th May 2018 10:55:45
About a future promo:

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Are the objectives for the Wandering Horses promo known yet?
I hear you Imagine Forever - their simply amazing!!
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Retired breeder wrote:

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Are the objectives for the Wandering Horses promo known yet?

For now I've found this (many thanks to Wingman from UK):
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You will need to feed an apple to the wandering horse Hip-Hop ( this can be found in Ows account)

From there

Equip my Wandering Horses for the first time (saddle, bridle and saddle cloth)
16.67 points per action--note placing all the tack is considered 1 action.
Bell boots x 100
Equus x 5,000
Black Orchid

Age my Wandering Horses with treble clefs
0.5 points per action
Zeus' Lightning Bolt
Themis' Scale

Groom my Wandering Horses
3.34 points per action
3*** Classical Saddle
Medusa's Blood

Complete the skills training of my Wandering Horses
Philosopher's Stone
Achilles' Heel

Reach an extra year with my Wandering Horses
Mash x 50
Vintage Apple

Donate items from the shop to my friends
33.34 points per action
Aging point x 5
Pink 2** Classical saddle cloth
Ploutos' Parchment

Enter my Wandering Horses into competitions
0.64 points per action
Titan's Challenge
Equus x 50,000

Give horses mashes
5 points per action
Carrot x 100
Droppings x 200
Hypnos' Blanket

Donate horses to Ow
13.34 points per action
Horseshoe Studs
Hera's Pack
  • Posted messages: 87
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Asper wrote:

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You will need to feed an apple to the wandering horse Hip-Hop ( this can be found in Ows account)

From there

Equip my Wandering Horses for the first time (saddle, bridle and saddle cloth)
16.67 points per action--note placing all the tack is considered 1 action.
Bell boots x 100
Equus x 5,000
Black Orchid

Age my Wandering Horses with treble clefs
0.5 points per action
Zeus' Lightning Bolt
Themis' Scale

Groom my Wandering Horses
3.34 points per action
3*** Classical Saddle
Medusa's Blood

Complete the skills training of my Wandering Horses
Philosopher's Stone
Achilles' Heel

Reach an extra year with my Wandering Horses
Mash x 50
Vintage Apple

Donate items from the shop to my friends
33.34 points per action
Aging point x 5
Pink 2** Classical saddle cloth
Ploutos' Parchment

Enter my Wandering Horses into competitions
0.64 points per action
Titan's Challenge
Equus x 50,000

Give horses mashes
5 points per action
Carrot x 100
Droppings x 200
Hypnos' Blanket

Donate horses to Ow
13.34 points per action
Horseshoe Studs
Hera's Pack

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One thing I am already not liking is the you having to do the certain thing to your wandering horses. I feel like they are making this event very pass heavy. For example, aging aging a wandering horse only gives .5 points so we need to age wandering horses 200 times and don't really have a way to farm for the tremble clef (AP for these wandering horses). I will be interested in how the test server goes.
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blaze490 wrote:

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One thing I am already not liking is the you having to do the certain thing to your wandering horses. I feel like they are making this event very pass heavy. For example, aging aging a wandering horse only gives .5 points so we need to age wandering horses 200 times and don't really have a way to farm for the tremble clef (AP for these wandering horses). I will be interested in how the test server goes.

We are supposed to get
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treble clefs from both UFOs and when your Wanderer wakes up. One, or both of these options do not seem to be working at the moment, as I haven't found any Treble UFOs, nor have the 2 Wanderers I have found any when they woke up. The event instructions imply we should get a Treble each time they wake up, so it's likely a bug.

Theoretically, should you buy Trebles, and then use them to age your Wanderers you should get a Treble in return.
Legacy Ann
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Legacy Ann wrote:

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treble clefs from both UFOs and when your Wanderer wakes up. One, or both of these options do not seem to be working at the moment, as I haven't found any Treble UFOs, nor have the 2 Wanderers I have found any when they woke up. The event instructions imply we should get a Treble each time they wake up, so it's likely a bug.

Theoretically, should you buy Trebles, and then use them to age your Wanderers you should get a Treble in return.

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See I read it as Trebles will be like AP for the wandering horses. You will find some but not everyday. Will you let us know if you find out if it is a bug or if that are meant to be like AP?
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I can't imagine getting a Treble each time they wake up, because that way one Treble is enough to complete the objective (use Treble - wake up - get Treble - use Treble - and so on). Something is off here.
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blaze490 wrote:

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See I read it as Trebles will be like AP for the wandering horses. You will find some but not everyday. Will you let us know if you find out if it is a bug or if that are meant to be like AP?

I'll post when we have a concrete answer on how that's supposed to work. It's possible
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it is working correctly and it is only a chance to find a Treble when the horse wakes up, not that it's guaranteed.

If it is only a chance, I'll suggest that the instructions state that more clearly, because it's not explicitly stated whether it's guaranteed or a chance to get a Treble when the horse wakes up. I can interpret it both ways based on its current wording.
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 10th May 2018 18:05:57
I've got a question regarding the
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Derby. Will it last for 7 or 8 days? It's been said on here that it's 7 but on my server we just started the derby yesterday and it says it will last for 8 days. 8 days would mean a lot less flags per day and so a lot less equus to spend.. soo is it 7 or 8?
Retired breeder wrote:

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Derby. Will it last for 7 or 8 days? It's been said on here that it's 7 but on my server we just started the derby yesterday and it says it will last for 8 days. 8 days would mean a lot less flags per day and so a lot less equus to spend.. soo is it 7 or 8?
I don't know that the time stated on the test server is necessarily how long
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the Derby will run on the live version. I can't remember from preprod how long it stated for us that it would run, but we sometimes test an event for a longer, or shorter, duration than it will run when it goes live. I think the Derby ran for about a week or less last year, so about the same as the Lottery. We'll have to wait until it goes live to see what the actual dates aredefault smiley :)
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 10th May 2018 19:23:24
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
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in regards to wandering horse promo..do we use wondering horses that are in our farms , our everyday horses or the new wanderers coming out for this promo?
  • Posted messages: 9,684
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wildfire7979 wrote:

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in regards to wandering horse promo..do we use wondering horses that are in our farms , our everyday horses or the new wanderers coming out for this promo?

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it's easy to earn the first two or so music wandering horses, you can do that in day one. From there, those are the horses that earn you music notes, and earn you points towards the other music wanderers
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wildfire7979 wrote:

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in regards to wandering horse promo..do we use wondering horses that are in our farms , our everyday horses or the new wanderers coming out for this promo?

Only the new
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music Wanderers will count towards an objective that specifies caring for a Wanderer. Regular horses, or those with the Wanderer's Spirit coats will not count.
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 11th May 2018 17:04:15
What are the gold card prizes. I know 2 out of 4 of them are the Philosopher's Stone and The 5th Element but I need to know what the others are.
Retired breeder wrote:

What are the gold card prizes. I know 2 out of 4 of them are the Philosopher's Stone and The 5th Element but I need to know what the others are.

The other prizes are
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C. Timer


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Well that stinks..thanks Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 9,684
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By Retired breeder, 11th May 2018 21:25:35
Hey. I'm having a hard time figuring out how to post with the spoiler banner. Could someone give me a hand?
Lotr+Horses, there is an eye icon at the top of your text box - just click that; the cursor should already be in the correct spot to start typing default smiley :p
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Does anyone know if there is a pass promo this weekend? I don't know if it's worthy to buy them now. :v
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Openmate wrote:

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Does anyone know if there is a pass promo this weekend? I don't know if it's worthy to buy them now. :v

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Probably not. We just had one last weekend.
❀ ƁʀiⱮѳɗɛ ❀
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