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Along with my previous post, if anyone has questions or requests for tests/info, feel free to PM me default smiley :) default smiley (y)
  • Posted messages: 503
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I am also testing the festivities. I am going to try and do a *modest* playthrough.
I want to test it like I'm NOT a player who has millions in reserve.

So far from what I can tell, The slingshot isn't really anything other than for looks. You can only pull it straight back, so you can't aim. all morning I have been working with how far to pull it back and see if that has an effect on anything.

I am not yet convinced it does. I will keep investigating though.

So here's how the cost is going for me so far(even though I know Zayne has covered it well)

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We earned three free races, and then every race after that, the cost quadruples. )(starting from 5) To do 9 races per day, it would cost a player 6825 equus. Times that by 7 (how many days we get races) and the total contest costs about 47775. That would get you around 650 flags.

To do 10 races per day, it would cost 27,325 per day. meaning if you did that all seven days the cost shoots up to 191,275. that's going to get you around 700-800 flags.

So I can tell thus far, its going to be a fairly equus heavy deal. I don't know why one would feel the need to spend passes, as they only help you win the race. (a difference of 1-3 flags isnt worth it to me)

I don't want to post my lifestory on here default smiley (lol) but if anyone has any questions at all, shoot me a message
  • Posted messages: 213
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Quick question about the
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How many flags do you get per race? default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 5,647
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sunshinemonster wrote:

Quick question about the
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How many flags do you get per race? default smiley :)

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11 if you come in 1st place,
10 for 2nd
9 for 3rd
8 for 4th place.
  • Posted messages: 13,232
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sunshinemonster wrote:

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How many flags do you get per race? default smiley :)

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11 for 1st place, 10 for 2nd, 9 for 3rd, 8 for 4th
  • Posted messages: 503
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How are you both so quick to answer? are you notified when someone posts, or just great vigilant checkers?
  • Posted messages: 213
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EmilyClaire wrote:

How are you both so quick to answer? are you notified when someone posts, or just great vigilant checkers?

I just noticed we both posted at the exact same time default smiley (lol) I just check a lot, and I favorited the thread so it shows when there's a new post
  • Posted messages: 503
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Can someone tell me what the new contest/event thingy will be? and when it starts?default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 4,159
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howling-wolf wrote:

Can someone tell me what the new contest/event thingy will be? and when it starts?default smiley :)

We never know exactly when it starts and if you go back a page you'll find lots of information about what contests are coming up default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 721
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Day 2 results:

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It looks like the picture may be cut off a bit default smiley (lol) so if you're interested in the full cost, just use the link or PM me and I'll send you a full pic
  • Posted messages: 503
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Ok so for my day 2

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I'm going to worry less about costs since Zayne is doing a better job than me anyways. My focus today has been the slingshot. Last year when the festivities came around, one of the largest complaints was that it was all automated, very little interaction with the game besides repeatedly clicking a button.

I believe this year they added a slingshot, to make it feel more interactive. So I've been testing how much of a difference that slingshot actually makes.

I will record numbers today, but moving it the bare minimum back, I still was able to get fives and 6s consistently. Going back as far as possible, It really seemed the same, but I think I got a significant amount more low numbers.

I will have actual data on my day three

If anyone has any questions, just shoot me a pm default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 213
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sorry, I will record numbers tomorrow***

Not today, typo in my last message default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 213
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Please remember to use the spoiler tags when talking about upcoming eventsdefault smiley (y)
@Gandalf, the length on the test server isn't always the same as what it will be on the live server. However, usually the
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festivities (Derby portion in this case) last about 5-7 days. We still have another event to go until the Derby starts, so we have about 3 weeks or so to make money for the races
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 26th April 2018 01:29:46
Does anybody know how they randomly select players to test pre-pod without being a VIP?
Why are the
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Chimera horses
showing up as one of the special horse categories in the directories?
  • Posted messages: 7,426
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Retired breeder wrote:

Does anybody know how they randomly select players to test pre-pod without being a VIP?

I believe they choose just before or at the same time as the VIPs are offered spots, and those were given on the 24th
  • Posted messages: 503
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By Retired breeder, 26th April 2018 04:00:36
Zayne wrote:

I believe they choose just before or at the same time as the VIPs are offered spots, and those were given on the 24th

Thank you - does anyone know "how" you are selected? Do you have to do something to prove that you'd be useful testing and know what to do? Or do they just "randomly" select players by drawing names or something. -Worth asking in contact us?
Hey guys, when is the next event happening does anyone know?
oakridge stud
  • Posted messages: 732
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oakridge stud wrote:

Hey guys, when is the next event happening does anyone know?

my best guess is tomorrow morning sometime
  • Posted messages: 3,825
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Retired breeder wrote:

Thank you - does anyone know "how" you are selected? Do you have to do something to prove that you'd be useful testing and know what to do? Or do they just "randomly" select players by drawing names or something. -Worth asking in contact us?

I've been chosen for it when I wasn't VIP and I still have no idea how they choose default smiley (lol) but I don't think it's random...yeah, contact us may be able to help default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 503
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By Retired breeder, 26th April 2018 11:48:40
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Does anyone if there will be some sort of lottery after Derby/festivities end?
By Retired breeder, 26th April 2018 12:15:04
Hey, does anyone know what the diamond gift card is in the cards?
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Retired breeder wrote:

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Does anyone if there will be some sort of lottery after Derby/festivities end?

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I haven't seen anything mentioned about a lottery on the test server yet, but it's possible

anomites wrote:

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I haven't seen anything about a great challenge or lottery, just the derby + you'll be able to try for the divine with TC and if you don't get him after a certain amount of tries, they'll allow you to buy him from sales minus passes for each try, down to 5
  • Posted messages: 503
  • Karma: 10 points
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