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bezo93 wrote:

Regarding the C__Trophy
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For me this is a change that raises the question, who benefits? I don't think I'm setting the bar overly high when I expect a change to be beneficial to someone. I may not agree with the pass horse change, for example, but at least I can see that it will benefit some players and therefore there is some logic behind the change, even though I don't like or agree with it.

Removing the companions trophy, however, benefits no one and will annoy a lot of people. Most people who have a complete/nearly complete collection have invested a lot of equus and passes into their collection. Some people did it because they enjoy collecting companions or HoG coats, but a lot of people did it because they are trophy collectors, and this rips away a big chunk of their collection. There are 10 companion trophies, and even if completing the collection is now nigh on impossible (for everyone, not just the new players), it is still possible to get at least a few of those trophies (or even most, for those willing to spend the time and money).

The people who supposedly benefit are new players. Except...they don't. So they will have less incomplete trophies - how is that benefiting them? I have dozens of incomplete trophies, some of which I could get if tried but many of which I am unable to ever complete. It doesn't affect my game and I rarely even think about it. I've just accepted there are some things I am never going have.
I have no complete sets of divines, and most of my missing divines I am unlikely to ever get because they have either never been offered in a promo since, or have been in luck items which require a lot of luck and/or a truckload of passes, making it an unviable way to complete a collection to anyone who has more than one divine missing from a set. Not only are my current sets incomplete, but I have more incomplete sets to look forward to in the future, thanks to the never ending influx of divines. Yet divine trophies aren't being removed and nobody bats an eye at the fact that they are unobtainable for many players. At least with companions there is the faint hope that someone who has a big collection who decides to quit the game could sell their collection first, freeing up a few more companions for other players - the chances are low, but at least it is possible - whereas with most divines even that is not an option because the majority are unsellable.
Of course, it is possible that Howrse could decide to stop adding new divines and re-offer old ones as prizes in our constant promos instead, giving people a (more feasible) chance to complete their collections, but I'm not holding my breath.

"It's for the new players" is a tired old argument that rarely engenders much sympathy or support anymore, but in this case it is simply nonsensical. Companions will still be on the game, they will still be as rare as they are now (possibly rarer as, if they hold no trophy value, people will be more willing to SH them or let them die when they get old), and new players still won't have them. The only difference will be slightly less missing trophies - which isn't even a benefit, because it also means if they do buy a horse with a companion, they will not earn a new trophy and won't get the (small but still there) boost to their ranking.

So new players don't benefit. Old players don't benefit. Even Howrse does not benefit - without the trophy, there will be less people willing to pay passes for companions. So what is the point of removing it when it will just annoy people, on the back of other changes that are already going to annoy a lot of people?

I couldn't agree more.
I collect companions. I have pure over 50,000,000 equus into collecting them, and at least a thousand passes.
I have 4,448 goats alone.
All of these can be found under my Arario tab

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If this happens, all the hard work I put in for my collection would be for nothing. They'd be valueless and pointless. There's no reason why the trophies should be removed.
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Manue wrote:

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Well....if the true motivation for removing the companions trophies is to replace them with trophies where it is imagined that it will be easier for new players (or any player for that matter) to send thousands of horses to SH, I am afraid I can't see the underlying logic. Something else seems to be going on.

Agreed. The only good thing about this, for me only, is that I adore companiions and don't care about trophies so maybe i can afford to buy more. I just think they are cool. They got rid of them when i was still beginning and didn't have much time online so i didn't have a chance to get more of them.
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By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2017 19:43:15
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2017 19:53:58
AP= Aging Point
HoP= Horn of Plenty
By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2017 21:12:34
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After searching on Equideow I found out "more" about Companions trophy and Safe Haven thing,, It was just a "prank" made by some french player/s,,
I'll ask them directly to be sure, so for now:

This is photomontage thus is not true,, < It should be an allusion to new divine Yggdrasil and new Safe Haven ranking,,

Now I need to go to CZ server and kinda apologise, people here already started selling their companions, I need to stop it,, And feel even more guilty.default smiley :$

If anyone is interested in the original message,,
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Bon, je crois que la blague aura duré assez de temps comme ça... :')

Donc pour ceux qui ne l'avaient pas remarqué, la nouveauté "trophées du Havre de Paix" est une énorme INTOX default smiley default smiley ;)

Au départ c'est une blague que Moz2 m'avait fait par MP en m'envoyant ce photomontage (et rassurez-vous j'y ait cru au début x( ) et m'a proposé de le poster ici, afin d'observer les réactions. Pour l'amour du lulz, comme diraient les habitués de 4chan. Du coup l'idée m'a plu, alors après 2-3 peaufinages il a été posté ici. Ensuite il aura simplement fallu quelques complices pour commenter cette nouveauté avec la plus grande des indignations pour que vous connaissiez la suite ^^
Honnêtement je ne pensais pas que les gens y croiraient autant x) ça aura été amusant pour nous de voir les réactions de certains, et j'espère que comme ça vous verrez que c'est important de toujours vérifier la source default smiley default smiley :p

Promis, je ne referais plus de canulars de ce genre ^^ Une fois ça passe, deux fois ça casse.

Bonne année à tous default smiley default smiley (h)
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Wow, if it's true what's said in that text it would be very sad for some of those people who took it seriously and started selling things off. Still though, we're all warned at the top of this topic to be careful about trusting the spoilers too much, so it's not exactly your fault if someone acted too quickly without enough evidence or, for that matter, time for feedback to Ubisoft. After all, this is a gossip zone default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2017 21:34:04

Heh, thanks for calming,, default smiley (8)
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After this, I'll probably pin to every new spoiler translated, warning about truthfulness,,
To make sure, I won't get pranked again,, default smiley :-))
Kušni, no worries default smiley :) I think it's great that you forward so much information to the rest of us, thanks for doing so default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 37,444
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Manue wrote:

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Well....if the true motivation for removing the companions trophies is to replace them with trophies where it is imagined that it will be easier for new players (or any player for that matter) to send thousands of horses to SH, I am afraid I can't see the underlying logic. Something else seems to be going on.

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With the combination of the three new rankings (horses sent to heaven, horses sent to heaven aged 25+, and horses sent SH), Yggdrasil, and the new trophy, to me it looks like Howrse is doing its best to subtly persuade us all to have less horses. Which, considering there are over 12,000,000 horses on the game, is somewhat understandable, especially as I would imagine a large number of horses rarely, if ever, get worked - I certainly have some horses I haven't touched in months, if not years. If the aim is not to get us to cut down the number of horses by using SH and Heaven more, then I struggle to see why so many of the upcoming changes are focused on them.
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By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2017 21:41:38
Kushi ,
You seriously made a lot of people unhappy by doing this , next time I'm sure you will check carefully before sharing it with other servers ect..
Anyway I'm glad it was just a joke
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Yes, I suspect the same thing actually. Server space costs money, after all!
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By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2017 21:43:41
*kušni. Is what I meant to write
By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2017 21:54:34

Not really check, but warn, that informations given, don't always have to be truth and only truth.
As I can't really check informations, Howrse can always change something before it goes live, so you could say that every information in spoiler topic isn't 100% sure and never be,,
default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2017 21:55:04
Thank you Kušni for bringing us those news but sadly it is only matter of time when they will be removed..
By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2017 22:02:50
Yes but it's always nice to check that it's not a 'joke' as a lot of people did get quite angry at this and about the removal ..
However as I said , thanks for telling us and I appreciate that

Maybe the tell U.K. Server also
I wonder why people would even play pranks like that, because it's aftermath (the last few pages of this topic) wasn't very pretty!default smiley (lol) Thank goodness its just a joke though, there's enough spoilers people are worried about already default smiley :p
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By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2017 22:16:28
Retired breeder wrote:

Maybe the tell U.K. Server also

That'd be work for someone else I guess,, As I'm not playing on that server,,
Only servers I did informed were UK and CZ so far,, default smiley (h)
Also I was kinda surprised, because fr. players actually took it with humor,, I though they'd be upset at the "pranker" (whatever people call them) default smiley (o)
Retired breeder wrote:

Kushi , You seriously made a lot of people unhappy by doing this , next time I'm sure you will check carefully before sharing it with other servers ect.. Anyway I'm glad it was just a joke
I'll take the blame for that, as I think I brought the info over first. I read through all the posts from the time it was first posted to when I posted it yesterday and they kept up the charade the whole time. Aside from the harmless Balios hoax they did last year, no one has purposely posted false information in the several months that I've been reading through their spoiler forum.
Legacy Ann
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Good grief i'm outta here bye
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If only the pass horse changes were another bad joke made by french players.default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 9,353
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By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2017 22:33:55
Just to add, I got the answer from prankster,,

"Yes, it was a joke. I feel sorry for the companions sold because of that. default smiley :s"

Still hoping for that,, Still hoping,,
Retired breeder wrote:

Kushi ,
You seriously made a lot of people unhappy by doing this , next time I'm sure you will check carefully before sharing it with other servers ect..
Anyway I'm glad it was just a joke

I don't blame Kushi directly but that I have posted over and over that until something comes from a more official source we all end up talking in a vacuum and simply gets a bunch of people upset for nothing.default smiley (o)

I rest my case.default smiley ;)
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By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2017 22:46:06
Retired breeder wrote:

Kushi ,
You seriously made a lot of people unhappy by doing this , next time I'm sure you will check carefully before sharing it with other servers ect..
Anyway I'm glad it was just a joke

It isn't Kušni's fault. If you were on that server and saw that joke I bet you would come and post it here too, and I'm sure Kušni wouldn't fuss about your posting misleading information, especially because it was the French player's fault and not his/hers. I'm just grateful that Kušni looked into it and told us it was fake, as she could have kept it all to him/herself and bought many companions for cheap from all of you. Be grateful for what you do have, not negative about what you don't! default smiley ^) Thanks Kušni!default smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2017 22:47:44
Gosh guys , I only said kušni cause she was the one that mentioned it was a jokedefault smiley xd
EarthGirl wrote:

I wonder why people would even play pranks like that, because it's aftermath (the last few pages of this topic) wasn't very pretty!default smiley (lol) Thank goodness its just a joke though, there's enough spoilers people are worried about already default smiley :p

Exactly what I thought. That's not a very funny joke and the ones who promulgated it should be censored, banned from the forums and lose karma points, in my opinion. It's one thing shooting your mouth off, another thing ENTIRELY to hoax the players like this. Of course the mods will do nothing.
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