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@Spyder regarding the next promo

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So you have to give Liana 200 droppings each day? Or is it 200 to reach the 1200 skills?

Also can you enter the horse in comps or?

And the gift is a Helios Ray?

@haylaybaylay yes that is correct. Right now it's the only way to get Epona.
If Howrse decides to offer her in another promo at a later date remains to be seen.
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ConcernedFlora wrote:

So, did I miss a page or did I read/gather info correctly?

You can only get Epona for $75 in actual money?
There won't be another way available to get her or the Treasure Chest besides that way. That we know of at least, right?

Well.. kinda. You can win a treasure chest in Titans challenge. Last year on the swedish server I opened 150 or so TCs to get one to get the divine. I want all divines but I don't have any money to use on the game so it was the only way for me lol. The TC will be available soon (within like 2 months) with the release of the gemstones and wilds so that's kind of a way to get Epona.

Treasure chests can be found on level 6 and 7. Dunno if they're found on level 8, I've only gotten divines or like 20 BMIs when I've gotten there.

Now this is obviously a long shot and not a reasonable solution for most lol
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Asfridur wrote:

@Spyder regarding the next promo

From what I have been able to see. I have the divine on the test server and am testing it.

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Currently it is Summer and there is a button where you chose the amount of dropping you want to use up to 200 ( you can't give more once 200 is given). You get 8 skill points per skill which is 48 points. This action uses up 30 minutes and you can comp the horse as normal after.

This would mean that it would take a minimum of 25 days before the perk is dropped.


The perk also says >>>This horse's skills increase when you give them Droppings. The skills increase depends on the amount of Droppings the horse is given, as well as the season in the game.<<<<

So our question we are asking is What skills do we get in Fall--Winter--Spring. I am assuming that Summer would be the highest rate of skills given.

If the skills go as I suspect it will be 6,4 and 2 for the other seasons. This will mean that the drop rate will be longer than 25 days ( depending on what seasons the divine goes through).

So I am making a guess that the drop rate will be at least 30 days.
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@Spyder that's interesting

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And it makes sense if she gains more skills when it's summer.

It's an interesting concept - give it manure to grow.
Especially so when we have the manure trophy default smiley (lol)

But I guess at least that way we have use for the poo besides making fertilizer and/or selling it.
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By Retired breeder, 31st December 2016 12:26:55
@Epona's Loyalty

You mentioned something called an 'Isis Bonus' when discussing how much you could sell HG unis for. What is this?

Thank you default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 31st December 2016 12:40:14
Question. :
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has anyone got any pass calculations on how much it would cost to get the divines in Piñata promo comming up ??default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 31st December 2016 12:55:08
@ J.31

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I'm on preprod testing it, and at the moment we can't but any mace blows (basically extra clicks on the piñata) for passes, so it's hard to tell. Once we're further into testing and we can buy extra clicks it'll be easier to estimate how many passes it'll cost.
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You can never tell with any accuracy from preprod because everyone buys mace blows with numbers of passes which are unrealistic for most of us in real life. If you want to finish quickly it will cost anything from 100-200 passes.

If previous contests are anything to go by: if you use the correct strategy - read every objective and think about it carefully - wait and do not miss a click right up to the last day you can probably finish with only a fraction of that number.

As I say this is just guesswork based on previous experience but it is more accurate than anything gained from the condensed amount of time we have on preprod. As soon as you start buying mace blows on preprod or live you are changing the game and missing free clicks and friend clicks
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By Retired breeder, 31st December 2016 15:13:48

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No relelvance to these other posts but-
I think everyone knows already, but donkey and draft teams are coming to Howrse.

Retired breeder wrote:

@Epona's Loyalty

You mentioned something called an 'Isis Bonus' when discussing how much you could sell HG unis for. What is this?

Thank you default smiley :)

By owning isis:
Isis is a divine mare of fertility created by players who attended the World Equestrian Games 2014 with us

Thanks to Isis, when you cover a (non-divine) mare as the first covering of the day on the 1st day of each month (after the daily update), she can give birth to between 3 and 5 identical foals.
This perk does not stack if you have several Isis.
This mare cannot be sold.

you can also increase it to the possibility of 6 foals by adding a fertility wand
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By Retired breeder, 1st January 2017 00:57:36
Oh where, oh where is the
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Snowball fight,
oh where, oh where could it be?

I honestly thought it would have started days ago.
Retired breeder wrote:

Alright guys, I've been doing a bit of digging because I recalled *someone* posting what you potentially will have to do in order to get your
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10 points for the new pass meter

So... here it is! Basically, you have to complete one thing from every catergory listed.
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play with a foal

birth of a foal

cover a unicorn under the right conditions

cover a draft mare

cover a female donkey

covering offer accepted by another player


buy passes

subscription or extension of a subscription


use a Black Market item

use a Black Market item from the Breeding category

use a Black Market item from the Performance category

use a Black Market item from the Luck category

use a Black Market item from the Customization category

use a Black Market item from the Bonus category


give a horse a carrot

give a horse a mash

give a horse an apple


board a horse at an equestrian centre

choose a horse's specialty

equip a horse with 5 types of tack

give a horse one of the bonuses from the store

train a horse

take a horse for a ride

stroke a horse

take a horse on a mission

enter a competition

reach 100 BLUP with a horse

win a competition

train a horse in jumping

train a horse in trot

train a horse in gallop

train a horse in dressaget

train a horse in speed

train a horse in stamina

take a horse for a beach ride

take a horse for a mountain ride

take a horse for a forest ride


welcome a new boarder into your equestrian center

hire an employee

change meadow usage

repair a building


catch a UFO

use an ageing point

change the appearance of the player's presentation page

congratulate a player

post a message on a public forum

send a private message

be congratulated by another player

enter the Grand Prix

credit some ageing points

credit some Equus

create a breeding farm

stroke a horse in the Safe Haven

win a trophy


finish in the top 100 for a Grand Prix

win a rosette

enter into the top 100 for a ranking


buy a product from the store

sell a horse to the Peace Haven

sell a horse in auctions

purchase a horse in auctions

purchase a horse in direct sales

Well, then, i won't get many passes at all, since many of them are things i can't or won't do. No chance at a GP or top 100 in anything. Seems to me that this makes sure that only the higher echelon players will be able to get all of these done. Won't dehorn, won't sell, don't breed many horses, buy even fewer/.

i've been burned out on this game before, gotten very angry with some of the mods, but now, i just don't care. Didn't bother coming here and don't want to. it's getting to be a chore and no fun anymore. And i'm not alone because I noticed i'm going up in rank again which means those better than me are quitting. Same thing with my seniority.

Now that i know that i have no chance of getting my lowly one pass per month, i am going to cut WAY back on playing.

Since I never spent real money (OK, i bought 2 passes at the end of a promo because I was so close) i don't have the Sunk Cost Effect and it's not that hard to just walk away. if I come across a game that wants me there and has the artwork of this place, I'm outta here.
  • Posted messages: 3,334
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Retired breeder wrote:

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No relelvance to these other posts but-
I think everyone knows already, but donkey and draft teams are coming to Howrse.

is excited
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tiggrrrsf wrote:

Well, then, i won't get many passes at all, since many of them are things i can't or won't do. No chance at a GP or top 100 in anything. Seems to me that this makes sure that only the higher echelon players will be able to get all of these done. Won't dehorn, won't sell, don't breed many horses, buy even fewer/.

i've been burned out on this game before, gotten very angry with some of the mods, but now, i just don't care. Didn't bother coming here and don't want to. it's getting to be a chore and no fun anymore. And i'm not alone because I noticed i'm going up in rank again which means those better than me are quitting. Same thing with my seniority.

Now that i know that i have no chance of getting my lowly one pass per month, i am going to cut WAY back on playing.

Since I never spent real money (OK, i bought 2 passes at the end of a promo because I was so close) i don't have the Sunk Cost Effect and it's not that hard to just walk away. if I come across a game that wants me there and has the artwork of this place, I'm outta here.

I personally think this list is bunk. It looks like a list of every action that can be done on Howrse and a scare tactic to me. I reserve judgement until we actually get this and is the very reason why I think that when you discuss something that is not released or is not confirmed you are talking in a vacuum and will only expire a lot of smoke that vanishes when it hits clear air.
  • Posted messages: 5,916
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Spyder wrote:

I personally think this list is bunk. It looks like a list of every action that can be done on Howrse and a scare tactic to me. I reserve judgement until we actually get this and is the very reason why I think that when you discuss something that is not released or is not confirmed you are talking in a vacuum and will only expire a lot of smoke that vanishes when it hits clear air.

I don't think it's fair to call the list bunk as obviously a certain amount of these actions will be required to achieve the points needed. However, will a certain amount be needed to be done from certain categories....that will be a wait and see, as well as, it may be very hard to tell.

Hmmm...expelling smoke? (not expiring) I also feel it is perfectly acceptable to talk about something that has already been introduced to other Howrse games and been confirmed that it will be coming here. Yes, I wrote to Contact over a month ago and they said, at that time, it would be coming here.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that they will tweak it in some way that we do not lose our "Loyal Player" pass. A girl can only hope. default smiley (ow)
Arabians are best
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It's been confirmed by an Admin post in this topic as well and I've seen screenshots of players who sent in inquiries to contact us about it.

Only reason I've gotten slightly tired of it myself is that every time we get a discussion going about ways they could potentially adjust it if they really did want to implement it we get told that we should be grateful we get free passes at all and then it derails. It makes trying to have an actual conversation about it exhausting.

It's a good thing it's been discussed really as there are quite a few players that don't understand the current system as it is.
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 1st January 2017 17:43:26
Look there are an average of 30 days in a month, even if we don't get 10 points day -- you still get some by just playing, on the US server, I get 9-10 easily.
Now I realize we don't have the new numbers yet, but so far,so good --- perhaps we as players have gotten used to the free passes without having to really p!ay the game ,--
so we do not get all those passes by just aging horses anymore -- if you like the game and do other things besides get pases, the game is still fun -- no, I am not ever going to be a top 10 breeder, on any server, but I am having fun -- this change will not phase me, because I never depended on the free passes in the first place
By Retired breeder, 1st January 2017 18:48:55
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btw, this is how the real trophy looks like (yggdrasil) - czech server default smiley (8)
Legacy Ann wrote:

It's been confirmed by an Admin post in this topic as well and I've seen screenshots of players who sent in inquiries to contact us about it.

Only reason I've gotten slightly tired of it myself is that every time we get a discussion going about ways they could potentially adjust it if they really did want to implement it we get told that we should be grateful we get free passes at all and then it derails. It makes trying to have an actual conversation about it exhausting.

It's a good thing it's been discussed really as there are quite a few players that don't understand the current system as it is.

Good point. I'd say that it's more about clearing the air if someone is blowing smoke, as outlined by orwell in his essay, politics and the english language. google it. That is the only reason that I come to the forum, to learn from other players. The first thing one must learn is DISCERNMENT and realize that some folks are better sources than others, and are more helpful. When i was a newb, i appreciated the veterans who would see me posting something silly and pM me to tell me IN PRIVATE that I was ignorant, and here's what you do, in a nice way, you know, like a favorite teacher.

After all, the most powerful learning tool in the martial arts is Becoming One With The Floor, and it helps if your sensei, picks you up, dusts you off, smiles and points out the error, so you don't do it again.

You never forget those lessons. Those who choose to grief other players, and I shall not mention names, but we all have those whose . ... opinions .... are not very helpful to us.

This is why, over the years, i have asked them to implement a block function. like all the other games i've played over the years.

Happy new year

All Quiet On The Western Front

ps sorry, the left shift key is wonky
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By Retired breeder, 1st January 2017 23:38:42
Couldn't agree more with tiggrrssf sentiments - all of it. default smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 2nd January 2017 00:52:26
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. Will the new tree divine be counted in the number of horses you won't? I am trying to keep my breeding farm down to under 20 horses, and I want to know if the divine will mess up my number.
Retired breeder wrote:

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. Will the new tree divine be counted in the number of horses you won't? I am trying to keep my breeding farm down to under 20 horses, and I want to know if the divine will mess up my number.

Do you mean the number of horses you own instead of won't?
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By Retired breeder, 2nd January 2017 01:17:49
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divines are coming to my beautiful pine trees
By Retired breeder, 2nd January 2017 04:46:07
@Black Stallion
They were there from the startdefault smiley xd it just took a bit to unlock themdefault smiley ;)
I agree with Lyrical. The game doesn't revolve around getting passes, they just help you. I know you will get at least one pass just by doing things around the game, so it's not like they're totally removing the chance to get passes.

We can't change their decision until it comes to this server and more people complain and whine, so enjoy the game while it is still like this.
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