[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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By Retired breeder, 21st December 2016 06:28:00
Sorry if this was already stated. I don't follow this topic. Too much going on. But for advent calendar do we get anything on the 25th?
Retired breeder wrote:

Sorry if this was already stated. I don't follow this topic. Too much going on. But for advent calendar do we get anything on the 25th?

No, the last day is the 24th.

Question about some changes:
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I mainly play on the UK server and there is no news there about the pass changes. Nothing on their spoiler forum, etc. Is there a reason for this? Why does Int seem to be the only server which knows of the pass change?
  • Posted messages: 98
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By Retired breeder, 21st December 2016 11:15:21
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
iJulia wrote:

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I mainly play on the UK server and there is no news there about the pass changes. Nothing on their spoiler forum, etc. Is there a reason for this? Why does Int seem to be the only server which knows of the pass change?

I can't speak for the UK, but I know that on the US server any time anyone brings up the possible change the mods absolutely shut them down, either with a "these are only rumors so don't talk about them here" post or by censoring their post. Different servers have different mods so the way forums are run can be different. That may be why.
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By Retired breeder, 21st December 2016 13:31:54
I know that it definitely has been implemented on the Czech server and from what an admin posted, will be here too -- now my logic kicks in here folks -- if there and eventually here so I understsnd-- why not all the servers? I would think that doing it on some and not on ALL would not be a smart approach if I were in charge -- why talk is being stifled there and not here has me confused /shrug but oh well ... sometimes it is better if you let folks hash it out and get it out of their system and they settle down
By Retired breeder, 21st December 2016 14:58:29
iJulia wrote:

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I mainly play on the UK server and there is no news there about the pass changes. Nothing on their spoiler forum, etc. Is there a reason for this? Why does Int seem to be the only server which knows of the pass change?

To keep the original answer,,

My main account is on UK, and UK was the first server, I posted informations about it on,,
Mod's here are totally fine with anything,, You'll find informations on UK too,,
Spoiler topic page 359+,,
Retired breeder wrote:

I know that it definitely has been implemented on the Czech server and from what an admin posted, will be here too -- now my logic kicks in here folks -- if there and eventually here so I understsnd-- why not all the servers? I would think that doing it on some and not on ALL would not be a smart approach if I were in charge -- why talk is being stifled there and not here has me confused /shrug but oh well ... sometimes it is better if you let folks hash it out and get it out of their system and they settle down

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Right now there are only 3 servers having the pass changes and its because the admins want to see how it will work out live, what issues may come up with that system, collect data and if needed adjust it a little bit before all servers get the change. When all changes have been made and admins see it be working properly it will be implanted on all servers.

Unless they find their lost mind and dont go trough with it.

When it comes to huge changes being made to the game its better to start small and go to the bigger ones; international server is HUGE server having people from all over the world connected,it may be little more complicated (not to mention longer) process to get the change madedefault smiley :)
Shishi no Seirei
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By Retired breeder, 21st December 2016 17:43:10
<font color="green">Hello,

Please remember that comments about content that is not yet on the game must be in spoiler tags.
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Thank you default smiley :)

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Surely they will figure out soon that it's upset too many players to actually go through with it or keep it and cancel the idea? I've even seen players including a VIP player say that if the change happens that would actually stop buying passes.
All Hail Puppy
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Can a mod put my post in spoiler? Ninja to the rescue needed! default smiley (m)
Shishi no Seirei
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Is there any rumors about future events that contain Egyptian horse stuff? Like I have a saddle and Saddle cloth for Amira but don't want to put it on a horse till I get them all. Will there be a chance for people to finish collecting or no?
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All Hail Puppy wrote:

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Surely they will figure out soon that it's upset too many players to actually go through with it or keep it and cancel the idea? I've even seen players including a VIP player say that if the change happens that would actually stop buying passes.

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I have at least 2-3 months before I have over 300 pass horses from one of my farms...if the change is implemented before then, they will be a complete waste of space and good for nothing except for the "divine" which I will *not* be killing my horses for, sorry but this change is outrageous to me and many players who use the horses to fund their equus supply, not to mention the passes that non pass buyers (such as young'uns) can't buy or afford, I am a pass buyer but I can promise I will not be purchasing a single pass following the changes

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Anyways, I was told about Christmas packs, what are those? default smiley :o
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Never mind my second post default smiley (lol) there's a whole topic on it default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 6,238
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Shishi no Seirei wrote:

Can a mod put my post in spoiler? Ninja to the rescue needed! default smiley (m)

default smiley (m) ninja'd for you default smiley (lol)
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Shishi no Seirei
  • Posted messages: 5,297
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I completely agree with IronVixen and understand exactly where shes coming from, I use to be young and the only way I could get passes was from pass horses and now to be honest I have money problems which means I can now only earn passes from the loyalty thing. I have no horses I can sell to get passes. Also I rather the pass not a divine.
All Hail Puppy
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What are the pass changes you guys are talking about?
  • Posted messages: 2,323
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Pm me and I will tell you the pass changes. It'll take a while to look thought all the pages sp I will just tell them tl you if you pm me.default smiley ;)
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By Retired breeder, 21st December 2016 22:11:40
'New' stuff default smiley :d

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Don't know if this was posted here, but couldn't find anything related back to 18th december, so, stealing this from my 'home' server, the Dutch Howrse default smiley ;)
Credits to lilylilylily for posting them there default smiley :d

Sorry about the sizes default smiley ;) My french reach much further than 'Je m'apelle' and 'Je suis' default smiley xd so, if anyone can translate, without google translate for accuracy, that would be awesome!

Retired breeder wrote:

'New' stuff default smiley :d

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Don't know if this was posted here, but couldn't find anything related back to 18th december, so, stealing this from my 'home' server, the Dutch Howrse default smiley ;)
Credits to lilylilylily for posting them there default smiley :d

Sorry about the sizes default smiley ;) My french reach much further than 'Je m'apelle' and 'Je suis' default smiley xd so, if anyone can translate, without google translate for accuracy, that would be awesome!

First part of the translation.

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From the 4th January 10:00 AM, click on the pinatas as much as possible to open them and win the surprises that they contain.
How do you open a pinata?
• thanks to the clils on your pinata
o 5 clicks a day (by loging in)
o buying in them in the Black Market
• thanks to your friends (up to 1 a day)
• by fulfilling objectives
The main prizes
• in the 17th piñata you´ll find Gypse
• in the 2Oth piñata you´ll find Liana
Win horseshoes for the King of the Events trophy in piñatas n°1,7,13 and 20
Get at least two horseshoes to enter in a lottery, that´ll take place at the end of the event for the chance of winning divine Liana.
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Thank you both! I looove the P__ so I'm quite excited. I went to check Equideow and found some updates happening as well, and boy will lots of you love the first one! (seriously, this is something people will love)
*new updates*In french
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Équipes de chevaux de trait et d'ânes
Par Calypsow, le 21 décembre 2016 à 18:18:19
Les équipes de chevaux de trait et d'ânes fonctionnent selon le même principe que les équipes de chevaux et de licornes.
Vous pouvez ainsi élever des ânes et des chevaux de traits avec vos amis et profiter des fonctionnalités des équipes, comme le prêt de chevaux, les saillies pour l'équipe, le forum d'équipe, l'affixe commun, l'avatar d'équipe, etc.
Classement et notation :
La notation des élevages est laissée de côté pour le moment, mais les ânes et les chevaux de trait ont été ajoutés à la page du classement des équipes.
Comme pour les licornes, les classements Flots et Grand Prix n'apparaissent pas pour les ânes et les chevaux de trait.
Les équipes de chevaux de trait et d'ânes conservent donc les classements suivants :
* Prestige
* Potentiel génétique
* Naissances

Spécificité des ânes :

Nous en profitons pour vous rappeler que le but des ânes est de faire diminuer leur potentiel génétique, plutôt que de l'augmenter. Ainsi, le classement Potentiel Génétique est inversé par rapport aux autres espèces : les équipes qui possèdent le potentiel génétique le plus faible sont affichées en premier.
Pour plus d'info et pour voter sur cette nouveauté rendez vous ici

Recap of above
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Draft teams and donkeys! They work on the same principle of unicorns and horse teams.
Ranking and scoring:
The scoring of the farms is left out for now, but donkeys and draft horses have been added to the team ranking page.
As for unicorns, the Flots (I don't know that that means) and Grand Prix rankings do not appear for donkeys and draft horses.
The teams of draft horses and donkeys therefore retain the following rankings:
* Prestige
* Genetic potential
* Births
Specificity of donkeys:
We take this opportunity to remind you that the purpose of donkeys is to decrease their genetic potential, rather than to increase it. Thus, the Genetic Potential ranking is reversed compared to other species: teams with the lowest genetic potential are displayed first.
For more info and to vote on this novelty go here

another update (in french)
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Equus, page des equus et achat d'equus
Par Calypsow, le 21 décembre 2016 à 18:20:49 1
La page des equus a été retravaillée et modernisée, dans la continuité de la nouvelle charte graphique. Par ailleurs, nous en avons profité pour faire quelques ajustements.
Un onglet « gratuit » a été ajouté, pour accéder directement aux offres qui vous font permettent des equus gratuitement en regardant des vidéos.
La possibilité d'acheter des equus avec des diamants a été retirée, car très peu de joueurs l'utilisaient.
Enfin, les offres d'achat d'equus avec des pass ont été revues pour vous proposer plus de choix :
* 1 pass : 50 000 Equus (au lieu de 40 000 précédemment)
* 3 pass : 200 000 Equus (au lieu de 180 000 précédemment)
* 10 pass : 800 000 Equus
* 20 pass : 2 000 000 Equus (nouvelle offre)
Pour plus d'info et pour voter sur cette nouveauté rendez vous ici

translation of above
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Equus, equus page and purchase of equus
By Calypsow, on December 21, 2016 at 18:20:49 1
The equus page has been reworked and modernized, in the continuity of the new graphic charter. In addition, we took the opportunity to make some adjustments.
A "free" tab has been added, to directly access the offers that make you equus free for watching videos.
The possibility of purchasing equus with diamonds was withdrawn, as very few players used it.
Finally, offers to purchase equus with passes have been revised to offer you more choices:
* 1 pass: 50,000 Equus (instead of 40,000 previously)
* 3 pass: 200,000 Equus (instead of 180,000 previously)
* 10 pass: 800,000 Equus
* 20 pass: 2,000,000 Equus (new offer)
For more info and to vote on this novelty go here

New divine series (in french)
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Liana: horses of the vegetable kingdom.
By Calypsow, on December 21, 2016 at 18:00:13
Liana is part of a new series of divine horses: the horses of the vegetable kingdom.
When you have born 7 horses from the different plant kingdom, you will get the ultimate horse of the series: Lotis!
Liana can be watered instead of being watered (that is odd phrasing so I'm not sure if it translated correctly)
Her skills increase when you give her dung. The skill gain depends on the amount of crottin given, but also on the season on the game.
When it reaches 1,200 skill points, it can be pruned. Her skills are then reset to 0, but she offers you 1 Ray of Helios!
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 21st December 2016 22:40:46
Retired breeder wrote:

'New' stuff default smiley :d

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Don't know if this was posted here, but couldn't find anything related back to 18th december, so, stealing this from my 'home' server, the Dutch Howrse default smiley ;)
Credits to lilylilylily for posting them there default smiley :d

Sorry about the sizes default smiley ;) My french reach much further than 'Je m'apelle' and 'Je suis' default smiley xd so, if anyone can translate, without google translate for accuracy, that would be awesome!

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I do not have time to translate the whole thing, but I translated some of it, and apparently they will be adding plant Divines.
Legacy Ann wrote:

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Liana: horses of the vegetable kingdom.
By Calypsow, on December 21, 2016 at 18:00:13
Liana is part of a new series of divine horses: the horses of the vegetable kingdom.
When you have born 7 horses from the different plant kingdom, you will get the ultimate horse of the series: Lotis!
Liana can be watered instead of being watered (that is odd phrasing so I'm not sure if it translated correctly)
Her skills increase when you give her dung. The skill gain depends on the amount of crottin given, but also on the season on the game.
When it reaches 1,200 skill points, it can be pruned. Her skills are then reset to 0, but she offers you 1 Ray of Helios!

Lovely thank you, i had some problems with a few words i wasn´t sure about so i´m grateful that you´ve taken care of it! default smiley :)
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Question about divine in treasure chest.

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Does anyone know what Epona does and what promo she will be offered in?
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Legacy Ann wrote:

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Liana can be watered instead of being watered (that is odd phrasing so I'm not sure if it translated correctly)

Though I understood this part as:
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Liana can be watered instead of being only observed.

If that helps anyone default smiley :)
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