[FT] Spoiler Zone!


This topic is made to receive any of the spoilers concerning new features you find or feel like sharing.

Players that are in the test may decide to share what they are experiencing or not.

Of course please remember to use the spoiler banner when sharing new information with everyone.

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On this topic, you may talk about what isn’t on the game yet.

Warning: We do not guarantee that any of the info that is posted in here is true or accurate. Nor that the features will be launched on the game.

Please remain polite with each other; no one has the prerogative of spoiling or a patent on the rumours and spoilers that are on the game.

Thank you for your collaboration and understanding.


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Retired breeder wrote:

Guys what is the purpose of the spoiler banners in this topic? This is a spoiler topic as such is there not an assumption that people come in here to look at potential spoilers before they come out officially? In order for me to find out anything i need to open all spoiler banners to find out what i want. This means even if i wanted to find out about only one thing i have to find out about them all. This defeats the purpose of it being selective in what people can choose to find out about. So why are we doing them? I am not griping btw just curious as to the purpose which is obviously going way over my headdefault smiley :-))

We put spoilers in banners because some players may not want spoilers. They may have ended up on this topic by mistake, or (more likely) only want spoilers about a certain upcoming feature. The banners allow players to learn about what they'd like while avoiding spoiling other things that they might want to keep in the dark about.
  • Posted messages: 648
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By Retired breeder, 4th November 2016 13:20:47
Yes but you cannot find out about a specific event in the spoiler topic without going in all the spoiler banners as most of them do not have titles. This means by default you actually find out about numerous things as opposed to the one thing you may want so there is no opportunity to be kept in the dark?default smiley :)
We have to use spoiler banners even in the spoiler forum simply because we've been told to use spoiler banners by mods. Some players "tease" or "tag" their spoiler at the top that gives a hint what the spoiler is about so you're not necessarily having to click on every spoiler anyway.

Also, I have serious doubts that many players bother to read previously posted information, even within the last two pages, due to the amount of duplicate questions on the same page. And I really don't think it all has to do with the "clutter" in the topic. So the point that lots of players do go through and try to read every post is probably moot anyway.
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,120
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dougaldoggie wrote:

Why was my message censored? I just said I didn't think the pass change was a big deal, and that howrse doesn't owe us passes?

It probably got censored because it wasn't in a spoiler thingy.
  • Posted messages: 9,353
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Another reason why the spoiler banner needs to be used;
if you use the search feature in the forums, posts from the spoiler topic may show up. If the info isn't in a spoiler people may be spoiled things they don't want to know about simply because they searched "banner" or such.
  • Posted messages: 215
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Does anyone know how we get those loyalty points and where we can see how many we have of them?
  • Posted messages: 1,479
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Random question here. What are the requirements to be "authorized" (sorry poor wording, but I haven't had my coffee yet. default smiley xd) to be chosen for the Prepod server?
  • Posted messages: 353
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By Retired breeder, 4th November 2016 15:25:04
Cybertron wrote:

Random question here. What are the requirements to be "authorized" (sorry poor wording, but I haven't had my coffee yet. default smiley xd) to be chosen for the Prepod server?

You must be VIP,,
lillyheart12327 wrote:

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Does anyone know how we get those loyalty points and where we can see how many we have of them?

No, we don't know. It seems similar to
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the loyal player's pass we have now in that you play your game and do a variety of "normal" actions to get points. We can see how many points we have on the free tab in the my passes page.

Cybertron wrote:

Random question here. What are the requirements to be "authorized" (sorry poor wording, but I haven't had my coffee yet. default smiley xd) to be chosen for the Prepod server?

There are limited amount of slots available for VIPs, typically about 200. And then a small amount of non-VIPs are selected as well, but we don't know how they are chosen.
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,120
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 4th November 2016 15:49:38
On CZ server (which I'm on, it's probably also on IT and BG,, ) there was a reminder message,,
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I'm not going to translate it, as I already did once, (you can read about it here) they didn't give any new info, just reminded, it'll start on 8th November,,

Pass system change and abolition of limited items from PMs,,

Also who still don't know,,
Pictures on hosting website (tinypic) has been deleted, so I gotta find new,,

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Celtic cards
Thanks to some card you can win a prize and the other cards can help you finish the puzzle.
Get also the Wild cards! These card will allow you, to choose any card with the same rarity.

You'll get the golden horseshoes, if you'll collect certain number of different cards:
> 3 different cards
> 12 different card
> 33 different card
> 63 different cards
Collect at least 2 golden horseshoes to take part in the prize draw, which will take place at the end of the event, to try and win the divine horse Morrigan.

How to get cards?
First log in in the day. (2 cards per day)
While training your horse. (1 card per day)
Winning with a horse in a competition. (1 card per day)
Flash sales.
Change of the duplicated cards for equus. (1 card per day)
Buying cards. (for passes)

Bronze Joker
This card will alow you to get any bronze card of your choice.
Choose the card, you want to get.

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Celtic horses are Divine horses. Each of them represents one of the Celtic gods. They have the power of divinationm, that allows you to discover 3 ogham* letters each day. Some letters are part of a prediction and some not. Find 5 letters which are part of prediction to win a gift. Then discover a new prediction!

Each of the Celtic horse is immortal, unsellable and unclassifiable.
They cannot:
Being customized
Participate in Grand Prix
Be aged manually
They do not affect the prestige of a EC, where they are boarded
They can participate in a competitions for a normal horses once a day. However they can participate in competition for Divines, Wild horses and Legendary horses as many times, as their energy allows.

*Ogham is an Early Medieval alphabet used to write the early Irish language

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Morrigan is part of the Celtic Horses. Find 5 Ogham letters of his prediction by using every day his power of divination. Once completed you can win:
- 1 Medusa's Blood
-10 000 Equus
-1 Bell Boots.

You cannot sell this divine
New promo Information(all in french)
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Le calendrier de l'avent revien avec dedans la possibilité de trouver des objets de la boutiques du marché noir peut être on ne sait pas mais surtout des decorations pour le concours des sapins , c'est a dire le meme que l'année derniere . " Envoyez vos chevaux chercher des sapins. À leur retour, décorez les sapins avec les décorations demandées pour gagner le cadeau correspondant.
La durée des voyages dépend de la forêt choisie."
Le cheval celtes a gagner est Cernunnos " Cernunnos fait partie des chevaux celtes.

Retrouvez les 5 lettres oghamiques de sa prédiction en utilisant chaque jour son pouvoir de divination.
Une fois la prédiction complétée, vous remportez soit :
1 x Eau de Jouvence
1 x Éperons
1 x Parchemin de Ploutos
Ce cheval ne peut pas être vendu.

Voir tous les propriétaires de Cernunnos

Chaque samedi en ouvrant le calendrier il y a une petite chance de gagner un cheval divin

Enfin une bataille de boule de neige aura lieu en meme temps les gains étant dans cet ordre
Premier vierge
second taureau
troisieme verseau
quatrieme balance
cinquieme gemeaux
sixieme gemeaux
septieme sagittaire
huitieme poissons
neuvieme cancer
dixieme scorpion
du 11 au 15 un pack de nix
du 16 au 50 une corne d'abondance
du 51 au 100 une PO
du 101 au 200 un talon
du 201 au 500 un sang de meduse
du 501 au 23 000 une lyre

de plus un autre divins celte est prevu


Epona fait partie des chevaux celtes.

Retrouvez les 5 lettres oghamiques de sa prédiction en utilisant chaque jour son pouvoir de divination.
Une fois la prédiction complétée, vous remportez soit :
1 x Corne d'Abondance
1 x Abreuvoir
1 x Caresse de Philotès
Cette jument ne peut pas être vendue.

Voir tous les propriétaires de Epona

Il y a aussi les pack de noel avec les divins etcs dedans mais je n'arrive pas a acceder aux pages d'achat
desoler du spoiler rapide il manque peu etre des petites infos j'ai essayer de mettre le maximum au plus vite ^^

My translation summary:
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So, we'll get the Advent calendar again, where most of the prizes will be decorations for the tree decorating promo like last year.
Also like last year:
Every Saturday by opening the calendar there is a small chance to win a divine horse
We'll also get a snowball fight. The prizes are in the first spoiler, and the translation is a little wonky so if anyone wants to try, go for it. It *looks* like it'll be some Zodiac divines for the top prizes???

Cernunnos perk:
Once completed prediction, you win either:
1 x Water of Youth
1 x Spurs
1 x Plutous' Parchment

The second divine is Epona whose perk is:
Once completed prediction, you win either:
1 x Horn of Plenty
1 x Trough
1 x Philotes strok
From reading this I'm not sure which divine(s) are available in the Advent calendar and which in the Tree contest

We'll have to wait for more info, but it gives us an idea of what to expect for Christmas!
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,120
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 4th November 2016 23:06:32
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Oh my gosh a divine named Epona? I think I will try and get that one just because of the name. <3
Oh, and... a new version of...
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A new Balios!!!???
that's all the info I've scrounged up which really isn't much. Looks like their testing just opened and some have had problems entering so there isn't much to go off of.
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,120
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By Retired breeder, 4th November 2016 23:19:25
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We can get new Balios in Advent calendar promo too?
Retired breeder wrote:

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We can get new Balios in Advent calendar promo too?
Don't know. As I said
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there isn't much to go off of. They haven't posted which divine(s) are in the Advent Calendar and which will be in the Tree promo. Or what will be in the Xmas packs as well. We'll have to wait for details
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,120
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 4th November 2016 23:57:54
Carpentia wrote:

Another reason why the spoiler banner needs to be used;
if you use the search feature in the forums, posts from the spoiler topic may show up. If the info isn't in a spoiler people may be spoiled things they don't want to know about simply because they searched "banner" or such.

To be honest that is the first reason given that actually makes sense to medefault smiley :-)) Thank you Carpentia I was seriously beginning to suspect there was no logic behind it.default smiley (h)
By Retired breeder, 5th November 2016 00:23:01
For the new ...

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In order to acquire Yggdrasil, do we need to send 10 horses above age 25 to heaven, or age 30? Just wanting some clarification...
By Retired breeder, 5th November 2016 01:11:52
Retired breeder wrote:

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In order to acquire Yggdrasil, do we need to send 10 horses above age 25 to heaven, or age 30? Just wanting some clarification...

As far as I know,
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they must be above age 25 to heaven for Yggdrasil
Legacy Ann wrote:

New promo Information(all in french)
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Le calendrier de l'avent revien avec dedans la possibilité de trouver des objets de la boutiques du marché noir peut être on ne sait pas mais surtout des decorations pour le concours des sapins , c'est a dire le meme que l'année derniere . " Envoyez vos chevaux chercher des sapins. À leur retour, décorez les sapins avec les décorations demandées pour gagner le cadeau correspondant.
La durée des voyages dépend de la forêt choisie."
Le cheval celtes a gagner est Cernunnos " Cernunnos fait partie des chevaux celtes.

Retrouvez les 5 lettres oghamiques de sa prédiction en utilisant chaque jour son pouvoir de divination.
Une fois la prédiction complétée, vous remportez soit :
1 x Eau de Jouvence
1 x Éperons
1 x Parchemin de Ploutos
Ce cheval ne peut pas être vendu.

Voir tous les propriétaires de Cernunnos

Chaque samedi en ouvrant le calendrier il y a une petite chance de gagner un cheval divin

Enfin une bataille de boule de neige aura lieu en meme temps les gains étant dans cet ordre
Premier vierge
second taureau
troisieme verseau
quatrieme balance
cinquieme gemeaux
sixieme gemeaux
septieme sagittaire
huitieme poissons
neuvieme cancer
dixieme scorpion
du 11 au 15 un pack de nix
du 16 au 50 une corne d'abondance
du 51 au 100 une PO
du 101 au 200 un talon
du 201 au 500 un sang de meduse
du 501 au 23 000 une lyre

de plus un autre divins celte est prevu


Epona fait partie des chevaux celtes.

Retrouvez les 5 lettres oghamiques de sa prédiction en utilisant chaque jour son pouvoir de divination.
Une fois la prédiction complétée, vous remportez soit :
1 x Corne d'Abondance
1 x Abreuvoir
1 x Caresse de Philotès
Cette jument ne peut pas être vendue.

Voir tous les propriétaires de Epona

Il y a aussi les pack de noel avec les divins etcs dedans mais je n'arrive pas a acceder aux pages d'achat
desoler du spoiler rapide il manque peu etre des petites infos j'ai essayer de mettre le maximum au plus vite ^^

My translation summary:
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So, we'll get the Advent calendar again, where most of the prizes will be decorations for the tree decorating promo like last year.
Also like last year:
Every Saturday by opening the calendar there is a small chance to win a divine horse
We'll also get a snowball fight. The prizes are in the first spoiler, and the translation is a little wonky so if anyone wants to try, go for it. It *looks* like it'll be some Zodiac divines for the top prizes???

Cernunnos perk:
Once completed prediction, you win either:
1 x Water of Youth
1 x Spurs
1 x Plutous' Parchment

The second divine is Epona whose perk is:
Once completed prediction, you win either:
1 x Horn of Plenty
1 x Trough
1 x Philotes strok
From reading this I'm not sure which divine(s) are available in the Advent calendar and which in the Tree contest

We'll have to wait for more info, but it gives us an idea of what to expect for Christmas!

From a mixture of my deteriorating French and a bit of help from Google, yes, your assumption about prizes from the translation is correct...

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The first 10 players will be getting Zodiac divines from the snowball fight.
1 - Virgo
2 - Taurus
3 - Aquarius
4 - Libra
5 - Gemini
6 - Gemini
7 - Sagittarius
8 - Pisces
9 - Cancer
10 Scorpio

Other snowball fight prizes:

11-15: Nyx Pack
16-50: Horn of Plenty
51-100: Golden Apple?
101-200: Achilles Heels
201-500: Medusa's Blood
501-23000: Apollo's Lyre
  • Posted messages: 648
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By Retired breeder, 5th November 2016 07:19:44
@ Kušni and Dalek Soralth

You don't need to be VIP, i was invited twice and i have never been a VIP default smiley ^) i don't know how they choose the non-VIPs but your chances are better as a VIP... hope that makes sense default smiley :p
By Retired breeder, 5th November 2016 08:16:21
Retired breeder wrote:

@ Kušni and Dalek Soralth

You don't need to be VIP, i was invited twice and i have never been a VIP default smiley ^) i don't know how they choose the non-VIPs but your chances are better as a VIP... hope that makes sense default smiley :p

"Get a chance to maybe test upcoming Howrse features"
Is one of the VIP perks,,
Retired breeder wrote:

Is one of the VIP perks,,

That is a VIP perk that players can choose to do. Many players are non VIP players, and get specific invites to testing because they are experienced, helpful players whose opinion and ability to test is valued.
Raf's Mum
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By Retired breeder, 5th November 2016 08:51:01
Then I guess, the perk is useless a bit,,
But ok, then,, default smiley (h)
By Retired breeder, 5th November 2016 08:53:50
Legacy Ann wrote:

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From reading this I'm not sure which divine(s) are available in the Advent calendar and which in the Tree contest

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Under Tree contest is named Cernunnos and under A. calendar Epona, so I guess they'll be in those contests,,
By Retired breeder, 5th November 2016 09:51:54
Summary of every new info in last few hours.
I tried to translate all I found, also looked at few translates from others,,
As far as I know, I used a bit of translation from Legacy Ann, Woolymammoth and Cattarb from UK,,
Thanks and enjoy,, default smiley <:o)

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Advent calendar is back, and with that is your chance to get some items from Black Market. In A. calendar you can also find decorations, to decorate your tree.
Every Saturday by opening A. calendar there's a chance to get divine horse **Epona**.
** Most likely, but not 100% sure yet of course,, **

Epona is part of the Celtic Horses. Find 5 Ogham letters of her prediction by using every day her power of divination. Once completed you can win:
1x Horn of plenty
1x Trough
1x Philotes' stroke

This mare cannot be sold.

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With A. calendar there's also Tree promo, like last year. Send your horses into forest and when they return, decorate your trees with matching decorations, to get prizes.
Time the horses will spend in forest, depends on which kind of forest you choose.
Main prize here will be celtic divine Cernunnos.

Cernunnos is part of the Celtic Horses. Find 5 Ogham letters of his prediction by using every day his power of divination. Once completed you can win:
1x Water of Youth
1x Spurs
1x Plutous parchment

This horse cannot be sold.

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Snowball fight is back, and will take place at the same time as other promotions.
Place in rankings and get prizes.

First ten people will achieve Zodiac horses,,
1. - Virgo
2. - Taurus
3. - Aquarius
4. - Libra
5. - Gemini
6. - Gemini
7. - Sagittarius
8. - Pisces
9. - Cancer
10. - Scorpio

Other prizes,,
11-15. - Nyx pack
16-50. - Horn of Plenty
51-100. - Golden Apple
101-200. - Achilles' Heel
201-500. - Medusa's Blood
501-23000. - Apollo's Lyre

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New Balios

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Pack Lucky Day

It (might) have:
10 Titan's Challenge
The new divine Epona
1 Treasure Chest
some Passes

Pack Olympe

It (might) have:
80 passes
a divine horse at your election
the new Balios

Pack Ultimate

It seems it would be everything that the other pack's offers. ** Also there's mentioned "Rikiki pack" but I couldn't find picture/info about it,,

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In treasure chest, there'll be Epona available.
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