[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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By Retired breeder, 2nd November 2016 17:54:48
cheecko27 wrote:

you know what i want, a way to complete the legendary tack sets default smiley :d That would be just lovely.

Ahhh, yes please. I still have all my Legendary tack lying around, and nothing to do with it - putting it on a horse and being unable to sell it would be ridiculous. Good thing it doesn't have a time limit!
By Retired breeder, 2nd November 2016 22:52:35
You could put it on a horse for the bonus, win your comps, then when you want to sell it knock it off with a regular piece of tack.
By Retired breeder, 3rd November 2016 06:11:37
if they bring this new thing they should bring back pass seeds default smiley :'(
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Whoops ignore my message, just found it!
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Retired breeder wrote:

You could put it on a horse for the bonus, win your comps, then when you want to sell it knock it off with a regular piece of tack.

You can not remove legendary tack once it has been put on a horse..it would be a waste either way if you did
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wildfire7979 wrote:

You can not remove legendary tack once it has been put on a horse..it would be a waste either way if you did

you can, just put ordinary tack on the horse. The lengendary tack is destroyed.
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Retired breeder wrote:

if they bring this new thing they should bring back pass seeds default smiley :'(

Pass seeds ARE in the game.They are just hard to catchdefault smiley (ow)
Shishi no Seirei
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By Retired breeder, 3rd November 2016 22:00:08
@ assassins creed. when will they be back?
Retired breeder wrote:

@ assassins creed. when will they be back?

We never know. They're released randomly as a surprise. Though, in the past they have *tended* to be released on howrse anniversaries and the like.
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 3rd November 2016 23:30:54
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By Retired breeder, 3rd November 2016 23:31:22
keepsake wrote:

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oh please don't quit! your important! default smiley ^) everyone is!
Retired breeder wrote:

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We don't know. Meow said that it is being tested on other servers and is going to come to the INT server but there is no date set yet. All we know is that it won't be implemented before the end if the year.

Also, as Meow's post was in a spoiler banner, we should still be using spoilers too.default smiley (y)
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 4th November 2016 00:22:00
dougaldoggie wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

Yes, I know, but people are allowed to voice their dislike. I stay away from games that prevent you from earning "premium currency" as I feel that a game needs to give a little to gain a little. Everything given on here is a privliege not a right but the exact same can be said for Howrse having customers in the first place.
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@Epona's Loyalty- they're still "giving a little," by allowing us to earn up to 10 passes a month with the new system. As for them having customers in the first place, it is very generous for them to allow us chances to earn passes for free, but I doubt they would miss a few players who quit because they aren't getting as many free passes as they used to. It is the paying players who are willing to buy passes that allow Howrse to make money, not the ones who only get by on the free passes. It's not too hard to earn more passes outside of the free offered ones anyway- I've made 29 passes this last week just from buying and selling horses.
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By Retired breeder, 4th November 2016 01:29:33
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I have played for close to eight years and pass horses have always been here in some way. I guess I am just annoyed with this change because they are about to take a feature that has existed since the early days. I also wouldn't mind it so much if they would tell us what earned points instead of leaving us in the dark. I have also bought a ton of passes but stopped as a felt like I wasn't getting my money's worth. In my opinion passes are really overpriced and I think Howrse would make more if they considered making them slightly cheaper.
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On top of all that, I can barely sell anything for passes anymore, because everyone always wants the new divine, the new divine, the new divine. And there's always a new divine, every week every promo, it's non stop. Can't play if I can't make a profit, just like any good 'stable'. I feel like this game is becoming too high on profiteering and less about horses. So...yeah...it'll be a ghost town...

I used to buy passes....with my ex's money lol but it was still done, 10-20 a month just like clockwork. I'd do that again, if I could...well, ok, not anymore. I was thinking about saving up for a x-mas pack, but...I changed my mind, it's not worth it anymore.
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End tags...they kill me lol
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People pay passes all the time for horses? I don't find the promos for divines get in the way. I look forward to them every few weeks, actually. I don't usually get the divine, but it's nice that they are available. The hard thing is not being able to get a certain one you want anymore. *stares at Qilin longingly*

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I'm also not happy about the pass changes coming up. I hope they realize what a mistake it is before they implement it across all servers. I hate the loyalty meter as it is now because you aren't guaranteed a pass each month. I sometimes don't get all 10 points despite doing the same things everyday. It's really annoying to be pushed to play when you don't feel well or you're just busy. Then worrying if you've done enough that day. I can handle it for just the 1 pass but the new system will make it 10x worse. What good is a game that causes stress like that?
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By Retired breeder, 4th November 2016 07:58:30
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personally I like the new pass change as I never get the chance to get pass howrse said so now I will be able to get more passesdefault smiley *-)
By Retired breeder, 4th November 2016 11:19:25
Guys what is the purpose of the spoiler banners in this topic? This is a spoiler topic as such is there not an assumption that people come in here to look at potential spoilers before they come out officially? In order for me to find out anything i need to open all spoiler banners to find out what i want. This means even if i wanted to find out about only one thing i have to find out about them all. This defeats the purpose of it being selective in what people can choose to find out about. So why are we doing them? I am not griping btw just curious as to the purpose which is obviously going way over my headdefault smiley :-))
Why was my message censored? I just said I didn't think the pass change was a big deal, and that howrse doesn't owe us passes?
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