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caribooster wrote:

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He's not offered in a promo, he's the prize for collecting all the other egyptian divines.
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caribooster wrote:

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The question is what promo will last Egyptian be offered in default smiley :d (I know it is not known yet, but yeah)
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By Retired breeder, 21st September 2016 20:45:43
I posted this on UK, so I'll just repost it here. default smiley :)

I translated it from czech which was translated from french.
! Translation may not be accurate. !

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Firstly new landscapes for Ow's Helios' Ray

Next promo after GC should have "halloween theme".
There'll be new item, that can change appearance of your horse. (Like SOA,Witch Hat...) Name of the item is still unknown, but will looks like this.
-With this item your horse will live throughout his life with ambivalent personality.
-Everytime he gets older, he'll randomly changes his personality on dark or bright side
-When the horse'll change on his dark side, his day will start at 2AM and end at 6PM (his bright side will be normal day 8AM to 22PM)

This item gives bonus +5 to every skill
Stamina +5
Speed +5
Dressage +5
Gallop +5
Trot +5
Jumping +5

Horse with this item can obtain appearance of:

Broken Robot
(bright side)

(dark side) - Translation is missing (for me)

(bright side)

(dark side) - Everytime he changes on dark side, his energy, health and morale will stay 100% all day. (Howrse horse day, not real lol)

Demonic Angel
(bright side)

(dark side) - Everytime he changes on dark side, he'll inflict 6 penalty points on every competitor in competitions (except for any Grand Prix).

(bright side)

(dark side) - Everytime he changes on dark side, he'll gain +0.02 more skills from missions (lol, kinda low perk hehe)"

Retired breeder wrote:

I posted this on UK, so I'll just repost it here. default smiley :)

I translated it from czech which was translated from french.
! Translation may not be accurate. !

Oh my gosh that looks so amazing!! I can't wait to see all that!
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I wonder if the BMI will be called something like Jekyll and Hyde, or at least reference it?
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By Retired breeder, 21st September 2016 20:51:43
Retired breeder wrote:

I posted this on UK, so I'll just repost it here. default smiley :)

I translated it from czech which was translated from french.
! Translation may not be accurate. !

Ooo, this looks great default smiley (7)
By Retired breeder, 21st September 2016 21:49:13
Redwallfan12 wrote:

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I wonder if the BMI will be called something like Jekyll and Hyde, or at least reference it?

I was thinking more
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the Greek god Janus, because of the two heads on the coin. But I'm really looking forward to this BMI! I'm really hoping the "Halloween theme" promo isn't the horrible Trick or Treat one again, though. I honestly hated that one.
By Retired breeder, 21st September 2016 21:50:02
^^little correction, Janus is Roman, not Greek (;
I was thinking Hades or the Hydra's apple.
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@The Drama Queen

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Ohhh, you're totally right! Lol that makes so much more sense :P I can't believe I totally missed that theme haha. The two heads on the coin didn't make sense to me in regards to Jekyll and Hyde anyway.
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By Retired breeder, 22nd September 2016 01:09:33
That looks really cool!
By Retired breeder, 22nd September 2016 02:22:46
Retired breeder wrote:

I posted this on UK, so I'll just repost it here. default smiley :)

I translated it from czech which was translated from french.
! Translation may not be accurate. !

Click to display
Firstly new landscapes for Ow's Helios' Ray

Next promo after GC should have "halloween theme".
There'll be new item, that can change appearance of your horse. (Like SOA,Witch Hat...) Name of the item is still unknown, but will looks like this.
-With this item your horse will live throughout his life with ambivalent personality.
-Everytime he gets older, he'll randomly changes his personality on dark or bright side
-When the horse'll change on his dark side, his day will start at 2AM and end at 6PM (his bright side will be normal day 8AM to 22PM)

This item gives bonus +5 to every skill
Stamina +5
Speed +5
Dressage +5
Gallop +5
Trot +5
Jumping +5

Horse with this item can obtain appearance of:

Broken Robot
(bright side)

(dark side) - Translation is missing (for me)

(bright side)

(dark side) - Everytime he changes on dark side, his energy, health and morale will stay 100% all day. (Howrse horse day, not real lol)

Demonic Angel
(bright side)

(dark side) - Everytime he changes on dark side, he'll inflict 6 penalty points on every competitor in competitions (except for any Grand Prix).

(bright side)

(dark side) - Everytime he changes on dark side, he'll gain +0.02 more skills from missions (lol, kinda low perk hehe)"

So will this have a trophy to it?
Retired breeder wrote:

So will this have a trophy to it?

It likely will, yes.
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Promo after the G__C__

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It's the return of the Trick or Treat promo and it looks like they changed some stuff based on the feedback given(hours of candy production in workshops, treat rarities the kids require etc.)
I found a lot of information about it on Equideow, but I'll just post the highlights since google translate doesn't really do a good job, and International testing will probably open next week anyway.

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Finally we learn his perk!

Apophis fait partie des chevaux égyptiens.
Il vous propose un trésor chaque jour lors de son réveil.
En grattant le coffre au trésor, vous pouvez y découvrir :
* 1 x Sceau de l'Apocalypse
* du lin
* des points de compétences à répartir comme vous le souhaitez sur Apophis
Ce cheval ne peut pas être vendu.

His treasure chest offers a Seal of the Apocalypse, flax or skill points

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The Double-Face Medallion information was posted by Kusni up above
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 22nd September 2016 16:29:08
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 22nd September 2016 16:38:51
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So the trick or treat promotion is returning. Hopefully those changes are going to make things better. I boycotted the last one because I was not a fan, but now that I look back it's the one promotion I wish I would have spent passes on because of Buce and his boarding perk for VIPs.
Oh poo, thank you ^,^ I really want to get some more diamond giving horses default smiley (lol)
Poseidon's Trident
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By Retired breeder, 22nd September 2016 20:31:46
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Could anyone give anymore information about Trick or Treat or why people didn't like it so much? I feel like I need to save up resources for this promo because I love everything Halloween default smiley xd
Retired breeder wrote:

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Could anyone give anymore information about Trick or Treat or why people didn't like it so much? I feel like I need to save up resources for this promo because I love everything Halloween default smiley xd
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Little pixel kids would come to visit you every day and they would request a couple pieces of candy. Depending on whether you gave them the right treats(you could give them any treats if you didn't have the ones they wanted) then they would leave with a certain satisfaction level and you'd get points based on that that would go towards earning prizes. It was slightly annoying in that the kids always seemed to demand the treats you didn't have. One moment you'd have plenty of eyeball candies and the kids never wanted them. You'd give them away and once you were out they suddenly wanted eyeballs. I think we got candy by doing competitions with our horses, logging in etc. You could also craft several in your workshops, but to do so required certain blackk market items which players weren't happy with. I think one candy required you to use Golden Apples or something
Legacy Ann
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Personally love the Egyptian divines series, think they look great and I also love Egyptian mythology.

Has the next Preprod (one after the G____ C_____) started yet?
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By Retired breeder, 22nd September 2016 23:00:43
No, Amhdolphin. At least not on international. I'm still on the G____ C____ preprod.
By Retired breeder, 22nd September 2016 23:33:20
The new item looks so cool! I hope to get it
By Retired breeder, 22nd September 2016 23:37:25
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The Double-Face Medallion information was posted by Kusni up above

That is awesome!
The prizes are good too
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I'm really excited for the Double-Face Medallion. If it is released on the Black Market, I might spend passes trying to get all the coats. I can sell extras for however much each Medallion costs in passes and then hopefully buy any missing coats.

The Dr. Jekyll one looks super awesome, as does the Robot. Super pumped about this!

I'm also going to try and get the Halloween promo Divine, as I love its design and it has an awesome perk.
The Fifth Queen
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So, I must have missed it, but I'm which promo will we get the
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dark side light side BMI things
and about when will the promo take place?
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Not I'm sorry auto correct.
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