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Anonymous52 wrote:

Does anyone know which BM items are timed?

If you click the little gift box present icon on the promo page's menu it shows a complete list of all the prizes. I don't see a timer on any of the prizes so it doesn't look like we have any this time around, probably because there aren't any of the big pass gifts.
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 18th August 2016 17:21:34
Retired breeder wrote:

All Potions ingredients. I hope this is all ok.

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25x purple potion, 25x red potion, 25x unicorn horn

Purple Potion
1x Mandrake sap, 1x unicorn horn

Red Potion
4x four leaf clover, 2x phoenix tear

Blue Potion
1x snail spit, 1x dragon scale

Fertility Wand
3x mosquito larvae, 5x griffin eggs, 4x moonstones

Philotes Stroke
3x Mandrake Sap, 4x Griffin Eggs

Magic Hat
5x mosquito larve, 4x hippogriff claw, 5x moonstone

Hypnos Blanket
3x snail spits, 2x blue potions

Hestia's Gift
4x snake venom, 5x mushroom spores, 5x unicorn horn

Water of Youth
3x Mushroom spores 4x Stardust

Apollo's Lyre
3x four leaf clovers, 3x phoenix tears

Harmony Pack
4 x Snake venom, 3 x Hippogriff claw, 3x Dragon scale

Poseidon's Pack
4x mandrake saps, 3x four leaf clovers, 3x snail spit

Philosopher's Stone
3 x Mushroom Spores, 4x Stardust, 4x Phoenix tear

Helios Ray
5x snake venom, 4x red potions

Medusa's Blood
3x mosquito larvae, 4x hippogriff claws

4x mosquito larvae, 3x pheonix tears

3x Stardust, 1x Unicorn Horn

4x Mandrake sap, 2x Hippogriff claw, 3x Purple potion

2x Four leaf clover, 3x Griffin egg

4x Mushroom spores, 3x Dragon scale

2x Snail spit

1000 equus
2x snake venom, 4x mushroom spores

5000 equus
4x mosquito larve, 3x stardust

20000 equus
3x snake venom, 4x four leaf clover, 5x moonstone

Water Trough
3x Snake Venom, 3x Mandrake Sap, 3x Dragon Scales.

Oats X 200
3x Mushroom spores, 2x Moonstone

3*** Western Bridle
3x Snail spit, 2x Stardust

Horseshoe studs
3x Mushroom Spores, 3x Hippogriff claw, 4x Blue potion

2x Mosquito Larvae, 4x Clovers, 2x Red Potions

Manure X 10
3x Snake venom, 2x Stardust

Flax X 20
2x Mosquito larvae, 4x Hippogriff claw

Mash X 20
2x Snake venom, 3x Four leaf clover

Sand X 100
2x Mandrake sap, 2x Griffin egg

3*** Western Saddle
3x Mandrake sap, 4x Griffin egg

1* Wstern Saddle Cloth
2x Mosquito larvae, 2x Hippogriff claw

Ageing Point X 10
2x Mushroom espores, 4x Snail spit, 2x Phoenix tear

Bumping up the full potion ingredients list
So I've heard the amount of ingredients needed double each time you make the potion? As you need 25 purple potions, that would be 33554431 horns for the purple potions, plus 25 for Virgo... Not to mention the other ingredients for the potions.... default smiley (o) Is something wrong here?
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FantasticFoal wrote:

So I've heard the amount of ingredients needed double each time you make the potion? As you need 25 purple potions, that would be 33554431 horns for the purple potions, plus 25 for Virgo... Not to mention the other ingredients for the potions.... default smiley (o) Is something wrong here?

It'll be cheaper to wait for the packs, as well as see what you get from daily objectives, rather than brewing every single potion you need.
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Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone know what the potion is for Virgo?

The potion for Virgo is:

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25 purple potions, 25 red potions, and 25 unicorn horns
  • Posted messages: 4
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By Retired breeder, 18th August 2016 19:42:19
W_H_ promo information:
(If it's already posted, I apologize, I just want something that I can go back to.)

Promo main page:

Click to display

How to play?

To get a Wandering Horse, collect points by:
performing the requested action as many times as needed or
by giving them the right color pollen (except for the horseAtlas).
When you get 100 points, the horse joins you in-game for 5 days with their present or presents!

You can get pollen:
*in UFOs
*by buying them with passes
Win the divine horse Ptah at the same time as Wandering HorseAtlas.

Ptah is one of the Egyptian horses.
He will offer you one treasure when he wakes up each day.
By scratching the treasure chest, you have a chance to win:
1 x Bonus Pack
Skill points you can assign as desired to any of Ptah's skills
This horse cannot be sold.

See a list of everyone who owns Ptah
Golden horseshoes:

You can also earn golden horseshoes for the Event trophy once you've collected:
1 Wandering Horse
6 Wandering Horses
11 Wandering Horses
16 Wandering Horses


Click to display


(Forgot to get picture of chrysalis...)


Blue Menelaus


Leopard Scribonia


Not yet unlocked:


Click to display

Ptah is one of the Egyptian horses.
He will offer you one treasure when he wakes up each day.
By scratching the treasure chest, you have a chance to win:
1 x Bonus Pack
Skill points you can assign as desired to any of Ptah's skills
This horse cannot be sold.

Prize list:

Click to display
1 x Philotes' Stroke
1 x Medusa's Blood
1 x 100 x Carrot
1 x 5,000 Equus
1 x 1 x Fertility Wand
1 x Achilles' Heel
1 x Hera's Pack
Use within 90 days.
1 x Shower
1 x Themis' Scale
1 x Bonus Pack
1 x Horseshoe Studs
1 x The 5th Element
50 x Flax
1 x Pink 2** polo wraps
1 x Croesus' Fortune
100 x Leather
1 x Black and pink 2** Classical saddle cloth
20 x Aging point
1 x Tractor
1 x 3*** Classical Saddle
1 x Spurs
1 x Ploutos' Parchment
1 x Horn of Plenty
Use within 90 days.
1 x Black and pink 2** ear bonnet
1 x 3*** Classical Bridle
1 x Apollo's Lyre
1 x Zeus' Lightning Bolt
1 x Harmony Pack
Use within 90 days.
1 x Water of Youth
1 x Nyx Pack
Use within 90 days.
1 x Bell boots
1 x Black Orchid

Known gifts:

Click to display


100 carrot, 1,000 equus, 1 x Fertility Wand


10,000 equus, 1 x Bonus Pack


1 x Philotes' Stroke, 1 x Medusa's Blood

Blue Menelaus

1 x Achilles' Heel, 1 x Hera's Pack (Use within 90 days)

Leopard Scribonia

1 x Shower, 1 x Themis' Scale


1 x Ptah

All known objectives:

Click to display

Objective : Stroke a horse in the Safe Haven - 6 points per horse stroked

Objective: Log in for the first time of the day - 6 points per first login of the day

Blue Menelaus:
Objective: Take part in competitions - 0.1 points per competition participation

Leopard Scribonia:
Objective: Donate pollen to other Wandering Horses - 0.3 points per bit of pollen donated

Objective: Get the other Wandering Horses - 7 points per Wandering Horse obtained


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After a very long time, the Wandering Horses are finally back!

Collect all 16 Butterfly Wandering Horses and win prizes!

There are 16 Wandering Horses, each representing a species of butterfly. Each Wandering Horse has a meter that can be filled by completing an objective or by a pollen donation of a certain color, depending on the horse.

The objectives can be repeated as many times as needed.

When the meter reaches 100 points, you get the Wandering Horse in your breeding farm for five days, as well as the prizes linked to it.

Warning: The birthday objective ("celebrate a horse's 30th birthday") will be higher on the live game.

Major differences compared to previous Wandering Horses contests

You no longer get points for the Wandering horses in the Horn of Plenty as previously. Now you have to use pollen (which can be purchased directly during special offers with pollen packs)

You can’t get all Wandering horses from the first day. You can unlock 3 on the first day (during the tutorial) + the Wandering horse giving the divine. The following horses will become available at a 2/day rate.

Before you unlock them, you can’t start collecting points for them.
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When is libra coming out?
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By Retired breeder, 18th August 2016 20:06:23
More W___ H___ objectives and prizes

Click to display

- remove Pegasus or Winged Uni wings
- Zeus' Lighting Bolt and timed Harmony Pack

Blue Icarus
- donate horses to Ow
- Tractor and 50,000 equus

Tailed Jay
- give birth to unicorns
- 20 APs and timed Horn of Plenty

Orange Tip
- gift shop items to friends
- 3*** Classical Saddle, Spurs and P.Parchment

Death's Head
- Give apples to other players' horses
- 100 x leather, 2** saddle cloth, 10 APs

- stroke horses in Safe Have
- 10,000 equus and Bonus Pack

Red Admiral
- Take horses for rides
- 2** bonnet, 3*** briddle, Apollo's Lyre

Poplar Admiral
- do foal games
- 50x flax, 2** polo wraps, Croesus' Fortune

- Give mashes to horses
- Bellboots, 5,000 equus and Black Orchid

- open Horns of Plenty
- Water of Youth and timed Nyx Pack

Spanish Moon
- age horses to xx years (we do know what the age will be on live version, possibly 50 years)
- Horseshoe Studs, 5th Element

Timed items have limit of 90 days

I will put together a strategy guide later unless someone does it first.
By Retired breeder, 18th August 2016 20:07:49
^ If I credit you would it be okay if I added that to the master post later?
By Retired breeder, 18th August 2016 20:09:53
Retired breeder wrote:

^ If I credit you would it be okay if I added that to the master post later?

Go ahead, and no need to even credit default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 18th August 2016 20:15:09
Thank you! default smiley :)
I really want the
Click to display
butterfly horses
  • Posted messages: 79
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By Retired breeder, 18th August 2016 20:26:23
how do you get the W__H___ ?

as cant find them in the potion book
By Retired breeder, 18th August 2016 20:34:18
Retired breeder wrote:

how do you get the W__H___ ?

as cant find them in the potion book

We will not be able to get W_ H_ until the next promo. default smiley (y)
By Retired breeder, 18th August 2016 20:46:42
does anyone know when the next promo starts?
Retired breeder wrote:

does anyone know when the next promo starts?

The new one just literally started today. Be patient.
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Question about Current Promo in Pre-Prod:
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Do we know if the objectives and gifts will remain the same for the same Wandering Horses when it gets out of Pre-Prod and becomes "real"?

default smiley (b)
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Yes I found that the ingredients double as well... Sigh I really wanted Virgo as its my sign but I will be struggling I think.
  • Posted messages: 555
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en_amie wrote:

Click to display
Do we know if the objectives and gifts will remain the same for the same Wandering Horses when it gets out of Pre-Prod and becomes "real"?

It doesn't say that it'll be different, so it'll probably be the same.
  • Posted messages: 6,219
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Does anyone know *if* Virgo will be released in luck items, and if so what is it likely to be (HOPs, TC etc.)

Thankyou in advance
  • Posted messages: 990
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By Retired breeder, 18th August 2016 23:07:59
okaybye wrote:

Does anyone know *if* Virgo will be released in luck items, and if so what is it likely to be (HOPs, TC etc.)

Thankyou in advance
We never know when things like that happen.
By Retired breeder, 18th August 2016 23:11:52
Click to display
What's pollen in the Wandering Horse promo?
By Retired breeder, 18th August 2016 23:15:39
en_amie wrote:

Question about Current Promo in Pre-Prod:
Click to display
Do we know if the objectives and gifts will remain the same for the same Wandering Horses when it gets out of Pre-Prod and becomes "real"?

default smiley (b)

Click to display
It was stated that the "reach 30 years with a horse" objective would be "higher on the live game". Other than that, they should be the same. default smiley :)

Also, some more random WH information:
Click to display
The wandering horses arrive in your breeding farm at 3 days old each. Like Divines, they can only participate in one non-Divine competition a day, BUT they can be aged manually, and age by 4 hours with each Aging Point.

They are all from 0.1 to 1.2 hands high and 30 to 100 pounds.

Also, those cute little wings that they have are animated, and flap up and down. default smiley (l)
In relation to my earlier post, perhaps an educated guess, as to whether Virgo will even come out because with all the other divines from the promo, I can only remember Cancer in HOPs, mind you I have bad memory.
  • Posted messages: 990
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okaybye wrote:

In relation to my earlier post, perhaps an educated guess, as to whether Virgo will even come out because with all the other divines from the promo, I can only remember Cancer in HOPs, mind you I have bad memory.

It is unlikely that any of the Zodiacs(or the most recently released Egyptians for that matter) will be re-released in luck items anytime soon. At least not until the whole set has been released as that has been the the trend for other Divine sets. We don't see a re-release of divines until sometime after the whole set has come out. Cancer's promo release was the Horn of Plenty which is why she was in that. One of the others, might have been Aquarius, was released in the Golden Fleece I think.
Legacy Ann
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