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By Retired breeder, 7th January 2016 18:37:35
Is it still a Spoiler to say the M... word? Because actually Howrse has written it themselves in the new features thing, when you click at the "Trophies for Events" you can clearly read that they wrote the M... is the next Promo default smiley xd
Retired breeder wrote:

Is it still a Spoiler to say the M... word? Because actually Howrse has written it themselves in the new features thing, when you click at the "Trophies for Events" you can clearly read that they wrote the M... is the next Promo default smiley xd

What is the M word?!
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By Retired breeder, 7th January 2016 18:42:21
I know I've asked this before but, considering that they are the prizes for the snowball fight, but

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Are the rainbow divines going to be in the reserved sales, or is the snowball fight our only chance of getting them?

Again, sorry if I've already asked this and thanks in advance for any responses! default smiley :)
Retired breeder wrote:

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Are the rainbow divines going to be in the reserved sales, or is the snowball fight our only chance of getting them?

Nah, that's a completely valid question. Going off the pattern of past Snowball/Candy/Flower Fights, then the answer to that is probably yes. We only don't know when or how much it'll cost per one.

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Rough estimates (again going off past Divine Sales) would be 15 passes for each of them except Lovely Blue, who would be 20 since she can reproduce.
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By Retired breeder, 7th January 2016 19:51:35
Can we have the Snowball Fight and the<> at the same time?
The snowball thing is a minni promo, so we could, but unless they through us a curve ball, it will be next week for the big promo.
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By Retired breeder, 7th January 2016 20:17:11
katiedingo wrote:

The snowball thing is a minni promo, so we could, but unless they through us a curve ball, it will be next week for the big promo.

censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Will someone answer please, what does M.... stand for?
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caribooster wrote:

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Rolls? Are you sure you're not meaning the Magic ride? There aren't any rolls in the next promo, and I never experienced any glitches with it...
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
caribooster wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

I don't recall anyone mentioning a glitch or anything of the sort on PreProd... At least not with not getting what you paid for.

If you do experience glitches on the live version, then do bring it up then, or send a ticket to Contact Us. At this point though, I don't really see a reason for bringing this up? If there was a glitch on PreProd, then it might have even been fixed by the time the event goes live.
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Retired breeder wrote:

I know I've asked this before but, considering that they are the prizes for the snowball fight, but

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Are the rainbow divines going to be in the reserved sales, or is the snowball fight our only chance of getting them?

Again, sorry if I've already asked this and thanks in advance for any responses

It is possible that any of these Snowball divines can be offered in the BM items like the GF, HOPs or TCs and they have done this in the past.default smiley :)
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You must mean like the glitch of not getting ornaments from rides and wins. By the way, they fixed it 2 days before promo ended, like that did any good.
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By Retired breeder, 7th January 2016 23:59:45
Geez. Since when so many promo's come around? There's one now at least once a month. Maybe if Howrse wouldn't constantly add new Divines and make getting some things so very easy, then they wouldn't have to do so many and anger so many players... I am certainly not pleased with how Howrse has changed the prizes soaring the way they are cuz nothing sells anymore... Can't Howrse go back to the way it was?
Aerondight wrote:

Will someone answer please, what does M.... stand for?

A lot of things really, but more specifically it's the next promo

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Spyder wrote:

It is possible that any of these Snowball divines can be offered in the BM items like the GF, HOPs or TCs and they have done this in the past.

Put me out of my misery if they are offered in any of those BM items especially the TC and GF. I have the worst luck with those things and can't stop opening them until I run out of passes or whatever payment method.

I'm telling myself to wait till another Reserved Sales, even if that's 6 months from nowdefault smiley xd
Legacy Ann
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1 a month, I think they are 2 a month now. It is not like we get any breaks.
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Retired breeder wrote:

Geez. Since when so many promo's come around? There's one now at least once a month. Maybe if Howrse wouldn't constantly add new Divines and make getting some things so very easy, then they wouldn't have to do so many and anger so many players... I am certainly not pleased with how Howrse has changed the prizes soaring the way they are cuz nothing sells anymore... Can't Howrse go back to the way it was?

It's not our place to say.
Golden Glyndwr
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By Retired breeder, 8th January 2016 01:30:06
@Pony fan Yes, I but they should take our opinion into account, instead of just doing a surprise thing that doesn't always do the best. The last promo that went around, I know that a lot of players didn't really care for it, I certainly didn't.
Starry-Eyed wrote:

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Rough estimates (again going off past Divine Sales) would be 15 passes for each of them except Lovely Blue, who would be 20 since she can reproduce.

Thanks a lot for this info!
Are there any other ones in the future we ccould eventually expect up in the
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reserved sales?
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caribooster wrote:

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What's a roll ?... default smiley :)
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Legacy Ann wrote:

Put me out of my misery if they are offered in any of those BM items especially the TC and GF. I have the worst luck with those things and can't stop opening them until I run out of passes or whatever payment method.

Bang...default smiley (lol)

Well it happened..default smiley (lol)
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Do we need an intervention?default smiley xd
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katiedingo wrote:

Do we need an intervention?default smiley xd

They need pre-pod to get sick of them. lol
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