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Retired breeder wrote:

ShorahNagi, you're right. How come they are not included with the Shaman coats?

My guess is the following:

Ghost - since the benefit of this coat requires the horse to 'vanish' for 1 day (and you need to care for the Ghost every day for it to have a chance to go) - the odds of this coat actually providing a benefit would be slim to none. Not to mention - the 'benefit' of the coat would fade before the horse got back - which could cause programming/coding issues.

Pestilentia - Most likely due to the fact that this is the only coat that can be passed onto foals, it was left off the list to help keep it rare, as well as to avoid potential abuse.

But only the Admins know for sure, and I don't think they gave an official reason to be honest.


Retired breeder wrote:

I've heard that

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There was a Wandering Horse promo coming

So why didn't it come? Will it ever come?

Because - there is/was no Wandering Horses promotion actually planned. All talk of the Wandering horses coming back was pure speculation based on a comment that came over from Equideow.

They may return in the future - but at this time, there are No Wandering Horse events on the radar.
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I remember there being a post about what candies give what satisfaction percentages from the trick or treat promo, can someone tell me what page it's on?
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catlover4 wrote:

I remember there being a post about what candies give what satisfaction percentages from the trick or treat promo, can someone tell me what page it's on?

I think you might be referring to the 'guide' post that I made. In it - I had a section about possible outcomes of giving a kid candy. I'll bring it forward - just in case it is what you are looking for:

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Unless you have a TON of the required BMIs for Crafting or don't have passes and don't mind 'sacrificing' these items - it's a waste of time and "resources":

On the Eyeball, Ghost, Brain, and Teeth - it costs 1 pass for 4 Treats (3 passes for 12).

The Ghost, Eyeball, and Teeth all use an Item that is sold for 1 pass to get 4 treats (Small workshop) in 2 days time. (Medium = 8 treats, Large = 12)

The Brain is crafted using Croesus' Fortune (which is only won from promotions) and regular apples.

The other items use:

Ghost = Golden Apple
Eyeball = Horn of Plenty
Teeth = Piece of Cloud *also uses regular apples*

So - you can either sacrifice an item 'worth 1 pass' for 4 treats in 2 days time OR save that item and just use that Pass directly to get those 4 treats in maybe a minute at most depending on how slow your browser is.

**If you really want to craft some treats - stick with Teeth and Brains as they use less popular BMIs that are not in as much demand as HOPs and GAs.


Children hang around for 36 hours (1 day, 12 hours) before they leave. There is no penalty for having a Child leave it seems. Since they hang around - this gives you time to try and get the Treats they are asking for should you not have it on hand.

If you have BOTH treats a child asks for (ex. Brain and Pumpkin) - give them to the child as soon as possible.

If you don't have one or both treats a child asks for - if they will be around for awhile, wait and see if you can't get the treat(s) they want.

However, if a child is close to leaving - and you do not want to send them away empty-handed (no points are gotten - better to get some points than none at all):

**Pay attention to the face the candy bucket makes when you drag a treat to it!**

This can potentially tell you if a child will be happy with what you are offering them. The following are scores I got from giving kids candy in different combinations:

2 Treats asked for = 100%
1 treat asked for/1 treat okay = 75%
1 Treat asked for/1 treat unhappy = 55%
2 Treats Okay = 50%
1 treat okay/1 treat unhappy = 30%
2 Treats unhappy = 10%

*I also got 75% and 55% after giving a child two of the same of one of the treats he asked for (Ex. child wanted a Ghost and Pumpkin, I gave him 2 Pumpkins as I did not have a ghost)

*of course, your results may differ.


Bell Packs are the better option when it comes to using Passes/Diamonds. These give you one of each Treat - and two Children to give treats to. Barring the two kids asking for the same item(s) if you don't have additional ones in your inventory - it's an easy way to get 200 points.
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That's it, thank you!
  • Posted messages: 1,364
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By Retired breeder, 25th October 2015 10:28:18
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Can someone tell me how many horses can racing in one day in the World Championship , and how many points you get for each place?
Because I 'll calculate how far you get without passes.

Thank youdefault smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 25th October 2015 11:50:01
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What is the World Championship? Can anyone give me an explication about it?default smiley :)
And when it is going to be in Howrse?

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For the Enchanter coat of the Magic Hat, it says the horse's food will become free. Is that Carrots and Mashes included? Or is it just for Fodder and Oats?
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By Retired breeder, 25th October 2015 14:06:35
Retired breeder wrote:

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What is the World Championship? Can anyone give me an explication about it?default smiley :)
And when it is going to be in Howrse?

It's a new promotion that is going to introduce the new set of divines. It should occur after this one is finished. I believe there are posts about it a couple of pages back.
By Retired breeder, 25th October 2015 14:27:22
Thanks for your answer, somebody knows what is it about?
Starry-Eyed wrote:


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For the Enchanter coat of the Magic Hat, it says the horse's food will become free. Is that Carrots and Mashes included? Or is it just for Fodder and Oats?

It is just;

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Fodder and Oats.

I just put this to the test on Preprod to confirm. I had 49,518 carrots - I fed one to a Enchanter horse (not boarded in an EC to make sure) and it dropped me to 49,517.

When I did this with Fodder (365612) and Oats (438498) - the amounts remained the same.

Retired breeder wrote:

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Can someone tell me how many horses can racing in one day in the World Championship , and how many points you get for each place?
Because I 'll calculate how far you get without passes.

Thank youdefault smiley :)


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You get 6 entries per day - and can get more using Tickets. You can enter your horses in the same races or in all different ones.

It's hard to say how many points you get for each place, as that is dependent on how many points the competition is worth.

For example - I just went to enter a few horses of all different skill levels, and the comps. they can enter have the following point values:

370, 372, 374, 378, 376
240, 242, 244, 246, 248

Of course, 1st gets you the most points - 5th gets you the least.

For a race that I had three of my own horses in (they took 3rd, 4th, and 5th):

Total pool of prize points: 356 points

3rd place horse: 71
4th place horse: 61
5th place horse: 50

I don't know how many points the first and second place horses got - but my 3 got me 182 points total. With a little math - I think the other values were:

1st place: 93
2nd place: 81

*f we add all these together (93 + 81 + 71 + 61 +50 = 356).

So in trying to calculate this out - you're going to need to take the following into account:

1. How many of your own horses are in the same race

2. Where your horses will finish (might I suggest doing a calculation with a horse who finishes in First only, and one that finishes in Last in different races?)

Retired breeder wrote:

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What is the World Championship? Can anyone give me an explication about it?default smiley :)
And when it is going to be in Howrse?

This link leads to a post I made about the new event. As for when it will come to Howrse - probably sometime after the current Trick or Treat event ends, but we don't know exactly when.
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By Retired breeder, 25th October 2015 14:54:45
Thank you Shorahdefault smiley :d
By Retired breeder, 25th October 2015 15:18:30
Anybody have
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the prize list for the new promo yet? Thank you.
Retired breeder wrote:

Anybody have
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the prize list for the new promo yet? Thank you.

Here you go;

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Apologies that I'm still working out what point value items are gotten at and that this is in French default smiley :(

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By Retired breeder, 25th October 2015 15:39:16
Does anyone have

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pass estimates for the upcoming promo? I heard earlier that Ow said the Divine would be easier to get, is that true? Thanks!
Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone have

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pass estimates for the upcoming promo? I heard earlier that Ow said the Divine would be easier to get, is that true? Thanks!

Nothing concrete yet - though tentative calculations have put it in the usual range of 20 - 30 passes.
  • Posted messages: 52,418
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I'm a little surprised that Golden Apples and A. Tears are not part of the prizes for either the Trick or Treat or Astrology promo. Those used to be offered in every promo, but they have been rarely offered as of late. I have to keep getting the Tears from exchanges if I can find a reasonable item trade for them.
Legacy Ann
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I agree, as much as I hate the challenge, I really would like the lottery to come around again.
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By Retired breeder, 25th October 2015 22:58:22
What good does S_ do for us who don`t have birthday in that month?
By Retired breeder, 25th October 2015 23:07:44
Where do I get a magic hat and what's the point of it?
Retired breeder wrote:

Where do I get a magic hat and what's the point of it?

At the moment, only through the promo (until IF and WHEN it comes to the Black Market). It gives a special coating on a horse. With each coat comes a different perk.

Retired breeder wrote:

What good does S_ do for us who don`t have birthday in that month?

Sit-n-look-pretty. That's why I'm excited for the set, but I'll only be working towards mine (Capricorn).
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By Retired breeder, 26th October 2015 02:17:37
Bringing up a spoiler containing Magic Hat coats:

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Retired breeder wrote:

Bringing up a spoiler containing Magic Hat coats:

That's not really a spoiler...
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By Retired breeder, 26th October 2015 08:41:48
Rynx wrote:

That's not really a spoiler...
thanks I wanted to know what they do and what coats
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Has anyone completed the current promo? If so, how many passes did you need to complete it? I've already spent a fair few but I'm barely getting started default smiley (lol)
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