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All I know for sure is that I'm going to wait until they come in sales and/or items. Red, Blue, and deciding on whether I want Indigo or Purple or both. Specific reason why just those 3/4.
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By Retired breeder, 28th May 2015 07:11:33
Looking at the picks for the new divines:
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I was never a fan of Devoted Indigo, but I think Purple looks a lot better. It has a better flow, the pose doesn't look awkward or unnatural. The head and neck may be a bit too big for the body though. I'm not entirely sure what gait that is, canter? (Not the artists fault, just my lack of knowledge lol) Whatever it is, it seems the horse is going fast enough for some movement/flow in the mane and tail. Currently it looks nice but I don't think it would work for anything beyond a trot.

Secret Rainbow is a bit of a disappointment. I was expecting something quite spectacular, an energetic or majestic pose, vibrant colours. He is the reward for completing a collection, so he should in my opinion clearly show all the colours of the rainbow. Instead he is a simple white horse with a purple mane and some colours slapped on.
By Retired breeder, 28th May 2015 07:13:38
*sorry I meant looking at pics. Autocorrect is not my friend today
By Retired breeder, 28th May 2015 12:03:40
Do you have the new contest? The drive?
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Retired breeder wrote:

I don't think that
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Indigo's image is done. Is it just me, or does it look like there are a few un-erased portions near his/her front knee and under the stomach? It doesn't look like they are supposed to be part of the whole cloud background thing, either...? Doesn't look bad, but the proportions are definitely off, even for the appearance of the horse coming towards the viewer. The image should be resized completely from the point of neck attachment up. (I wonder if it would be against the howrse rules to play around with resizing the neck on my own art program, just to see what it looks like default smiley (lol) )

I actually like how Secret Rainbow turned out. He definitely could use some definition in that near ear, and his proportions are also a little off, but I really like the concept!! That much indigo at the head is a bit much...it might look better with a darker color?

Just my two cents! I know how hard the Howrse team works, and I really like the results, especially Special Rainbow!

I would assume it falls under fair use - to make some edits for your own curiosity I mean. I do the same sometimes (including for the Indigo), but I worry that the artist who made the things I'm messing with or criticizing might feel insulted default smiley :s I expect they're worked pretty hard and us horse lovers are a tough crowd to please, so I don't envy them with the pressure they're under default smiley xd

If you do make some edits can you PM me the results?
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By Retired breeder, 28th May 2015 12:57:47
Can someone get me the profit list for the work shop?
Retired breeder wrote:

Do you have the new contest? The drive?

Not again ... >__< New promo after the U_

Promo in which
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Brave purple

will be released.

It's the
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Magic ride.. repackaged. I hate that promo. Way too much luck, way too expensive.
But we'll finally get shires.

"Brave Purple is one of the rainbow divines.

He offers a diamond every sunday provided you connected to the game at least once during the previous 3 days.

When you own all 7 rainbow divines you may obtain Secret Rainbow.

Game: 1 Diamond every sunday.
WIP: Use half the energy for missons on Sundays."
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By Retired breeder, 28th May 2015 13:11:58
No! I wanted purple, but in the magic ride?
By Retired breeder, 28th May 2015 13:19:43
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UGH! the promotion that was going on when I joined was the magic ride. I hated it. Now they are turning it into a summer "fun" event! *sigh* at least we'll get the Shires.
By Retired breeder, 28th May 2015 13:30:12
Guess im buying the rest of the rainbowsdefault smiley :( I wish they would brimg back older divines in the sales. Like the gemstones or solar divines. Or even in hop or tc
Regrading what phönix posted...

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... the prizes look incredible! But the magic ride makes me nervous because it is so luck dependent. Even if you you spend a bunch of passes it is possible to fail because the majority of the times, particularly on the later levels, you need a very specific number to land on a key or door and we only have a 1 in 6 chance of getting that number default smiley xd

Lately I've been finding that I enjoy the promos a lot more when I'm not actively trying to reach the divine. I think it's because I'm not stressing out about making a mistake or my luck being bad which will cost me more passes than I wanted to spend... Anyone else feel the same way?
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By Retired breeder, 28th May 2015 13:39:47
Ok another question:
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Some mentioned about haflingers coming in the sunken sands promo? I'm not sure if it's true or not, but that's why I'm asking heredefault smiley ;) and if they *are* coming can I get a picture of the new breed? default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 28th May 2015 13:41:25
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Why howrse? Why?! The Magic Ride? Seriously?! Ugh... Well, let's just hope I'm able to get a Shire when it comes. I've already gotten a Percheron from the Maze, so I'm happy, but the Shire's are prettier, in my opinion.
By Retired breeder, 28th May 2015 13:45:25
Here's the map cheat again:
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By Retired breeder, 28th May 2015 13:58:49
Heres a list of the prizes and their location for the maze

Kiyomice wrote:

I didn't get to write down every single prize, but here is the majority.
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U2 = 3 free moves (candy)
V2 = Spyglass
V3 = Fertility Wand
T3 = 3 free moves (candy)
U1 = 3 free moves (candy)
S1 = Spyglass
S2 = 2** Birdle
S4 = Spyglass
P3 = Lunge
Q2 = Spyglass
Q4 = 3 free moves (candy)
R1 = 3 free moves (candy)
Q1 = **2 Saddle Cloth
M2 = Spyglass
N3 = 10aps
T5 = Whip
O3 = 3 free moves (candy)
K1 = Fertility Wand
L3 = 20 Leather
L5 = 3 free moves (candy)
P5 = Spyglass
Q6 = 2** Saddle Cloth
S6 = 3 free moves (candy)
V5 = Spyglass
U7 = 2** Saddle Cloth
T7 = Spyglass
T8 = Candy
V6 = Apollo's Lyre
T10 = Spyglass
U11 = Golden Apple
V10 = Candy
R9 = Candy
R8 = 1,000e
Q7 = Spyglass
Q10 = Medusa's Blood
R11 = Spyglass
P12 = Candy
Q13 = 6,000e
S12 = 20 Leather
V13 = Spyglass
V15 = 6,000e
V16 = Candy
S16 = Spyglass
R17 = Hera's Pack
O16 = Spyglass
N15 = Percheron
L15 = Spyglass
L13 = Candy
J13 = 50 Carrots
K15 = Candy
L16 = Medusa's Blood
M18 = Spyglass
R15 = Bell Boots
Q16 = Candy
P14 = Spyglass
P17 = Lunge
R19 = Candy
T18 = Spyglass
T19 = 2** Saddle Cloth
V18 = 2** Bridle
V21 = Candy
V22 = Philotes's Stroke
T21 = Croesus' Fortune
T20 = Spyglass
Q21 = Spyglass
R22 = Golden Apple
P22 = Candy
P20 = 2** Saddle Cloth
Q19 = Golden Apple
O19 = Candy
N22 = Croesus' Fortune
L21 = Candy
J22 = 500 Oats
K20 = Spyglass
L18 = 2** Saddle Cloth
J18 = Percheron
H19 = Helios' Ray
I18 = Candy
I17 = Croesus' Fortune
G16 = Candy
F17 = Bell Boots
G14 = Candy
E14 = Candy
F13 = Lunge
I14 = Candy
I12 = Apollos' Lyre
J12 = Candy
I10 = Spyglass
G10 = Candy
H9 = Helios' Ray
J11 = Seal of the Apocalypse
J9 = Candy
K10 = 500 oats
M13 = Medusa's Blood
N12 = Candy
M11 = Spyglass
G12 = Spyglass
H15 = Spyglass
O10 = Philotes's Stroke
M9 = 2** Saddle
K8 = Spyglass
I8 = Water Trough
H7 = Candy
J6 = 50 Carrots
I5 = Spyglass
J4 = Fertility Wand
J3 = Candy
I2 = Titan's Challenge
H4 = Candy
F4 = 500 Oats
E2 = Candy
D1 = 1000e
B1 = Spyglass
A1 = Shower
D3 = Spyglass
B3 = Zeus' Lightening Bolt
B4 = Spyglass
B5 = 20 Leather
C6 = Spyglass
E6 = 6000e
G6 = Spyglass
G5 = Whip
F9 = Fertility Wand
E11 = Spyglass
F11 = Candy
G11 = Titan's Challenge
D9 = Spyglass
B140 = Spyglass
A7 = Hestia's Gift
B8 = Candy
A11 = Apollos' Lyre
D10 = 10 aging points
D15 = Spyglass
C16 = Zeus' Lightening Bolt
B16 = Candy
B17 = Spyglass
B18 = Water Trough
A21 = Zeus' Lightening Bolt
A22 = Spyglass
B21 = Spyglass
C20 = Helios' Ray
D18 = 50 Carrots
F19 = Hera's Pack
E22 = 2**

By Retired breeder, 28th May 2015 14:04:39
Woah, you guys are funny! Lol~~ default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 28th May 2015 14:21:42
@texasred that is true and page 1211 has 2 posts in a row of them including pics. I couldnt quote it as they already quoted a different post.
By Retired breeder, 28th May 2015 14:32:27
Retired breeder wrote:

@texasred that is true and page 1211 has 2 posts in a row of them including pics. I couldnt quote it as they already quoted a different post.
thank you!default smiley :d
By Retired breeder, 28th May 2015 14:36:40
B___e P____e is gorgeous, IMO.
Neferka wrote:

I would assume it falls under fair use - to make some edits for your own curiosity I mean. I do the same sometimes (including for the Indigo), but I worry that the artist who made the things I'm messing with or criticizing might feel insulted

To be honest they're being hired by a large game development corporation. We need to demand a standard for what we pay and we know they are capable of better by the earlier standard that has been set.
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By Retired breeder, 28th May 2015 15:31:01
Recap' if it help you:

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Canadian Horse to be introduce in french version, what here?

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Is this going to happend here?
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The M___ R__
;_; I wonder how many people will end up with SR at the end of this!
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If we are not having the Challenge thingy, they need to give us back our Grand Prix money, we are not getting any horse shoes.

And on that note, wish the would bring back Fun at the Beach promo, that was fun, you collected beach related items when you rode your horse, and caught beach bucket ufos. Prizes where by things you collected.
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By Retired breeder, 28th May 2015 16:37:52
Okay I played around with the indigo image, but I don't think I'm allowed to post it here because of their copyright laws (?). If you guys think it would be okay, I'll go ahead and post it, but I have no interest in getting in trouble default smiley xd
Aoife wrote:

The M___ R__
;_; I wonder how many people will end up with SR at the end of this!

That's dependent on a few factors:

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How many reach the end of the maze for Lovely Blue (and Forest Green)
How many collect all the Bones for Devoted Indigo
How many reach the 'Divine Board' of the 'Summer Ride' promotion.

Way I see it - unless some changes are made - Devoted Indigo will probably be the rarest of the Rainbow Divines to see (I think right now Shiny Yellow is the rarest one to see - I'm not counting Blue as her event is still going on)

On the subject of the new promotion:

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I kind of like seeing a Summer Magic Ride - it's actually one of my favorite promotions due to its simplicity (though I will admit - the rolls can be a pain in the butt sometimes...especially when you need to roll exactdefault smiley :s)

Though the good news is - that screen shot of the first board seems to be identical to the first board from the Winter Magic ride...so bit of an advantage there as the other boards would probably be the same as well - meaning one can plan out how they want to move.
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