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By Retired breeder, 5th April 2015 17:06:21
ShorahNagi posted the picture a few pages back.
Starkitty wrote:

The howrse team said that the DAs would be brought back if possible, so in my opinion anyone having bet on a bad outcome can just "take it on the chin" when they are proved wrong. Nobody said that it would be a good idea ...

Interesting, when did they say that? "Taking it on the chin" really won't be that easy for those who have invested everything in their collection. Even if it were brought back for the new images, the price of the original ones would still depreciate.
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By Retired breeder, 5th April 2015 17:12:56
Retired breeder wrote:

ShorahNagi posted the picture a few pages back.

Ahh, I've found it thank you!
cloudless sky
you can always try the item exchange, sometimes they are being sold by players
Lunar Moon
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Summer21 wrote:

Even if it were brought back for the new images, the price of the original ones would still depreciate

How so? The original DAs are using older images and can be considered 'retired' as they were made for the older designs. The item itself might but horses with the older designs are still 'collectible'.

If it were to come back I would rather see it as a promotional item like Hestia's Gift where it is released through certain promos and non-tradeable. That would keep the item's worth high.
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BRM wrote:

How so? The original DAs are using older images and can be considered 'retired' as they were made for the older designs. The item itself might but horses with the older designs are still 'collectible'.

If it were to come back I would rather see it as a promotional item like Hestia's Gift where it is released through certain promos and non-tradeable. That would keep the item's worth high.

Yes they would still be collectible, but they would lose the uniqueness that they hold at the moment which makes them so much more sought after and profitable than most other RCs.

I see what you're saying and if they had to bring it back then yes, I'd rather it were a promotional item than an item readily available on the black market like it was originally. But I'd still much rather it not be brought back at all.
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By Retired breeder, 5th April 2015 17:39:40
I just really wish I could create one. What if there was this new BMI, not a DA, where you could pick between uni, Pegasus, and regular horse (but there would be no bonuses, just the pic) then you added layers of color(like the da) and you could personalize it even more by getting to chose a mane or tail(such as the fifth element wind tail with zebra stripes)
Summer21 wrote:

Interesting, when did they say that?

When the DAs were taken off the game.
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I don't know if you guys know this already, but from the French server, there was a post saying:

Non tout ce qu'on sait c'est que

Deux races de chevaux de trait seront introduites sur le jeu
-Les chevaux de trait ont le même système de reproduction que les ânes, à savoir qu'ils peuvent se reproduire trois fois dans leur vie.
-Ils ont un fonctionnement similaire aux autres chevaux (BLUP, compétitions, entrainement ...).
-Leurs gains de missions sont doublés par rapport à un cheval normal : ils gagnent deux fois plus de compétences, deux fois plus d'equus et rapportent deux fois plus de ressources ou d'equus au centre équestre.
-Il est possible de proposer des créations pour les chevaux de trait à l'Espace créatif.

I posted the French version as the Google Translate (I haven't quite gotten the hang of the language default smiley :p) version isn't quite understandable. However, here it is:

Not all that is known is that

Two draft horse breeds will be introduced to the game
-The Draft horses have the same reproductive system as donkeys , that they can reproduce three times in their lives.
-They An operation similar to other horses ( BLUP , competitions, training ... ) .
-Their Missions winnings are doubled compared to a normal horse : they win twice skills, twice as many Equus and report two times more resources or Equus at the equestrian center .
-It Is possible to propose designs for draft horses at Creative Space .
MaRk My WoRds
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@rawcow - that's the same information that the EC time line gives on all servers (it's not new, but nice to have it back forward for people who might not have seen it yet).

Here's the Time Line's translation:

Draft horses

These new features will be released in May
Two draft horse breeds are added to the game!

Draft horse breeds work in the same manner as donkeys, meaning they can breed three times in their lifetime.
They behave the same as other horses (BLUP, competitions, training...).
Mission earnings are twice the earnings of a regular horse: they earn twice as many skill points, twice as many Equus and bring twice as many resources or Equus to the equestrian center.
Players can submit creations for draught horses in the creative space.
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Oh OK thanks Shorah. Just saw it and thought I'd post. default smiley :)
MaRk My WoRds
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By Retired breeder, 6th April 2015 04:20:22
Retired breeder wrote:

Click to display
Can you only win Shiny Yellow with the pinata's or Shiny yellow and an extra divine? Because there is an extra pinata? And how much HPO you must open? I really want shiny yellow because it is my sisters favorite colourdefault smiley xd

Click to display
Shiny Yellow is the only rainbow divine you can win in the pinatas. However, they are offering a Greyfell in one of the last pinatas (Somewhere around pinata 19 or 20 I believe. I posted a list a few pages back of all the prizes you can win in the pinatas).
By Retired breeder, 6th April 2015 04:37:42
How come some players have pinatas and others have the spring rainbow cards?
Retired breeder wrote:

How come some players have pinatas and others have the spring rainbow cards?

The players who have pinatas have been invited to prepod, it is likely they will be the next promo as they are being tested to iron out any glitches
Everyone on this server has the cards
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By Retired breeder, 6th April 2015 09:36:31
ShorahNagi wrote:

Click to display
The idea of it was to be limited to horses (ex. a photo of your own horse) - and that other animals would not be allowed.
However, that probably would not stop people from trying to submit images of wolves, dogs, and other non-horse animals. Nor would it stop people from submitting copyrighted photos as their own.
The sheer amount of work it would take to moderate and check all the images would be astronomical and just not practical (it's hard enough with the GA coats - which is partially why Howrse switched to the current voting system as sometimes players catch things the Admins and other Team members miss).

which is why don’t use sparkling apples.
By Retired breeder, 6th April 2015 10:06:56
ShorahNagi wrote:

@rawcow - that's the same information that the EC time line gives on all servers (it's not new, but nice to have it back forward for people who might not have seen it yet).

Here's the Time Line's translation:

Draft horses

These new features will be released in May
Two draft horse breeds are added to the game!

Draft horse breeds work in the same manner as donkeys, meaning they can breed three times in their lifetime.
They behave the same as other horses (BLUP, competitions, training...).
Mission earnings are twice the earnings of a regular horse: they earn twice as many skill points, twice as many Equus and bring twice as many resources or Equus to the equestrian center.
Players can submit creations for draught horses in the creative space.

Sorry for the blonde moment - if players are able to submit creations for the draft horses specifically, does that mean we can't put a regular GA on them?
Retired breeder wrote:

How come some players have pinatas and others have the spring rainbow cards?

Click to display
The Pinatas are on the test version [Preprod]. everyone here [international version] has the Spring Rainbow Cards.
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What didn't work up there? default smiley (o)
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By Retired breeder, 6th April 2015 10:31:21
λzeroth wrote:

What didn't work up there? default smiley (o)

Because you put [messages in square brackets inside the [spoiler!] See!]
Click to display
look at the [cards] everyone on international has them
Retired breeder wrote:

Because you put [messages in square brackets inside the [spoiler!] See!]
Click to display
look at the [cards] everyone on international has them

Ok. Thanks!

I realized that that might've been the problem right after I posted the 2nd post...
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Click to display
Will there be chances to get Shiny Yellow in other ways than the pinatas? Such as through the sales at some point later in the year?
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By Retired breeder, 6th April 2015 11:30:33
sarahbla wrote:

Click to display
Will there be chances to get Shiny Yellow in other ways than the pinatas? Such as through the sales at some point later in the year?
Probably. We have a much larger chance of Charming Red in the sales first :-)
By Retired breeder, 6th April 2015 12:42:12
When is the next lottery?
Retired breeder wrote:

When is the next lottery?

Only the Admins know...
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Retired breeder wrote:

if players are able to submit creations for the draft horses specifically, does that mean we can't put a regular GA on them?

Sort of - I feel what that means is that like Donkeys, Unicorns, Pegasus, etc. - Draft Horses will have their own section of GA coats for them to use. So while you won't be able to use a GA coat that's classified as Horse on them, you can use one that's classified as Draft.

Of course, that does bring up the question of if Drafts are allowed to be Pegasus (and Unicorns in the future) - if they would choose their coats from the Pegasus/Unicorn set like all horses do regardless of breed/species (ex. Ponies and Horses share the same set of Pegasus, Unicorn, and Winged Unicorn coats) or if they would get a new set for themselves.

Though I still feel they might be more like Donkeys than anything and not be able to be Pegasus (or Unicorns) and just be limited to being Draft Horses
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