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By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2015 16:11:12
Does anyone know if there will be another pass pack after this one? I want to skip this one and try and gather up more cards until then, and then at the end if I need anymore cards I could be considering spending a pass on them. I just need to know if there will be another.
By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2015 16:15:36
Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone know if there will be another pass pack after this one? I want to skip this one and try and gather up more cards until then, and then at the end if I need anymore cards I could be considering spending a pass on them. I just need to know if there will be another.

Most likely, there always has been. But I can't be sure as in testing they offered these once I believe and then offered the joker packs.
By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2015 16:18:18
I can't afford the joker packs ;-;
Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone know if there will be another pass pack after this one? I want to skip this one and try and gather up more cards until then, and then at the end if I need anymore cards I could be considering spending a pass on them. I just need to know if there will be another.

The only why I decide to use packs now is - you can trade only 1 card per day if you have dublicates. Now I have enough diamond cards and hope gold too which possible I will get from login or comps as well ..now only I need enough E to trade doubles of diamond cards default smiley (a)

Good luck for you!
Horses of Angel
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By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2015 18:32:25
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Does anyone know if the Drafts will be able to cross breed? Or will they be like donkeys?
Hey guys, quick question, Darkness35 mentioned that in testing for the cards they offered
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Joker packs and I was just wondering what they contained and how much they typically cost? I scrolled back but I didn't see anyone answer this question yet.
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By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2015 18:48:23
wildflower wrote:

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Joker packs and I was just wondering what they contained and how much they typically cost? I scrolled back but I didn't see anyone answer this question yet.

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Joker packs will contain 5 Joker cards, not sure about the varieties of rarities, but they will cost 5 passes. default smiley :)
Thanks so much Horsieg! default smiley :) That helps a lot!
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By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2015 19:09:53
wildflower wrote:

Thanks so much Horsieg! default smiley :) That helps a lot!

You're very welcome! default smiley :-))default smiley (h)
By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2015 19:24:35
What do joker cards do?
By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2015 19:28:15
Retired breeder wrote:

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Joker packs will contain 5 Joker cards, not sure about the varieties of rarities, but they will cost 5 passes. default smiley :)

Thanks x

Now time for a question on my 200th day

Apart from objectives and HoP's how do you get
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thanks in advance,
HanoJump xx xx
By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2015 19:35:20
@ HanoJump
first, you're welcome!
Second, the main way to get points is by clicking your piñata, that's it. (Besides the two you mentioned)

(P.S. Happy 200th day!!!)
Jay feather,

Nobody knows yet, but why would you want to, you only can breed 3 times, and everyone wants draft horses just to cross bred. Dont make science, but with only 3 b reedings, I would hope people dont waste them.
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By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2015 21:39:29
Does anyone know how long the
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pinata promo lasts
as in how long do you get to try to do all of them
It usually lasts about two weeks.
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By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2015 21:57:49
ok, thank you very much
Possible spoiler. I'm not sure. About possible new BMI or discarded idea for BMI.
Those of you who've been into this whole spoiler scene for quite a while might have come across this a loooong time ago. Like.. 1 1/2 years ago. I'm talking about the
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Sparkling Apple.
For those who don't know, the sparkling apple was a BMI that came up about 1 1/2 years back on some test server and it's basically an item which lets you use a photograph as your horse's image. (In exchange the horse could no longer be sold)

I was absolutely sure they had discarded this idea completely as it's.. quite stupid to be honest but then....

A fellow player found this on the swedish translation center and I then found it on the UK equivalent.

Does anyone know if this is new? Or has it just been around since 1 1/2 years back and that they basically made everything clear for introducing it but never did? Even translated it across several servers, even smaller ones like the swedish one? I'm curious. Or are they on their way to introducing this item?
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Retired breeder wrote:

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Joker packs will contain 5 Joker cards, not sure about the varieties of rarities, but they will cost 5 passes. default smiley :)

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correct me if I'm completely wrong, but I thought it was 5 passes for one joker card that was guaranteed to be of diamond or gold variety
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By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2015 23:10:55
I am pretty sure they contain one silver joker, one bronze joker and one joker of a rarer variety.
By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2015 23:18:04
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No, it's 5 passes for each Joker Pack you buy...
By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2015 23:49:56
ShorahNagi stated when the prepod was going on For the cards that a joker pack contained all rare cards, gold and diamond.
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The Pinata's are impossible to complete if you want the divine Shiny Yellow. As you go about your pinata's, there are objectives that earn you points for you pinata. Each Pinata has a certain number of points you need to earn in order for it to burst and you claim the gifts associated with that pinata. Anyway, yes the objectives do help a little. But there are 21 Pinata's to complete and the amount of points rise everytime. The final pinata you have (the gift is shiny yellow) is 2000 points. The objectives can't get you that high. Not on the first day, but sometime during the promo, you can earn points in the Horn Of Plenties. It took me 232 passes to complete the pinata's. And that was with doing the objectives. So, if you're after the divine, it's not worth it in my opinion.
shae m
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By Retired breeder, 4th April 2015 04:33:40
When is next preproduction?
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2015 04:43:20
Retired breeder wrote:

When is next preproduction?

It's currently happening I believe, so probably not until May or sometime late this month. I have no idea though.
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Anyone know what the next divine in the GC will be?
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