
By Retired breeder, 20th January 2015 14:52:07
Hello all fellow schliech lovers! I set up this topic for people who want to talk about the amazing models! Share your collection, tips, and your favorites in this topic! Enjoy!
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no not my schleich barn at least
halloween isnt really widely celebrated around where i live and i dont feel much for christmas either. so to me it just feels like a lot off effort with little payoff
wild horse stables
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So today I went to Otten as I said before, didnt get much schleich actually, just 2 but so happy with them, its the exclusive 2017 quarter horse stallion and I got a cow from 2005, I dont ahve names for them cause I gave up on naming my horses and other animals long ago
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Those are good finds
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Hey. My puppy chew the little paper around my Lipizzan leg. With the S logo. Does that diminish his value or interest for a collection ? The horse is intact.
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My five year old niece is beginning her collection and I want to know if she can get rid of this paper. Sorry the word in English escape me right now. She has a mustang named Spirit and a Purebred Spanish foal. default smiley :)
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AAFKE wrote:

So today I went to Otten as I said before, didnt get much schleich actually, just 2 but so happy with them, its the exclusive 2017 quarter horse stallion and I got a cow from 2005, I dont ahve names for them cause I gave up on naming my horses and other animals long ago

Congrats! You may not have gotten the hoped for quantity, but the quality is good...and oldie and an exclusive! Great finds!default smiley ^)

FalbasMeduline wrote:

Hey. My puppy chew the little paper around my Lipizzan leg. With the S logo. Does that diminish his value or interest for a collection ? The horse is intact.

I think it would depend on the buyer, if you were to sell. I personally believe the tag still attached adds value, and i've seen many of those priced higher when i'm looking on Ebay. I think collectors, including myself, will pay more if it has the tag, and is in great shape, while those just looking to buy a toy for a kid probably don't care, and would likely take off a tag anyway if they bought one.
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Thanks. She take it very seriously and is careful with the tags. default smiley ^)
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I remember when I didnt care about the tags and just ripped them off, the more recent schleich that I got still have their tags and my parents were like why do you still have those tags on it doesnt look good and I was like I dont care
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When i first started collecting, which is now like 10 years ago (default smiley :o) and before i was in so deep default smiley (lol), i took the tags off. But it wasn't long before i stopped doing that thankfully, so the vast majority of those i have still have the tags. Just those first few, and those i have gotten second hand in great shape but without a tag, are missing them. Finding those older ones for sale can be tricky, especially finding one that still has the tag! Schleich is marketed to children more so than collectors, so naturally most of the tags are lost. And on the odd occasion that a child for some reason keeps the tag on, it, along with the toy, is not likely to be in top shape. So when i find one with a tag, it tends to have come from another collector who has keep the item in like new condition.default smiley :)
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How is everyone doing?default smiley :)
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Does anyone know where I can get bags of shavings for bedding in stalls
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Splash16 wrote:

Does anyone know where I can get bags of shavings for bedding in stalls

I'm not really into building my own barns and stuff, but i was thinking...the shavings might be big size-wise compared to the horses, assuming you are talking about the kind you use for pets and stuff. It might be better if you could use sawdust or something? Then again, that might be a tad too messy lol. But i'm kinda outta my league here, and don't really know what i'm talking about, having never made one ha ha.

I'm doing pretty good myself...had a lovely day off of work and enjoyed a road trip. I found a few stores to look for Schleich in, namely, two Tractor Supplies that i rarely ever get to. Didn't expect to find much, but i did get one goodie! Early this year when i was first looking at the list of new releases for 2021, i saw a new swan. I had a hard time with it though, as i couldn't seem to find it stores or online. For all i know, its out there now, as i quit even looking a while back. By now i had honestly gotten to the point where I was beginning to wonder if i had just imagined there was a new swan this year, as it was nowhere, and had basically all but forgotten about it. But by chance today i was looking in Tractor Supply, and there it was, all by its lonesome. There was only one. Naturally, i snatched it up and double checked the year to make sure it was the 2021 model, though i was sure it was because its different and a bit smaller than the previous models of swans i have. Sure enough, it was the elusive little booger, and now he is mine...mwah ha ha!default smiley (6)default smiley :p So i'm a happy camper. Oh, and i found a Schleich horse in an antiques/flea market store! It was one of the older Vanner models if i remember right, but i knew i had it already, and the paint seemed to be wearing thin on it. Looked well loved. Also, the price on it was more than it sold for brand new, so i passed on it lol. Still cool to find though!default smiley ^)
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By Retired breeder, 2nd November 2021 17:55:59
Ayo, this is really random, but if you are new to stuff like Schleich- how should one start out? Does anyone have any tips for beginner collectors? ;w;
I would recommend saving a little as schleich I'd pretty pricey and if you want to make barns, I would say use cardboard with popsicle sticks and use paint to paint the barns. Otherwise just purchase the ones you feel are the best buys. Have fun and welcome to the schleich page default smiley :)default smiley ^)
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By Retired breeder, 3rd November 2021 00:27:25
Splash16 wrote:

I would recommend saving a little as schleich I'd pretty pricey and if you want to make barns, I would say use cardboard with popsicle sticks and use paint to paint the barns. Otherwise just purchase the ones you feel are the best buys. Have fun and welcome to the schleich page default smiley :)default smiley ^)

thank you!! ^^
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Any new tack projects goin on?
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Well, I am going to buy the nicest stable for my horses. Not because I am snob but because I couldn’t do anything manually If my life depended on it. One more «childish» for my niece who buy a guard do his week end and a more credible for me. I a very proud she understood so rapidly what a collection was and is so careful.
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PS : sorry for the autocorrect it doesn’t know which language I wish to employ when I switch this fast.
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Where can I get Schleich horse bridles/halters? And saddles and saddle pads.
Brooke Rabbitheart
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You can try etsy for saddles, bridles, halters, and saddle pads, but it might be a tad expensive for shipping. I hope thus helps default smiley :)
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Guess who got some new Schleich AND Breyers? ME, thats who!default smiley ^)


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I got the European Forest Dwellers pack, which was on sale and it was great because if i remember right, the handsome stag is exclusive to the pack.

I'm not gonna list pics of all of these, but i've been trying to get the Bayala fruit unicorn foal collection, mainly because i believe they are only supposed to be available for late this year before retiring. I think there are 12, and so far i have six. The ones i have include Apple, Strawberry, Melon, Coconut, Grape, and the odd one of the group, Gold (i finally got him!). I have no idea why they included gold in this group, but they did ha ha. This is gold:

Another one i got that was on sale is the Rabbit and Guinea Pig Hutch. Cute!

Lastly for the Scheich, are the little free gifts i always get with my order. I got two of them because the above items came in two separate orders. I always get little Schleich Smurfs lol. I got the Sorry Smurf from the 2013 series:

And i got the Caretaker (aka custodian or janitor) Smurf from the 2015 Office series.

Welp, that wraps up the Schleich, now on to the...


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I got all three of this year's Tractor Supply Exclusives!default smiley <:o) They include:

Sayen, a mustang:

Cirrus, a gorgeous American Quarter Horse:

And Wilder, an Arabian/Appaloosa cross...i love his wild hair!:

I also got a couple of the Stablemate Foal Surprise packages, one regular horses, and one unicorn one. Since they come in sets of three, i hope to get the others later this season.default smiley :)

I also picked up Aurora the Freedom Series Unicorn...she was the last one and was nearly half price, so i said why not lol. That's it for the Breyers...for now...default smiley ;)default smiley :p
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Those are awesome finds!default smiley :d
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I am just beginning my sleich collection, but those bayer :look awesome ! default smiley :)
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