
By Retired breeder, 20th January 2015 14:52:07
Hello all fellow schliech lovers! I set up this topic for people who want to talk about the amazing models! Share your collection, tips, and your favorites in this topic! Enjoy!
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No I don’t have any of the new 2020 models yet
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By Retired breeder, 21st January 2020 20:36:42
Love the schleich horse models especially the fjord
Does anyone know how much the drinking bearcub from 2003 is worth
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I am sorry that the photos are this big
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Retired breeder wrote:

Love the schleich horse models especially the fjord

Hi! And welcomedefault smiley ^)

And AAFKE, that bear is adorable! Wish I had one in my collection. No idea what it's worth, but let me know if/when you find out! I'm very interesteddefault smiley :)

I cant wait until like 2040 when my collection can be considered old/rare. Or better yet, I wish I'd started collecting before 2000! As it is, I'm a bit of a late comer to the game lol!default smiley xd

I started collecting sometime between 2012 and 2015 I think. Probably closer to 12. Darn my bad memory ha ha.
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In euro’s that bearcub is worth about €22,50
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AAFKE wrote:

In euro’s that bearcub is worth about €22,50

Imma have to find a calculator or something to translate that into us dollars lol.default smiley ^)
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So if i did it right, 22.50 euros is $24.94 i think. I googled lol.default smiley 8-)
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By Retired breeder, 23rd January 2020 12:29:49
If you go to the us schleich website it shows you some of the 2020 models. Here is a link to one of them

click here
By Retired breeder, 23rd January 2020 14:57:56
I got the 2020 Trakhener gelding and I love him!!
Retired breeder wrote:

I got the 2020 Trakhener gelding and I love him!!

Congrats!default smiley ^)

Retired breeder wrote:

If you go to the us schleich website it shows you some of the 2020 models. Here is a link to one of them

click here

I usually get them on Ebay...but i need money first ha ha!default smiley :p
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By Retired breeder, 25th January 2020 20:23:27
I'll jump in here as well, haha. I'm known on the dutch server at the schleich topic as a very active person hihi default smiley 8-)

I have 85 horses, which is soon going to be 87, I collect since 2007 or so and have pretty much old models.
The 2020 horses are not really pretty in my opinion. Nahh, just a few. I mean, the reindeer is very pretty, and the knabstupper can do as well. The Schwarzwalders are very pretty. I want the foal and the mare, tho the stallion doesn't really matter to me.

Long, long story.
Retired breeder wrote:

I'll jump in here as well, haha. I'm known on the dutch server at the schleich topic as a very active person hihi default smiley 8-)

I have 85 horses, which is soon going to be 87, I collect since 2007 or so and have pretty much old models.
The 2020 horses are not really pretty in my opinion. Nahh, just a few. I mean, the reindeer is very pretty, and the knabstupper can do as well. The Schwarzwalders are very pretty. I want the foal and the mare, tho the stallion doesn't really matter to me.

Long, long story.

Hi, and welcome! The more the merrier!default smiley ^) I like mostly the older horse models as well but also like some of the more recent ones. And i love the variety of wildlife too! I just love all animals lol.

Anyway, i have bagged another couple Breyer horses, along with painting a few stablemates (the ones you're meant to paint, so not repaints, which i don't do), thanks to severe cuts in prices (after Christmas discounts!default smiley (l) ) but unfortunately, still no new Schleich yet. Which is why i've hesitated lately to post here. Ive checked at the closest stores around that sell them but they all still have the old ones. I guess i'll have to buy online again. I can't wait to pick some up!
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I picked up the 2003 gypsy vanner mare at a yard sale. My first schleich. I might have had them when I was young. She's durable enough for tater tot to play with. default smiley :)
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Ravenknight wrote:

I picked up the 2003 gypsy vanner mare at a yard sale. My first schleich. I might have had them when I was young. She's durable enough for tater tot to play with. default smiley :)

Cool, congrats! I love Gypsy Vanners! And it is hard to beat garage sale prices usually...hope she was in good condition!default smiley :)
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She was in almost new condition. Ill probably just put her on the shelf with the breyers and spirit/spirit running free horses. Ill try to post her pic later.
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I think I'll find where to buy the new ones and get one for me and one for tater tot. These are durable enough for him to play with until he gets older.
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Ravenknight wrote:

She was in almost new condition. Ill probably just put her on the shelf with the breyers and spirit/spirit running free horses. Ill try to post her pic later.

Wow that's incredible! The one time i found schleich at a garage sale, they were cows, and i'd have to check to see how old they are, but you could tell they were older, especially one in particular. He was even yellowed a bit with age and whatever life he had before me. But i couldn't pass them up!default smiley ^)

Please do share a picture!default smiley (7)
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Just out of curiosity, what did you have to pay for the Gypsy at the yard sale? I paid I think a dollar a piece for the cows in used condition. Which I thought was slightly high for the condition they were in and for a garage sale so they must have known somewhat that they are quality, higher priced pieces. But I'm certainly not complaining...I'd pay it again! Unless they were just in terrible condition or broken or something. Then I'd likely pass.
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Is there still a picture coming? Lol.
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By Retired breeder, 9th February 2020 01:28:42
Whats schliech?
Its a company based in Germany that makes toys/figurines like horses and all sorts of other animals, among other things like dinosaurs and fantasy models.default smiley :)
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They make and sell these models in different countries around the world. They're solid, beautiful, and realistic. Well, except the fantasy ones ha ha.
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By Retired breeder, 10th February 2020 07:26:30
Hi Guys Im Back After a Long while sorry! I deleted my old acount and now upgraded it to this account and i have now got over 80 schleich! Sorry ive been away for so long but ive also had my birthday and iam now 12! If anything inportant that i missed during these couple of months plz let me know! And happy new year!!! default smiley (l)default smiley ^)default smiley :)default smiley :ddefault smiley ;)default smiley (b)
Please remind me what your old username was lol, sorry!
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I have a Donkey foal one I bought in Germany when I was about 15 and I adore it :-) Haven't bought another one since but maybe I'll pick up some more donkeys when I go back.
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