
By Retired breeder, 20th January 2015 14:52:07
Hello all fellow schliech lovers! I set up this topic for people who want to talk about the amazing models! Share your collection, tips, and your favorites in this topic! Enjoy!
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By Retired breeder, 4th February 2015 00:23:09
K, I'm making a new one right now for six horses.
All I wanted for Christmas was Schleich horses, but my mom said "we couldn't find any" So I got Breyers that I wanted! --yes, I don like them too, just not as much!default smiley :p
Hopefully I get a whole bunch for my birthday but thats all the way in July 5th! Grr.

Anyone heard of happy hen toys?default smiley (8)
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My barns consist of cardboard, toothpicks, paint, glue, and twine for the "door"default smiley :p
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By Retired breeder, 4th February 2015 00:25:13
Ya... that would never work for me, that's the size of our border barn and 4 of the horses in there aren't actually ours. (But 2 share a stall because one is the fellabella gelding and he is TINY)
By Retired breeder, 4th February 2015 00:26:24
I have, I think I ordered from there once, don't they have the new 2015 ones?
By Retired breeder, 4th February 2015 00:27:52
Yes, I'd order from there but I'm going to the store this week so I don't need to yet
By Retired breeder, 4th February 2015 00:28:31
My kindle is running out of battery I gotta go bye
By Retired breeder, 4th February 2015 00:29:24
I love happy hens. Fizz, cam you tell the exact date of your birthday? if not that is fine.
By Retired breeder, 4th February 2015 00:30:08
Bye fizzy! Come back when it's plugged In
My other stable that I made is in our basement so I will have to dust it and de-web it.default smiley :@
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By Retired breeder, 4th February 2015 00:32:13
The only cardboard I have isn't big enough for six stalls :/ I'll have to only make four on it
I have 6 or 7 stalls in mine! I think, I just remembered it was downstairs. Its been there for months!default smiley :$
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By Retired breeder, 4th February 2015 00:33:49
Well, thank god you remembered it!

I have to make a stable sign too, ugh
Anyways, no new schleich horse lots on eBay. 2 that I wanted already got sold last night.default smiley :(
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Retired breeder wrote:

Well, thank god you remembered it!

I have to make a stable sign too, ugh

Me too, plus our Stables website, and clean the barn, organize it...should I go on?
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By Retired breeder, 4th February 2015 00:34:24
That sucks! Maybe try amazon
By Retired breeder, 4th February 2015 00:34:59
Haha! I make mine out of shoe boxes and I use the top And use it as stall seperators. Start receyclening so that you can find cardboard easy.
By Retired breeder, 4th February 2015 00:36:07
I'm using a big cereal box for the bottom..

It's from one of those boxes with like 2 bad of cereal on each one y'know
Retired breeder wrote:

Haha! I make mine out of shoe boxes and I use the top And use it as stall seperators. Start receyclening so that you can find cardboard easy.

I'm going to use a shoebox for a small arena!
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By Retired breeder, 4th February 2015 00:37:19
Great idea!!!!
By Retired breeder, 4th February 2015 00:37:53
Oh same! I got a pair of tall boots recently and the box is huge!
By Retired breeder, 4th February 2015 00:39:16
Wow! Going to use a jumbo piece of styraphone,default smiley (lol)
Retired breeder wrote:

Oh same! I got a pair of tall boots recently and the box is huge!

Tall boot boxes would make great large arenas or stables.
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By Retired breeder, 4th February 2015 00:41:16
Ya, I used a really large piece of cardboard and made a racing set! Threw it away 2 minutes later!
By Retired breeder, 4th February 2015 00:59:45
Why did you throw it out?
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