
By Retired breeder, 20th January 2015 14:52:07
Hello all fellow schliech lovers! I set up this topic for people who want to talk about the amazing models! Share your collection, tips, and your favorites in this topic! Enjoy!
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By Retired breeder, 12th February 2016 00:41:29
I LOVE the Appaloosa models in Schleich!
By Retired breeder, 12th February 2016 00:46:16
Wow! All of your guy's crafts are amazing! LOve it!
By Retired breeder, 12th February 2016 00:46:27
Me too I really want one but but I can't buy one ...or at least not now .
By Retired breeder, 12th February 2016 00:47:33
I found that tea leaves work well for mashes!
By Retired breeder, 12th February 2016 01:06:28
I'll be going to TSC tomorrow, I'm hoping to pick up the Hanoverian stallion and Fjord stallion! I need the Hano because, like, who doesn't (sport horse fan here) and I have the mare and foal so I need the stally too. I want the Fjord stally to customize to look like a pony I used to ride, because I can't find any Breyers to do that on, and their Fjord model has weird legs and is rarer. I like the Schleich Fjord better, so I'm hoping to get him. Also, is there a Welsh or light Quarter horse looking pony? I don't care the color because I will most likely customize it to look like my pony. i found one Breyer mold but the only regular run it has been released on is now retired and its a Limited Edition, so it's too expensive to buy and customize.
By Retired breeder, 12th February 2016 02:27:42
I really want Froggy as my mom and Little Froggy as my sister. That said, I can't complain, my mom did give me her whole collection of schleich and Breyer.
By Retired breeder, 12th February 2016 02:36:15
Wow ... How many
By Retired breeder, 12th February 2016 12:04:20
Vio I know right? I just want them to like, move in next door and be my best friends default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 12th February 2016 12:07:26
Light ponies? Not sure... The camargue ponies aren't too too stocky, but they're retired. I don't think the dartmoors can be considered "light". Well, ok, maybe the stallion, but still retired. The Haflinger, but she isn't really pony sized.
By Retired breeder, 12th February 2016 12:13:20
There's the Icelandic mare, but I've never seen her is person so I don't know if she would be "light". There's a a cute pony, I think it was a welsh but I'm not sure (they really need to make Welshes and TBs. the basics before the camargues and Curlies!) it's light gray, running kinda low to the ground, and kinda turning. But for some reason I think it's from 06 or 08 or something. An "older" model, but can be found on eBay.
Safari has a lot of pony sized horses, too. The mustang, the QH gelding, and the Arabian walking are probably all very close to pony size. Then there's the chincoteague pony, the retired welsh pony, the retired barb gelding, maybe more, don't know.
Hope I helped!
By Retired breeder, 12th February 2016 15:22:01
My mom has probably up to 200-300 Breyer. She collected them as an adult and is slowly giving me her models. So far I've taken probably 100 from her.
By Retired breeder, 12th February 2016 19:46:41
Retired breeder wrote:

My mom has probably up to 200-300 Breyer. She collected them as an adult and is slowly giving me her models. So far I've taken probably 100 from her.

That is so cool
By Retired breeder, 12th February 2016 20:23:41
Thanks guys! I didn't get anything at TSC today, they didn't have the Hanoverian or Fjord stallion. I contemplated getting the fjord mare, cause she's really cute, but I decided to save my money for something else. I was looking at the Fjord mare next to the Shire stallion, and I could imagine saying to a non-horsey person, "Both of these horses are drafts!" default smiley (lol)
Retired breeder wrote:

I'll be going to TSC tomorrow, I'm hoping to pick up the Hanoverian stallion and Fjord stallion! I need the Hano because, like, who doesn't (sport horse fan here) and I have the mare and foal so I need the stally too.

Cool! I have the whole Hanoverian family, and the stallion was the first Schleich horse I ever had, I named him Flash, because he looks like a flash of lightning.
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By Retired breeder, 12th February 2016 21:19:29
Hello I'm ~{CrashingWaves}~, you guys can call me Crash.
By Retired breeder, 12th February 2016 21:58:16
I love Schleich horses!! I have a lot of horses, 3 barns, 1 dog, 1 bunny, 3 people, 1 jeep, and 1 trailer!! I really want some Clydesdales and wild animals
By Retired breeder, 12th February 2016 22:49:16
Retired breeder wrote:

Hello I'm ~{CrashingWaves}~, you guys can call me Crash.

Welcome! How many schleich do you own?

Retired breeder wrote:

I love Schleich horses!! I have a lot of horses, 3 barns, 1 dog, 1 bunny, 3 people, 1 jeep, and 1 trailer!! I really want some Clydesdales and wild animals


I found out that dead grass works better than straw for bedding. And that teab bages make excellent mashes!
By Retired breeder, 12th February 2016 22:55:50
Retired breeder wrote:

Hello I'm ~{CrashingWaves}~, you guys can call me Crash.

Hello! I'm Wind Runner. You can call me Wind!
By Retired breeder, 12th February 2016 23:03:58
I love the fjord mare! And want her. Hopefully I'll go to TSC sometime this month, so... Maybe? But I also hope last years will be on sale. I want the icey mare, knabby mare, fjord mare, Frankel (so pretty!) some stablemates, yeah... Hopefully my mom will let me get a lot since we barely ever go!
By Retired breeder, 12th February 2016 23:21:24
Same here, I just want to go home to play schleich!!!!
By Retired breeder, 12th February 2016 23:24:24
You guys will never believe me when I say I know goharper!!
By Retired breeder, 13th February 2016 02:07:02
Yea I am crash but I will delete that account saw the pass code today got on so yea
Since my models are packed away I'm not into schleich for the time being. Oh whale.
  • Posted messages: 8,109
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By Retired breeder, 13th February 2016 11:38:14
i made a harness for the retired Hanoverian mare . its sooo cool. took me ages to do it thoughdefault smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 13th February 2016 12:21:41
J haven't they been packed forever? default smiley :(
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