Looking for Comp Fillers!

Mountain Climber EC is looking for competition fillers. I'm hoping after a week or so of consistent running that my EC comps run smoothly without needing constant support, however right now I could really use a hand getting them off the ground as I make the switch from divine comps to riding horse comps.

9036 min requirement for gallop
8232 min requirement for trot
9057 min requirement for XC
8741 min requirement for jumping
8844 min requirement for dressage

If you think you could give me a hand, feel free to send me a PM. default smiley ^) I'm hoping for semi-regular assistance. It seems like once you get 3-4 registrants you're almost guaranteed to have it run, but just my 2 horses isn't quite enough.

Thanks all!

Mountain Climber EC Page
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Oops, apologies. Didn't see that this wasn't allowed here. My page doesn't get much traffic, but guess I'll try it there
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