New to making boarding center

Hi guys!default smiley :) I hope this is the right place for my question, I’m starting my boarding center and only have one box. How do I buy more boxes? I can’t seem to find where to buy them even though I have looked everywhere. You’re help is much appreciated, thank you so muchdefault smiley :)
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If you’re on the app, go into the “my boxes” section, and it’s the plus button in the bottom right.
  • Posted messages: 14
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If you're using the website, go to the "Equestrian center" drop-down menu and click "Boxes". There should be a little shopping cart icon next to "Number of boxes in good condition", just under the message and help buttons. You can also craft boxes in your workshops.
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I see it now I don’t know how I missed the big plus sign at the bottom of the page lol thank you thoughdefault smiley :)
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Thank you for your guys’ help!
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