[INFO] EC Classifieds Etiquette

HellOw Center Directors and Boarders!

The Equestrian Center Classifieds forum can be used to look for Boxes or Boarders.

Here’s what you can post here:
- Looking for Boxes for your horses to stay in, both short or long term stays.
- Asking for Boarders, whether that be offering open boxes or reserving private boxes.

Anything else you want to advertise, including your EC's competitions, should be done on your personal or equestrian center presentations only.

What makes a good title here in the EC Classifieds?
A title that tells the players what you are either A) Offering or B) Looking for, is the best title. It saves players time while they search out their/your needs and keeps the forum looking less like a scavenger hunt.

If you have any game questions, please post these in the Game Play forum.

Happy Hunting!

Kind Regards,
The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 938
  • Karma: 10 points
I have 11 boxes available for horses, the cost is 20e and mission earnings are 31.
Also I have from 3 to 60 days of staying there!

Feel free to send me a message if you want to do it!default smiley (y)default smiley ;)default smiley ;)default smiley (y)
lets do this
  • Posted messages: 5
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 23rd June 2022 21:10:35
um hi i have some boxes open. i honestly dont exactly know what to say soooooooo

What are private boxes? Is there anyway my horse(s) could stay indefinitely instead of a select amount off days?
Western Ellites
  • Posted messages: 31
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 8th September 2022 22:33:09
How do you reserve boxes?
By Retired breeder, 13th September 2022 11:20:41
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Per the forum rules, only English is allowed in the public forums, as that's the language used by the majority of players on the site.

Also, if anyone has questions on to use a site feature or other game play, such as reserving boxes, your question will be more quickly seen in the Game Play forum. This particular topic is just to explain how the EC Classifieds forum works, so players may not see your question right away to answer itdefault smiley :)
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,200
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 21st October 2022 11:28:31
hello I would like to create my equestrian center but I don't know how to do it. default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 21st October 2022 11:50:25
default smiley (l)I have a nice EC with few boxes, bonus +7 and food. Join Now! default smiley (lol)
By Retired breeder, 23rd October 2022 12:17:36
default smiley xddefault smiley (7) thank
By Retired breeder, 29th October 2022 10:05:16
I have 5 boxes available
20 E per night.
HQ Stablesdefault smiley :)
very exciteddefault smiley (7)!
  • Posted messages: 5
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 15th December 2022 18:05:18
hi does anyone have boarding for a horse.... um 150 for 30 days? i am looking for boarding i do not have stable yetdefault smiley :(
@leelana Heyy, the lowest you can go with the price is 20 per day, so the lowest price for 30 days would be 600.
I’m offering boxes for 20 a day, so if you would like me to reserve you some, pm me default smiley ;)
  • Posted messages: 74
  • Karma: 10 points
HI everyone I have 9 stalls avalible to your horses and other horse like species. My centers price is 25 a night! For more infomation go to the surespan 8 stalls avalible forum or click on my centers name. I hope to hear from you all soon default smiley ;)
  • Posted messages: 103
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 8th January 2023 07:13:37
HELLO gamers I got 7 stalla avalible to your horses 20 equss a night. hope to hear from you all soon. sincerly starrynight
How do you create an equestrian center?
Black Kat
  • Posted messages: 359
  • Karma: 10 points
if you are on the really fancy mode i does not let you do it you have to be one the classic mode which you can change it by clicking on your profile icon and it should say something like change mode or classic mode.
  • Posted messages: 103
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 8th March 2023 19:07:44
I’m excited default smiley (y)
Is it possible to change my western center to be classical?
  • Posted messages: 119
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 28th March 2023 18:17:59
We here at Rare Gemstone Cottage are looking to serve all of your Equestrian boarding center needs.

We offer cheap boarding rates as we are still building our luxury boarding center catered around our clients, horses, competitions, and their ever changing needs. Please leave as much feedback and comments as possible. Looking to upgrade our business everyday. We currently are looking for boarders to serve so we can upgrade our prestige and facility. We have busy workshops and ongoing competitive competitions for western riding events everyday that are increasing in rank, prestige, and numbers.

We currently do not have any fancy additional gifts to offer our boarders as we are buying, filling, gaining, and locating the best stock possible. I only want to offer the best that I can give to my clients and boarders that choose to patronize our small locally owned and family operated business.

I can't wait to meet you and it has been a pleasure to serve you!!

We give all the Thanks to you from our small family here at Rare Gemstone Cottage

תיכנסו לזה Tik Tok GORGEOUS
  • Posted messages: 1
  • Karma: 10 points
Hello my EC is gallop away haven I have ten stalls available it is a western equestrian center and it offers 2* western saddles and bridles and other tack as well as fodder oats mash carrots the cost is twenty equus
  • Posted messages: 37
  • Karma: 10 points
Hi! I have a lot of 3*** boxes open and I offer a lot of benefits for boarders! I'm looking for some highly skilled horses to board here since I'm trying to improve my prestige. I offer 3* western saddles. The cost per day is 20e, and you can board from 3 to 60 days!default smiley ^)
  • Posted messages: 111
  • Karma: 10 points
Hi everyone! I have three 3* boxes available. All boxes have Showers and Water Troughs. Fodder, Oats, Carrots, Mash, 3* English Saddles and Bridles, Polo Wraps, Saddle Pads and Ear Bonnets are all available. 41eq missions. 35eq per day 3-60 days. Minimum skills required: 10,000
  • Posted messages: 4
  • Karma: 10 points
Hi I'm new to the game
  • Posted messages: 3
  • Karma: 10 points