Under weight

I have shire that is underweight and when I feed her (bree) and age her she does not gain any weight i have done this with and without exercise I compared her with another one of my herd and she is about 200 hundred pounds underweight how do I fix this
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It can take a few aging until the weight gets back to normal. Keep feeding it the max amount, and its weight will increase.

To prevent weight loss, make sure you feed the recommended amount, and if you feed then go back and do more activities, like training, rides, comps or missions, you'll probably have to feed it more, so always go back and check
Legacy Ann
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To help her get back to her normal weight faster, you can feed her max oats in addition to max fodder. Hold off on doing anything other than bed > groom > feed until she's healthy again.
Orangelo Thyme ~
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