Vintage Coats

I'm working on collecting vintage coats. I know any coat can be put onto any horse, but i was just wondering which breeds are meant for each category? Like i wanted to put one onto a Camargue horse but was unsure if it was classified as a light pony, heavy pony, sports pony, or primitive pony? is there a list somewhere i can view this list?
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Camargue is a new breed, so won't technically have it's own vintage coat. You can compare the Camarague to other existing breeds that look the same and judge it from that. I think I went with the Primative category because it looked similar to Newfoundland ponies who had the old primative coat.
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Camargue if I remember right has the same coat as the Brumby, Icelandic etc. which is the Primitive coat (horse coat, not Primitive Pony). Not every breed has a specific one though.
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Thank you! Does anyone happen to know of a list somewhere where i could find applicable coats and their vintage coats
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jocey1141 wrote:

Thank you! Does anyone happen to know of a list somewhere where i could find applicable coats and their vintage coats
There's nothing internally. I've always searched it externally. There's one site I know of that shows you some of the old coats.
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Thanks! Locking
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