when will my horse’s skills get bold

I feel like my horses Alejandro and Cortado are really close to having their top skills completed as the 100% BLUP requires, however i’m just not sure how much longer it will take? I’m looking at the numbers on their genetics page and whatnot but can’t seem to figure out what the max numbers for them would be. Is there a way to calculate it
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Alejandro is only 7 and also his top 3 skills are not yet bolded

same applies for the other one bur she needs 8 more wins as well

You either need to enter more comps until no gains show or finish forest or mountian rides with them

and then once they hit 10 they will be at 100
  • Posted messages: 645
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the horses maximum skills are calculated by:
inborn skills + foal games + genetic potential + lesson bonus

to bold a skill, you need to do all the mountain or forest rides that provide that particular skill, complete the training that fills the bar and enter the horse into 25 competitions that require that particular skill.

Alejandro may need to enter some more trail competitions
Cortado has to finish the Gallop training (even though I might try to get the 20 wins first, which are required as well)
I don't know about both of their rides. According to the BLUP there might be some rides missing as well.

Also, I'm not sure whether the question is how long it'll take to bold their skills or how long it'll take to reach BLUP 100. Of course you need to bold their best 3 skills (according to their genetics), but to reach BLUP 100 you also need them to win at least 20 competitions (as mentioned earlier) and to be at least 10 years old. Cortado is almost old enough but Alejandro is way too young still. The age is only important for the BLUP though. It's not required to bold their skills. =)

Kind regards,
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I see you trained in some of there weaker skills also

If you want to bold all skills its better to wait until after you have got 100 BLUP as only there top 3 skills count towards BLUP
  • Posted messages: 645
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If you want to know what is missing, go the the Genetics tab on the horse's page (in classic version, not mobile) and hover over the blup meter.

Then you see what you've already got.

It will say something like:
Age 8/10
Training 2/3
Victories 19/20

The above is from one of my own horses and it means she needs 2 more years, needs to finish 1 training of the top 3 skills (this also involves forest or mountain rides to the max AND doing all the competitions that give these 3 skills!) and she needs 1 more win in a competition.
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