Vip perk offer 3 copies when trading items

How does the vip perk "Offer up to 3 copies when trading items instead of 2" work when doing exchanges with people who do not have that perk? Can they accept trades where I am offereng 3 copies of an item or where they would giving me 3 copies of an item? And what about if I offer 3 copies of item for only 2 copies of item, can they accept that or is it just automatically that those exchanges that either offer or request 3 copies are only for people who have the perk? Please help me understand, I'm so confused (as you can probably tell from this post, sorry).

If I offer 3 copies of item x for 3 copies of item y can the excange be accepted by people who are not vip or don't have that perk?

What about if I offer 3 copies of item x for 1 copy of item y? Can that one be accepted by people who don't have that perk?

Thank you so much for helping me understand this!
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The perk is just required to put up three items, anyone can accept the exchange if they have the required equus/items to accept the trade.
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Oathkeeper wrote:

The perk is just required to put up three items, anyone can accept the exchange if they have the required equus/items to accept the trade.

Thank you so much! Just to make sure I got it right, people without that perk can accept even the ones where I'm asking 3 items from them? That sounds good!
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That's correct.
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Oathkeeper wrote:

That's correct.
Thank you for helping me!
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How can I make a vip account, to make a team I'm on mobile. I've watched videos and read messages. but it's not helping.
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Countrygirl12460er wrote:

How can I make a vip account, to make a team I'm on mobile. I've watched videos and read messages. but it's not helping.

There are certain requirements you need to meet to be able to access VIP account. I'm not sure of the exact requirements (it may be a certain ranking), but I know one of them is buying certain amount of passes, and I'm pretty sure that if you obtain vip through a promo offer, then you have access to buy it.

If you haven't already, it's always best to make your own post so more players can answer.default smiley :)
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Zephyrus23 wrote:

There are certain requirements you need to meet to be able to access VIP account. I'm not sure of the exact requirements (it may be a certain ranking), but I know one of them is buying certain amount of passes, and I'm pretty sure that if you obtain vip through a promo offer, then you have access to buy it.

To unlock VIP, you must have purchased at least 10,000 passes (doesn't have to be all at once) or be ranked among the 50 best players in the following rankings: general ranking, number of trophies, number of rosettes won during the past month, EC prestige, creations (creators and collectors).
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