

A lot more companions have been introduced to the game from what I remember 6 years ago.
I understand companions give bonuses to certain skills.
Does anyone have a list of what companions suit what horses best depending on their top skills?

And on top of that, is there a companion that is simply the best? (bonus wise)

Thanks heaps!
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The final locked topic at the top has most of the companions [url=""]This link[/url]

If you have some companions, you can see what they give when you attempt to give a companion to a horse
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This is the link

This link, and it's up to date
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Oh gees - how did I miss that!! default smiley :p default smiley (a) Thank you so much default smiley (h)
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just to note a reason why there seems to be a lot more than before . For many yrs (forget when) companions were pretty much did nothing. i forget why they stopped doing things and why they came back.
Hiram Farmer
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Thanks heaps for your answers! Much appreciated
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