Presentation Help

Hi I just restarted my presentation impulsively but am now totally regretting it since it was sort of a time capsule for me (hadnt been updated in like 8 years probably) . of course it is ultimately my fault and i didnt think it through but is there any chance at all i could recover it somehow? or could staff somehow do that for me? again, i understand if there is no fix and while i will be sad to hear that it is ultimately my own fault and things haooen
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The only way to recover it would be for someone who has access to the test server to copy and paste it and bring it back. The test server runs off of old info (I want to say a month or so) but I don't think it's a guarantee it's there. Not everything is loaded onto it, for example few players avatars show up, but it would be your only chance to save it.
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