Sherlock Holmes divines

Hi all,

Trying to understand so much about the divines since they are everywhere this weekend! If a divine has a challenge for you to solve, how often is it typically a success? And if they offer a BMI or a surprise, does anyone know how often you might win the BMI?

Thank you all so much
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I think I have only failed to find the prize four or five times. Once you get the hang of it, it is pretty easy, like the game mine sweeper if you have ever played that. As far as the prizes go, that depends entirely on the quality. The better the prize, the longer it takes.

Sherlock gives the Inkwell Special Coat every 6 to 7 weeks on average.
Moriarty gives an A. Heel every month or so.
Irene gives a VA every 3 weeks or so.
Watson is (in my experience) a little less steady. I once got an Arms after 9 weeks, another after 3 months.

They give small prizes on days they don't Gove the main one. I kept track for awhile in my notes, here is a chunk of time from my Irene.

1 AP, 1 Ap, 1400 e, 400 e, 1200 e, 10 mash, 2 ap, 1 Vintage Apple,Green bonnet, 1200 e, 30 apple, 1600 e, 1600 e, green ear bonnet, 400 e, 1600 e, ear bonnet, 30 carrot, 1 ear bonnet, 30 sand, 2000 e, 50 sand, 10 sand, bonnet, 3 ap, 10 wood, ear bonnet, ear bonnet, 1200 e,1 VA, 1800 e, 3 ap, 2 ap, 1 ap, 3 ap, 30 carrot, 1800 e, 600 e
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That was immensely helpful thank you default smiley :)
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