Daily Objectives: Tips & Tricks

Daily objectives


After completing the Beginner Objectives, you can complete two daily objectives!

Depending on your seniority level, you will either win Equus or Passes.

How to find your daily objectives:

On the homepage of the game, right after you log in to the game.

By clicking on "Achievements" and then on "Daily objectives".

If you complete 10 daily objectives before the timer runs out, you will be able to open a Horn of Plenty .
You can check the timer and progress through the gauge bar directly above your objectives.

Swapping objectives:

You can swap one objective once a day.

There is a blue button with arrows on each objective. If you click on it, you can use Equus to swap it with a new objective.

On this topic, you can:
Ask for help to complete your objectives.
Share your progress.
Share tips and tricks with other players.

For Congratulations requests, please use this topic: Looking for Congratulations?

All forum rules apply, which includes no advertising.

Have fun completing your objectives!
The Howrse Team
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answered twice on this page, a quick read will usually save you time

The four special features are the four clearly displayed milestones on the beginner objective page, EC creation, direct sale access, Grand Prix access and reserved sale access. You get access to these milestones at 25, 50, 75 and 100 completed objectives. Once you have validated objective 100, you will be able to access the last special feature and its tutorial.
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(I didn't know this was going onto the next page. Its answered twice on page 66)
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Hiya could someone tell me how to increase my general ranking for the objective please
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sorrell wrote:

Hiya could someone tell me how to increase my general ranking for the objective please

General ranking is based on these things...

The skills of your best 10,000 horses
Your seniority
Your number of Trophies
The number of horses you have and their ages up to 30

So work on these areas and your General ranking score will go up.
  • Posted messages: 13,232
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I have a question about one of my objectives. It says that have to restore the morale of 10 horses to 100. Do the horses have to be mine? Also, do apples help restore some of your horse’s morale? If not is there another way to do this other than giving them mashed and stroking them?
Kasia Nyhus
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By Retired breeder, 9th June 2022 18:57:53
How do you get golden horseshoes in an event?
By Retired breeder, 10th June 2022 00:58:52
How do I get a trophy for oneof my Objectives I've been stuck for the past 3daysdefault smiley :(
Kasia Nyhus wrote:

I have a question about one of my objectives. It says that have to restore the morale of 10 horses to 100. Do the horses have to be mine? Also, do apples help restore some of your horse’s morale? If not is there another way to do this other than giving them mashed and stroking them?

yes the horses have to be yours. Grooming is the best way, also giving a mash (between the age of 2 and 25) and stroking. You can give an apple to your horses, through their public page (go to your profile page, scroll down to your breeding farms and click on a horse there).

Retired breeder wrote:

How do you get golden horseshoes in an event?

play the event. They are like participation trophies for playing. To find out when you get a golden horseshoe during the current even, go to the ? button on the event page and read the help pages. The last page will tell you when you will get the horseshoes. There is always a total of 4 to get in each event.

Retired breeder wrote:

How do I get a trophy for oneof my Objectives I've been stuck for the past 3daysdefault smiley :(

The trophies can be seen on the trophies page which is in the Achievements menu. Mousing over each section will tell you what the trophy is and you can also click on the trophy to see. The easiest ones are the coat colour by breed. Especially the Friesian, because they only come in black so buy yourself a Friesian and you will get the trophy. Be aware that sometimes the trophy does not register immediately, you may need to wait a while.
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By Retired breeder, 10th June 2022 21:01:06
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
sorry but you can't advertise here. And Emma, when you unlock the direct sales, sells you a horse and then buys it back during the tutorial, so you dont have to sell one.
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By Retired breeder, 14th June 2022 21:27:13
How do I remove Water of Youth from a horse? The objective says to remove a Water of Youth from a non-special horse.
@Wind_Crow if you have a regular horse equipped with a water of youth, scroll to the bottom of their page and there will be an option to remove it default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 65
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Hi! What does the objective “validate 4 special features” mean?
  • Posted messages: 16
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volare wrote:

Hi! What does the objective “validate 4 special features” mean?

copied from the first comment on this page

The four special features are the four clearly displayed milestones on the beginner objective page, EC creation, direct sale access, Grand Prix access and reserved sale access. You get access to these milestones at 25, 50, 75 and 100 completed objectives. Once you have validated objective 100, you will be able to access the last special feature and its tutorial.
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By Retired breeder, 18th June 2022 07:46:02
Hello! I have completed a weeks worth of daily objectives but I have not received a horn of plenty and now it says

"You must first use your Horn of Plenty to get new objectives."

to continue. How do i use the horn?
Retired breeder wrote:

Hello! I have completed a weeks worth of daily objectives but I have not received a horn of plenty and now it says

"You must first use your Horn of Plenty to get new objectives."

to continue. How do i use the horn?

click the word USE under the picture of the HoP. The caps were to emphasise that the word is in capitals.
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How do u stoke another players xanthos
Angel Pope
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By Retired breeder, 22nd June 2022 02:10:23
Where is the help section
By Retired breeder, 22nd June 2022 04:30:55
How do u stoke another players xanthos its one of my Objectives
What does change meadow usage mean and how can I do it?
  • Posted messages: 2
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Angel Pope wrote:

How do u stoke another players xanthos

Retired breeder wrote:

How do u stoke another players xanthos its one of my Objectives

Go to Community on the big blue menu bar at the top of the page. Click on Directories.
Click on the Horses tab, and type Xanthos into the search bar. The check off the 'only special horses' box underneath the search bar. Then click confirm.

Choose a Xanthos from the list and go to its page (click its name). Click the Stroke button on the left side of its page.

Syv wrote:

What does change meadow usage mean and how can I do it?

It means how you are using the meadow. Pasture, growing crops, laid fallow. So you would go to your Meadows page on the EC menu. Then click on Modify the green button next to the meadow you want to change. On the pop up, select which state you want to change the meadow to and click on Validate.

If you want to change several meadows at the same time, you can select the meadows you want to change by checking off the box at the right side of the row and click on the green + button at the bottom of the page. Choose Edit selected meadows and the same pop up as above comes up then you can change the meadows you have selected.
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One of my objectives is to wake 20 horses. I've woken over 50 and still not gotten my objective #2

What am I doing wrong?
Blackhearted Farm
  • Posted messages: 37
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Blackhearted Farm wrote:

One of my objectives is to wake 20 horses. I've woken over 50 and still not gotten my objective #2

What am I doing wrong?

Are you sure you have not visited them on a different day without bedding them down? That would count as them waking up on a previous day even if you did nothing with them. It has to be the first visit to their page after they have been bedded down and aged.
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By Retired breeder, 23rd June 2022 14:08:44
I did a cover on a mare of mine but it didn't tell me she was pregnant. I had a pregnant mare a bit ago and it happened after one cover, so does it vary from horse to horse on how many covers it takes to get a mare pregnant?
nope, if you do it properly, your mare is pregnant once you have clicked the Cover my Mare button. Every time.. Possible problem - not enough equus to pay for the cover. Double check the mare's page, if she is pregnant, the ultrasound button will be in the breeding section at the lower right section of her page.
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