Daily Objectives: Tips & Tricks

Daily Objectives

You can now complete two daily objectives each day! Some players can earn equus and others passes, depending on your seniority level.

Find your daily objectives on the homepage of the game, which is the page you see after logging into the game.

Completing the daily objectives seven days in a row will give a Horn of Plenty ! You can check on your progress through the gauge bar directly from the “Daily Objectives” page.

Within this thread players who need help, want to help, or just would like to share their progression with the daily objectives are welcome to post here.

All forum rules apply.

Please note that if you want to discuss the feature itself or give feedback on it, we ask that you do so with the dedicated topic thread for new features here: A new year brings new features!

Warm Regards,

The Howrse Team


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By Retired breeder, 31st December 2020 18:56:14
New player here, started yesterday. I'm having trouble with a daily objective, there's no option for playing with the foals. I'm anxious to get my own centre open because I want to keep all my horses in the same place.
By Retired breeder, 31st December 2020 20:16:48
Retired breeder wrote:

New player here, started yesterday. I'm having trouble with a daily objective, there's no option for playing with the foals. I'm anxious to get my own centre open because I want to keep all my horses in the same place.

You can play with foals when they reach 8 months old, so it looks like you just need to age a foal using an aging point to enable playing
Retired breeder wrote:

hei there,
i need a lot of aging points for my goal in the objective, does anyone know which players let aging points fly in their ufos? I have already exhausted all other options for obtaining aging points.

Many thanks for the help

You can't complete the beginner objective until your 28th day so you have a whole three weeks. Don't panic about having to do everything today. You'll find you get enough for normal play during your working day on the game
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My objective says that I need to validate four special features, what are special features?
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The four features you unlock during the beginner objectives. EC, direct sales, Grand Prix, reserved sales.
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Sometimes the daily objectives drive me nuts. Today's objectives include "Sell one horse to Safe Haven" okay, sure. I've got a couple of elderly horses, so that's okay. But, "Remove a unicorn's horn"? Why would I do that? Why would anyone purposely remove a unicorn's horn? You can't put it on another horse, can you? Or sell it?

I've seen several similar daily objectives, which are either problematic, or at least very inconvenient, to me. "Groom a donkey" What if I don't have a donkey? I have to either spend money to buy one, or forfeit the objective. "Cover a unicorn" What if I don't have a unicorn available to cover today? I have to either waste aging points to cycle a female uni until she's breedable, or buy a new unicorn that's already breedable. How hard is it supposed to be to get all the way to the Horn of Plenty?
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The objectives are supposed to be challenges. Don't have a donkey? Look into saving to buy a pair in the sales. Same with a unicorn. Keep your unicorn mares working between covers so that they cover their boarding costs. Rosettes? Work getting a high skilled horse into your game. Learn about training etc. Divine? We have constant events nowadays, and luck item promotions every single weekend. It's easier than ever to get a Divine? Even the reindeer that you can get without passes in the current event are Divines and can be used formthis. They aren't impossible, sometimes it may not be worth it to you to complete one, so you lose your streak. Big deal, it's a hop that you have to open straightaway. You can start working towards it the next day.

And yes, we all lose our streak sometimes. You just have to ask yourself if the objective is worth it to you to fulfil it.
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Objectives, you are mentioned, are very easy to achieve, there is alot unis for 10 passes in sales. Also, you can have a couple of donkeys and unis in your ap farm for breeding. And few ap points are free to get in this game.
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So I've done the objectives to unlock direct sales but it won't let me use it. I can't complete 2 of the 3 following objectives as it involves direct sales. I go onto the page and it says I need to complete the objectives but I have done so. What can I do from here?
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Did you actually click on the button to unlock the direct sales? The one that was white and should now be red? Click that, Emma comes back and walks you through the sales step by step, shows you how to buy a horse and how to sell one. In the process, objectives 51 and 52 will be validated.
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I have an objective to put 2* black polo on a horse but no option to get them (don't have them in stock) nor are they offered in store so how can this objective be completed?

Thank you,
V. Dark Wolf
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2* tack is hard to come by, it's one of these 'ugh not worth anything' prizes in contests, you can find them in luck items, friends can gift you them, and they can be found when watching the advertising videos (on your passes page). Also, Secret Rainbow, the bonus Rainbow Divine, gives it when the weather is changeable.
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By Retired breeder, 4th January 2021 18:47:09
I think it's just impossible for me to get the 2** tack for today's objective at this point since I don't already have it. default smiley :(
And I was on day 7, too... if anyone has a tip I'd love it but I really do think this is impossible and am just... mourning.
As per my comment just above yours, it's not impossible. Yes it's a pain when you get an objective on the 7th day that you can't do, but is a hop worth it? Not really.
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Purcy wrote:

Why is it that I keep getting the objective ‘remove water of youth from a non special horse’ when I don’t have water or youth on a horse do any at all

I know this is late but oh well. Even if you do not have a water of youth you will get that challenge because they are completely randomized.

On a cash grab game, another way to describe it in a less nice way is the water of youth cost passes, passes cost money and/or time. Which gives money to the company. (This is not a cash grab game that is just one of the ways cash grab games do things. They make you pay money to complete certain things)
  • Posted messages: 91
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Please give us an option to skip or donate a Black Market item to OW for a objective. Winning a rosette is impossible as I have one horse that will randomly get them and it's a divine so if he doesn't win one there's no way to age him to try again. It was my last objective to get the horn of plenty and now my streak is broken. Very frustrating to have this keep happening!
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By Retired breeder, 6th January 2021 14:40:12
For my next objective, I am supposed to win 1 x Golden horseshoe in an event. There is no event going on right now from what I know. How am I supposed to complete this objective in the reasonable future? Do I really have to wait for another event? If yes, where can I see when the next event is starting?
Dont panic!. The next event should be starting tomorrow.
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By Retired breeder, 8th January 2021 14:42:27
What classes as a divine horse? Today’s objective is to stroke a divine horse

All Divines have Divine stated as their species on their page.
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I'm in agreement with some others who find some of the daily objectives inconvenient and occasionally too challenging. There are some that come up that require you to have things just sitting in your inventory that are near impossible to get when you need them if you don't. There are also plenty with insufficient descriptions that, unless you've been playing the game forever and have everything memorized require extra digging to figure out. It would be nice if descriptions of objectives were more precise and maybe included some links where applicable for assistance.

I personally feel like calling something a daily objective kind of implies that it should be achievable, not a challenge. If you want them to be challenging, call them daily challenges? Or maybe have the 2 objectives that are more easily achievable and an optional challenge with a higher payout? I've been playing daily but have been forced to skip some objectives multiple days and thus screw up my streak and miss my chance at the weekly reward. It's frustrating.
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By Retired breeder, 15th January 2021 10:41:22
Well, I have two objectives to complete. They both have something to do with the direct sales, but I haven't unlocked them yet? Do I really have to wait for the first objective, reaching X connection days, or is there another possibility to complete these objectives without using passes?
You have to complete 50 objectives to unlock the direct sales yes. Unless you want to pay passes. Pressing the button to unlock the direct sales triggers a direct sales tutorial with Emma, during which you will validate both direct sale objectives and get more free stuff. So you have a choice. You can always do other stuff with your game while you are waiting for the seniority objective.
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By Retired breeder, 15th January 2021 15:41:30
Oh okay, so I guess I have to wait then. My 50th objective (to unlock the direct sales) is the seniority objective one. There's no button to trigger the tutorial yet, only the one where I have to unlock it earlier by paying passes. But thanks tho (:
Yes, the button that tells you about unlocking early with passes, turns red when you finish the 50th objective. So you know where to click.
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