[FT] Favourite horse names?

Hello everyone,
I was wondering the other day what where the most common "simple" horse names that you all like.
So i've decided to open a topic about that BUT there are a few rules:

- You have to post your 5 favourite names only!
- These names must be made up with one single word
- These names have to be shorter than 15 letters.

Please follow these rules so that we can all enjoy ourselves and see other players proposals.
Copy pasting an animal name list found somewhere on the internet doesn't interest me nor does it tell me what you really like ;)

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By Retired breeder, 29th February 2016 20:20:31
Oops forgot to read the rules I'll say Max then!
default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 1st March 2016 15:23:32
Hmm, I wanted to propose 'Rex Duodecim Angelus' but it is too large...
Well, I like 'Cascade'.default smiley ;)
By Retired breeder, 2nd March 2016 11:48:00
By Retired breeder, 2nd March 2016 12:25:46
By Retired breeder, 5th March 2016 01:43:05
I like names after warriors, and I own horses named from the warriors books:

Cutie Pie
By Retired breeder, 5th March 2016 01:44:32
And Princess and Cloudpaw
By Retired breeder, 5th March 2016 10:58:32

I'm always naming them after Homestuck and its soundtrack, so:


default smiley (lol)

By Retired breeder, 5th March 2016 20:48:31
I am looking for names in my forum if someone could help out (I dont come here normally) default smiley ^)
By Retired breeder, 6th March 2016 02:59:51
These are some horses I have rode, and I love their names!
By Retired breeder, 6th March 2016 14:37:51
All but one of my horses are named after characters in Shakespeare. For example


Demetrius, Helena, Hippolyta, and Lysander are from A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Viola is from Twelfth Night.
Rosalind is from As You Like It.
My favorite horse name... Nesquik, Sally, Moonstruck, Nefei and Beauty
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I like

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Horses I've owned's names:

[don't laugh]
Show Down In Reno (Reno) <-- One of the best horses you could ask for. Stallion. 5 years old when we got him. Never ridden. Didn't like humans. I was the first to ride him and I was allowed to train him. He was my favorite mount. (Sold)

MelonHead<-- My favorite little boy. Sold to a boy with a disorder that doesn't allow his skin to stick to his muscles/tissue, so riding is very difficult for him. He enjoys riding so much that we all pitched in the money to make him a special saddle with LOTS of padding and gave his mom a "deal" when she bought both horses. default smiley ;) (sold)

Blaze<--^--- These two came together. Melon was a quarter pony with a rearing problem and Blaze was a 23 year old that acted like a 2 year old. (sold to a city slicker that now rides every weekend)

Babe <--- She's our oldest horse at around 20+. Still gets ridden every weekend and at fun days. (still with my dad)

Resistol <--- Stallion and father to all our blackies ;D (sold)

Gabe <-- First son of Babe. In his mid to late teens, a prancer not a vixen. (sold but still lives with my dad)

Curly <--- second son of Babe. early to mid teens. Lazy like his momma. default smiley :d (my mom's wedding present from my dad)

Molly <--- The only red foal any of our horses has ever thrown. Daughter of Dolly. (sold)

Dolly <--- First daughter of babe. She's a default smiley (6). She threw me once and I walked 9 miles walking her because I refused to get on her. Then I had to get on her anyways when I told my dad what happened. I'm glad I did. (Sold... May be still at my dad's. Not quite sure)

Lucky<--- first Mule baby from Appache. She's a big old dog. (still on the farm)

John Boy <--- Babe's last baby and a Mule. Just starting to be trained and is doing very well. (still on the farm)

Big Boy <--- One of the mule's my stepdad took in because he's a big ole' softie. (kept)

Mavis <--- Old race horse. Died shortly after foaling one year. (RIP my sweet, sweet girl)

Tylo <-- the very first horse I ever trained by myself (even though I found out later that my stepdad was going and working out his "kinks" when I was at school.) (sold)

Shylo<--- Tylo's mommy. (died of old age)

Soap Creek Warrior<--- One of my all time favorite horses. Dapple grey. Race horse that I retrained to be a trail horse. (sold to a girl who ruined him and then sold him back >.< then retrained and sold again)

Soap Creek's Wild Vader <-- Another of my dad's race horses. (Sold)

Soap Creek's Wild Darth <--- Race horse. (Sold)

BP Tuffy (tuffy for short, because those 2 extra letters are just too much!) <-- an amazing race horse. He was fast 45mph+ kind of fast. But he hated the track so my dad brought him home and trained him for trails and cattle. I've never seen a more willing horse. Even when he was going blind, he'd let me hop on him bareback and not reins/halter and we'd walk around the barn yard for a bit. He got Moon blindness and then pneumonia (really, really bad pneumonia) (Died)

Shades (My baby, RIP my darling) <--- The first horse I was a part of the birthing process for and the only horse my dad ever let me name. She was my charge. I took her for walks halter/no halter. I taught her to play tag with me. We would go wade in the creek together. Sadly, she contracted EPM and if you know anything about it, at the time, the procedure was EXPENSIVE and there was only a 30% chance it would work. My dad didn't have the money to give her the procedure so he sold her to a friend of his, while I was at my (real) dad's house one weekend. I was so angry with him that I wouldn't speak to him for over a year. I know now that he knew I loved her too much to be able to stand back and literally watch her die. (EPM is: Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis. It's basically a virus that attacks a horse's nervous system and causes their motor skills to fail). I watched her run down a hill one day and go head over heels, tumbling down it. She shook it off, got up, and continued running the rest of the way, like she had accepted it. default smiley :$default smiley :'( (died) (RIP my favorite buddy)

Boone <--- Babe's fifth son (one died). He's like another Tuffy. He's really sweet and obedient AND a joy to ride! (still on the farm)

Robi <--- one of my dad's projects that he bought, rehabbed, and then sold to the same girl that ruined Warrior. >.< Surprise! She ruined him too. Now he's a lawn ornament and she rides Gabe. (on the farm)

Mindy <-- another one of my dad's endless project horses. When he got her I spent 16 hours grooming her before I could do anything with her. (for visualization) If you put your hand ANYWHERE on her body, in that area, there were over 30 ticks on it. I spent all my friday night and saturday into the evening grooming her and putting ointment on her. She loved to RUN when she knew the house was close. She was an MFT and a joy to ride. (sold)

Buddy <--- He was a pony and I was too old for him. Never rode him, just took care of him.(sold)

Secret Sail <-- an amazing horse with a great personality. She was my aunt's race horse. She grew up in seclusion and never had any other horses around to learn how to neigh... So her neigh sounded like a choking cat and a donkey.... It was adorable. I rehabbed her for my aunt. (sold)

Sail Dust <---This stallion was a pain in the you know what! One time my dad was feeding him and he (the horse) reached over the fence, grabbed him (my dad) by the arm and tried pulling him over. I don't know why. He'd never done it before. But he never did it again! My dad was NOT happy. Dusty was on creek fence fixing duty for a month! (That's where my dad would choose a horse to ride through the creek to check the fences and wires of our pastures). (sold)

Appache <-- One of the first horses I rode. She was a stubborn old nag. (sold)

Jan (first horse I ever rode) <--- first horse ever rode. She was 36 when she died. I miss her so much. (RIP)

Jet <-- appaloosa/knabstrupper/paint type horse. Really sweet and sassy if that's possible. (sold)

Dock <--- The horse that is responsible for my back problems! He threw me one day while we were training (had an episode the day before with my brother) him in the round pen. He threw me and I landed on a railroad tie on my back. I open my eyes and look up (we had Jed just outside the arena because my dad believes horses learn by watching other horses too) and see two HUGE hooves coming down on me. Turns out Dock threw me out of the round pen and UNDER Jed. I rolled and looked over because a breeze brushed my ear. His feet were less than 6 inches from my head. (sold)

Jed <--- A joy to ride. Half Percheron Half paint. Great little gelding. I have a picture of him somewhere where I'm riding him in the round pen with my sister. He's so big and I'm so TINY! (I was maybe 9 or 10) (sold)

Cheyenne and Oakley <--- Great mares, just misunderstood. She and Oakley came to us after a woman decided she had had them too long and couldn't care for them anymore. They were both 6+ years old and never been ridden. My stepdad failed (like he always does because he thinks it's funny) to tell me what her problem was. We went for a ride and EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING scared her. A piece of tall grass brushed her stomach and I went for a TEN MINUTE bucking riding through the field. She got too far away from her sister and she started prancing/crow hopping and side passing all the way to her sister. My dad decided not to sell Cheyenne and Oakley to me when I came back from the Air Force. He wanted to keep them as driving horses. I later found out he sold them due to his arthritis. (sold and sold)

I'm pretty sure I missed some. default smiley :-))
My stepdad owns a farm/ranch and he used to get "project" horses for me to train and then resell. This was when I was still living with my parents and his arthritis wasn't as bad.
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By Retired breeder, 22nd March 2016 18:13:39
Five names I like are Sirena, Catty, Robin, Tim, and Faira
By Retired breeder, 22nd March 2016 22:04:28
I like to name my horses after my favorite songs:

A Sky Full of Stars
Arwen's Vigil
The Cello Song
New World Symphony
Vivaldi's Winter
mine is silverlight ( my horses name )
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By Retired breeder, 22nd March 2016 23:29:10
By Retired breeder, 23rd March 2016 22:28:56
Mezzeluna, fancy that
By Retired breeder, 24th March 2016 17:18:29
I like the names,

Phoenixdefault smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 25th March 2016 15:46:40
I need a name for an unborn Haflinger. Due to breed requirements, I need female names that start with a G, and male names that start with an A. PM me if you have suggestions please! Please help!default smiley *-)
By Retired breeder, 25th March 2016 16:18:31

I have a horse named whisper
By Retired breeder, 26th March 2016 19:34:44
default smiley :-))
By Retired breeder, 27th March 2016 05:25:02
I personally like this name i made up myself, i use it for almost all of my social mediadefault smiley xd

By Retired breeder, 27th March 2016 15:54:00
Rocket - I always picture a chestnut for some reason.
Diablo - Did anyone watch The Saddle Club? Diablo was my first dream horse, haha.
Socks - He was amazing, a real life horse I knew. When I knocked my tooth out, he came over and comforted me. He just disappeared with his owners one day...
Precious - A horse I know now. She's perfect and has a lovely smooth trot.
Nibbles - A horse I used to know. He would always nibble my hair and so I had to have a hair wash every day. He left because builders decided to use his field to build houses.

I love so many horse names... I have a bad habit of naming every single horse I see or meet. I could spend hours just naming horses and I wouldn't get bored default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 28th March 2016 20:04:36
1. Mist
2. Dazzle
3. Luna
4. Sonata
5. Storm
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