Looking for Congratulations?


If you are searching for other players to swap congratulations this is the only place where we will allow it.
The rest of the forum has to remain usable for other players to get answers to their queries.
Posting congratulation requests elsewhere may get you in trouble.
Thank you for your understanding. default smiley ;)
The Howrse Team

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Help my friend and myself congratulations! default smiley :d im willing to give it back!
Congratulate DivineDemonette and see her page!
Pastel Unicorn
  • Posted messages: 527
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 19th October 2012 19:27:43
Please congrulate me for a objective
By Retired breeder, 19th October 2012 19:35:31
Please congratulate me!
By Retired breeder, 19th October 2012 19:49:27
Please congrulate me for a objective three times
By Retired breeder, 19th October 2012 19:51:47
please please please
default smiley :d
By Retired breeder, 19th October 2012 20:13:48
Please congratulate me!
By Retired breeder, 19th October 2012 21:06:06
I would like to get congratulated so PM me if you do and I will congratulat you.
Dont forget me! default smiley :-))
  • Posted messages: 699
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 19th October 2012 22:07:25
Please congratulate me!
By Retired breeder, 19th October 2012 23:25:57
I would like to get congratulated as I am not often congratulated. Please give me some and I will try to return the favor!
By Retired breeder, 20th October 2012 00:11:01
please congratulate me and ill congratulate you
By Retired breeder, 20th October 2012 00:13:56
Please congratulate me! Also, look on BabyCat's ppage. She will give you a prize for congratulating her the 500th time!
By Retired breeder, 20th October 2012 00:15:54
Congratulate me enough times... And you could win a female unicorn!
By Retired breeder, 20th October 2012 01:40:07
Please congratulate me, I'll congratulate you back if I see it default smiley :d
By Retired breeder, 20th October 2012 02:06:10
dont leave me out of this!!!default smiley :p
By Retired breeder, 20th October 2012 02:12:54
I give back every congratulations and hope to get some in return. Please if you can congratulate me, I will congratulate right back!default smiley (y) (I except random friend requests) default smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 20th October 2012 04:42:13
congrats ME!!!default smiley :-))default smiley :-))default smiley :-))
By Retired breeder, 20th October 2012 05:25:03
Please congratulate me, I will try to return them default smiley :d
By Retired breeder, 20th October 2012 05:25:28
Please congratulate me!!!
By Retired breeder, 20th October 2012 05:59:17
I'll congratulate you if you congratulate me!
I return and stuck on objective reach 1000th in the general or breeders ranking.

And people say you need to get congratulated to complete it

i do return if seen as i said before

and the 400th person to congrat me gets a BM item! default smiley :d
  • Posted messages: 430
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 20th October 2012 07:40:36
Please congratulate medefault smiley :o
  • Posted messages: 352
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 20th October 2012 09:06:29
can someone please congratulate me? I will congratulate you back, I need to do an objective
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