Looking for Congratulations?


If you are searching for other players to swap congratulations this is the only place where we will allow it.
The rest of the forum has to remain usable for other players to get answers to their queries.
Posting congratulation requests elsewhere may get you in trouble.
Thank you for your understanding. default smiley ;)
The Howrse Team

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I you have the chance please congradulate JayFeather, thanks. (She is the top person on my friends list.)
  • Posted messages: 1,061
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 16th April 2012 03:38:39
I need 5 more plese I will congrat back
By Retired breeder, 16th April 2012 03:39:13
sorry don't need them
By Retired breeder, 16th April 2012 03:41:01
I need 5 more congrats PM me saying that you did and i congrat you back default smiley :d
By Retired breeder, 16th April 2012 04:22:40
Attempting to get the Athena wondering horse. default smiley :d

I will try to congratulate anyone who congratulates me.
By Retired breeder, 16th April 2012 04:30:34
I only need one congrats, I will return it!!
By Retired breeder, 16th April 2012 04:38:45
help me out? :P i still have quite a few to go default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 16th April 2012 04:58:15
*congratulates the last few pages* <3
Congradulate me, and I'll return the favor and visit your forum,even though I have the horse.
  • Posted messages: 972
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 16th April 2012 05:38:31
please congratulate me anyone who can and ill return the favour.
By Retired breeder, 16th April 2012 05:39:27
Anyone, please
By Retired breeder, 16th April 2012 05:56:51
Please congratulate me. I will return as many as I see.
Also, please visit my forum. There is a topic there to honor the two race horses that died in the Grand National on Saturday.
By Retired breeder, 16th April 2012 06:26:48
I need a few thank you I will congratulate u immediatly
By Retired breeder, 16th April 2012 06:43:03
I just need 2 more congrats now. Returning the ones I see "of course" default smiley (y)
By Retired breeder, 16th April 2012 06:57:52
16:55:02 < Howrse > Athena has joined your breeding farm! unread

Thanks default smiley :-))
By Retired breeder, 16th April 2012 07:09:31
I really need congrats because I really want to get high in the popularity ratingsdefault smiley (y)default smiley :-))

Please help me reach my goal♥
By Retired breeder, 16th April 2012 07:21:22
please help me get athena default smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 16th April 2012 08:13:55
Woluld love to add athena to my breeding farm, congrat me and I will return the favour to help you
By Retired breeder, 16th April 2012 08:23:46
Hey, I need congrats, please help!
By Retired breeder, 16th April 2012 08:36:14
Please congratulate me default smiley ;)

default smiley (y)default smiley (l)default smiley (y)
By Retired breeder, 16th April 2012 09:23:05
Just need 5 more congrats, please? I will return all asap
By Retired breeder, 16th April 2012 09:44:36
5 more congrats please!! I will return them if yo PM me saying you did
By Retired breeder, 16th April 2012 10:38:56
I got Athena, thanks everyone default smiley :)
but now, I have an objective to get a congrats from another player default smiley (lol) please help?
By Retired breeder, 16th April 2012 10:56:46
Hi everyone, I'm looking to get some more congrats. I will be really greatfull and return the favour to anyone who congratulates me within 5 mins.



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