Looking for Congratulations?


If you are searching for other players to swap congratulations this is the only place where we will allow it.
The rest of the forum has to remain usable for other players to get answers to their queries.
Posting congratulation requests elsewhere may get you in trouble.
Thank you for your understanding. default smiley ;)
The Howrse Team

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By Retired breeder, 13th April 2012 23:11:07
ill congrat back!!!!
By Retired breeder, 13th April 2012 23:26:47
need congrats ill congrats back
By Retired breeder, 13th April 2012 23:32:25
I need congratulations..... I haven't had any for almost a week
By Retired breeder, 13th April 2012 23:55:38
Congratulations in exchange for Congratulations.
By Retired breeder, 13th April 2012 23:57:58
Me too i congrats back
I need more congrats! I will return all I see
  • Posted messages: 303
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 14th April 2012 00:04:17
Please congrats me and I will return all I see. Thank youdefault smiley :-))
By Retired breeder, 14th April 2012 00:25:37
I just need like 40 more Congratulations!
Congratulations in exchange for Congratulations. default smiley :d

~Thank you
By Retired breeder, 14th April 2012 00:34:43
Hey guys, thank you for all the congrats! I got Athena... if you need congrats, just PM me! =D
I need congrats, I'll congratulate you back. Good luck to everybody!!
  • Posted messages: 2,071
  • Karma: 10 points
I need congrats, I'll congratulate you back. Good luck to everybody!!
  • Posted messages: 2,071
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 14th April 2012 00:52:38
Ill congrats back!!!
By Retired breeder, 14th April 2012 00:58:11
only need a few left pls help medefault smiley :-))
By Retired breeder, 14th April 2012 01:05:44
Please Congratulate me!!! I'll return the favor only need 13!!!(:
By Retired breeder, 14th April 2012 01:12:35
12 more congrats and I will be done. I will return the favor. <3
By Retired breeder, 14th April 2012 01:13:44
I need 25 more congradulations i will try to congrate back
By Retired breeder, 14th April 2012 01:22:53
Ill congrat back (:
By Retired breeder, 14th April 2012 01:43:42
As long as I can still see your name, I will try to congratulate everyone who congratulates me. Happy Howrsing! default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 14th April 2012 01:44:12
Please congratulate me, I will congratulate back.default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 14th April 2012 01:54:46
I am at 91%!!! Almost done!! Thank you all for helping!! I keep the favor!
By Retired breeder, 14th April 2012 02:02:37
Please i only need 6 more!!! I promise to return the favor!!!(:
By Retired breeder, 14th April 2012 02:06:21
Now only 2!!! Please!!!(:
By Retired breeder, 14th April 2012 02:22:39
-_- I'll congrats back! PLEASE!
By Retired breeder, 14th April 2012 02:25:09
need congrats ?
By Retired breeder, 14th April 2012 02:37:15
half way there default smiley :d
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